Chapter 8

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(Day 3, Madeline)
     I stared up at the morning sky, exhausted from escaping him again. I couldn't believe my trick had worked, but I was still alive. I will live through this, or die trying, there will be no giving up for me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to clear my mind so I could focus on getting out of the woods.
     I reopened them to find myself in severe discomfort. I looked down at my body and didn't notice anything wrong so I stood. Pain attacked my left arm and it forced me to hold back a scream as I grabbed it with my right arm and held it in place.
     I couldn't tell if it was actually broken or if it was just seriously injured. I hoped that it was the latter and began to move away from where I had come, hoping I could find some source of food, but I had no idea where I was. Suddenly I remembered Amber's love of herbology. I remembered her telling me of different edible plants out in the woods. Strawberries, well wild strawberries, they are edible, just be careful of what kind of berry you're picking. My eyes darted for any signs of red while I walked. I thought of Amber, my other best friend. She would help me with subjects in school that I didn't understand. I suddenly missed her voice. Tears fell from my eyes as I remembered her.
"Why did he have to do this to me?! I don't understand! We've been friends for years, practically grew up together."
     As I thought of my childhood I remembered a story about the woods. An old woman, a witch lived out in the woods. She ate people in her salads and tortured their souls with her magic. I found myself shivering as I contemplated moving forward, but I had to go somewhere.
     I took a couple more steps, looking at the ground in remembrance. Suddenly a bright red came into view. I refocused my tearful eyes on the red fruit. I racked my thoughts to think of the name of the plant. Tomatoes! I plucked one off and placed it in my mouth, when my teeth crushed the tomato, it exploded, the sweet juice filled my mouth and I felt joyful.
     I reached for the next one and after that, another. It's a miracle! Just like the pond! I thought happily as I ate one tomato after the other. I looked around when all the tomatoes were gone and realized they were everywhere. I moved to the next one and tried to satisfy my hunger. After I ate a couple more I heard the sound of leaves rustling and looked up to find an old woman standing over me. She had long, white hair with soft blue eyes. I backed away in fear, remembering the old stories. She just stared at me a weak smile on her face.
"It's okay child."
     I stared in confusion and fear. She obviously picked up on my feelings through my facial expressions and reached out her hand. I looked up at her, losing myself in her eyes. Should I trust her, my trust has been stressed to the limits lately and... My right hand quickly met hers and she helped me to my feet. I stood slightly over her and she looked up at me.
"Why are you so scared?"
     She asked as we began to make our way towards the old wooden, abandoned looking house I had failed to notice earlier. I thought for a moment on how to answer.
"There are stories, that an old woman eats people in her salads, along with torturing their souls with magic."
"Is that so?" She said smiling in amusement.
"I'm assuming that isn't true." I said relaxing.
"No, but I do eat salads." She replied calmly.
"What are you doing this far in the woods?"
"I could ask you the same question."
"I was betrayed by someone I trusted."
"I retreated from the stressfulness of the town a long time ago. I didn't want to deal with the problems others were facing, well the dumb ones. Would you like to stay with me, we can discuss this over lunch."
"Please, I've been alone for days. I'm sorry for eating your tomatoes."
"It's okay, I understand."
      I felt okay in her presence, I needed somewhere to stay, be safe. Then maybe she could direct me to town and then I can go home! I thought in joy as we approached the front door.
(Night 3-Day 3, Diane)
     I wasn't sure what awoke me, but when I looked over at the digital clock I noticed that it was only three in the morning. I scanned the dark room finding nothing of interest. I softly turned over to face away from the clock and froze in fear as my eyes fell onto a hideous face.
     I felt the need to scream but I couldn't. The figure reached out and placed its hand on my face. I felt comforted, but scared at the same time. It had long black hair, but its face was completely disfigured and I couldn't make anything out. I came to the conclusion that it was a woman and as I went to speak their hand moved to hush me.
     I nodded and watched as they removed the covers to reveal that they had been cut in two. Their legs were nowhere in sight and my heart began to race along with my thoughts. Is it a ghost? Spirit? Demon? Why is it here? Why is it revealing itself to me? Suddenly it spoke.
"Ask him who he is." Her voice was soft and kind.
     I wasn't given a chance to ask any of my questions before she faded into the darkness. My eyes suddenly felt heavy and I closed them, falling quickly back asleep, until around seven in the morning when I smelled coffee.
      I sat up and watched as the sun filtered through the blinds and touched my skin. Standing I found myself feeling refreshed and unafraid. I shuffled to the door yawning as I exited the room and traveled down the hallway to the stairs.
"Ask him who he is."
     The voice rang in my ears as I stopped. I felt a hand on my shoulder and the whisper in my ear. The world seemed to stop for a minute as I remembered last night, the woman who had laid next to me in the bed. Finally I was released and I quickly made my way down the stairs and into the kitchen, which had a bar with the dining room on the other side.
     I took a seat at the bar and watched as Parker poured two cups of coffee and turned to give me one. I took it and sipped, the hot coffee touched my lips and slid down my throat. Parker leaned on the bar sipping his coffee.
"Who are you?" I asked.
"What?" He asked setting his coffee down.
"Who are you?" I asked again more intently.
"I'm Parker."
"I know, but who are you? Like what do you do?"
"I used to be a police officer, but now I write."
"What happened?"
"I felt a change in passion."
     A sense of awkwardness filled the room and I drank more coffee and he stared off behind me, seemingly in remembrance. I couldn't stand the silence of the room, but continued to sit in silence.
"There is more to it than that."
"What?" I said as Parker looked at me.
"What?" He responded.
"Didn't you just say something?"
     I turned away from in horror as I realized that it wasn't him. I knew I needed to change the subject and thought back to the girl who had gone missing. Was she even still alive? Who is she?
"We should go report the missing girl to the police."
"That would seem suspicious." He replied.
"But I know she is in the woods."
"But you don't know where exactly."
"We can still try!"
"They won't believe you, but okay, just let me go grab my stuff."
     He left the room and walked up the steps, I stood and walked around the room waiting. I walked the length of the dining room, looking at the neat artwork on the shelf and lining the walls. A tiny box of colorful pebbles caught my attention and I picked one up, inspecting it. It was a polished deep blue, with red and yellow spots.
     I replaced it as I heard the sound of something falling. I looked over at a picture frame that had fallen off the shelf. I cautiously made my way over, crouching next to it and reached down to pick it up. Turning it over I found that inside lied a picture of Parker with some woman with long black hair.
     I heard the sound of feet on the steps and quickly replaced the picture on the shelf and returned to Parker as he grabbed the keys off the wall and opened the door. We left, shutting off the lights and locking the door. As we backed out of the driveway I looked up at the bedroom window and saw the woman's face there, staring down at us. Only she had a beautiful face and long black hair, suddenly the realization hit me. That's the woman from last night and in the photo. The only problem was I didn't know exactly what she meant to Parker, but deep down I had a feeling that they had been together.
     Our drive was long and slow, painfully slow. The traffic had picked up as people went their separate ways to go to their jobs. Finally we made it into town and I watched the cars roll by, unaware of the pain some of us were feeling. We don't worry about those we don't know, we don't listen to the cries of strangers.
     I turned away from the outside and stared ahead at the police station. A few cars were parked there and as we pulled in we watched a car turn on its sirens and leave. Parker stopped the car and we exited, heading towards the doors. As we stepped inside we found another woman there. An officer approached us and asked what we needed.
"A girl has gone missing and we figured we should report it." I spoke clearly.
"We already have reports of a missing girl." He gestured to the woman sitting against the wall before continuing to talk.
"Thank you, if you have any more important information feel free to tell me now, I have to go." He said before he looked up at Parker and a look of recognition appeared.
"What are you doing with this man?" He directed his voice at me.
"He helped me through a dark time, why?"
     He said quickly and left, the sound of a car starting and then sirens could be heard for a minute, slowly becoming more and more faint until they could no longer be heard. We all felt awkward being alone in the police station so I finally broke the silence.
"What's your name?"
"It's nice to meet you Amber, I'm Diane and this is Parker."
"Hi." She said as she stood and shook our hands.
"So are you the missing girl's friend."
"Yes, she didn't show up for our study session and it wasn't like her to do that."
"What's her name?"
     Pain pressed against the back of my eyes and made me feel as though they would fly out of my head. Parker caught me before I fell and held onto me tightly, holding me up. I blinked a few times as images of a family appeared before my eyes.
"What's going on? Should I call an ambulance?" Amber said frightened.
"No it's okay." Parker said calmly.
     My eyes felt heavy and closed and I felt vulnerable, more vulnerable than ever as my eyes switched to that of Madeline's. She was hiding behind a tree from a man, who I couldn't make out clearly. He held a knife and moved closer to her. The last thing I saw was Madeline throw a rock. I blinked back into reality.
"What's going on?" Amber asked concerned.
"Madeline is still alive and she is one smart girl." I spoke of Madeline in high respect for making it this far.
"Oh my God! You can see her! Where is she?"
"Somewhere in the woods. I can't pinpoint the location though."

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