Chapter 28

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(Day 8, Natalie)
"What are you talking about? Those woods are too large and there are so many people already looking, we don't need to add two more to the list of people needing to be rescued."
"I thought you were Madeline's best friend? I don't know about today but when I said best friend I meant someone I would die for."
     Amber looked down at her feet, messing with her fingers as she thought for a moment. She then looked up at me, a look of realization on her face. I stared back at her, hardened eyes and strong posture.
"Let's go save Madeline."
     She finally agreed. I darted to my room and grabbed a nice pair of pants, throwing them on and taking off my tank top for a long sleeve shirt. I pulled on a beige long coat over my white shirt and grabbed a hair tie. I pulled most of my hair from my face and tied it behind my neck.
"I'm coming baby, just hold on a little longer."
     I whispered softly onto the breeze coming in through the window before exiting my room. Amber was tying her shoes and saying something under her breath.
"We'll save her. We have to."
     I could barely make out before announcing my presence to the younger female. She looked up at me with hope filling her soul. I helped her stand and together we left my house, heading towards the cold woods nearby in search of my daughter.
(Day 8, Diane)
     I stared out the window as the car pressed onwards. Officer Buck had an emotionless face as he watched for other cars, speeding to get to the place I had shown him on the map. My heart felt broken.
     Maybe I'm just upset. I reasoned as my throat began to burn at the sting of tears. I'm just stressed out, worried too much, not calm enough. The tears returned, silently falling down my face as I continued to stare into the deep woods next to us.
     The car stopped suddenly. Around it was a dirt parking area with logs for dividers. We sat in silence, both staring out the windshield in wonder, mystery, and sorrow. Anger pressed against the sides of my head.
"Should I call for an ambulance?"
"Wouldn't we have to move her closer? To the edge of the woods I mean."
"Go ahead and call in."
     I called my left hand as I pushed open the door, fresh winter air rushing in to attack me. With a few rapid blinks, the snowflakes left my eyes. I slammed the car door closed.
"Damn you Asher!"
"I called it in, they'll be here rather soon, we ought to head in now."
"Before we go, call in more police. There is a building out here that needs to be investigated, I happened upon it and inside was terrible things. Evidence of murders.
"Are you sure?"
"Eyeballs were strung up like Christmas lights!"
"Holy shit. I'll call it in as well."
     He returned into his car to make the call, while I stepped further away from the car. The dirt rose up in dust clouds as snowflakes landed on the ground.
"Madeline it wasn't supposed to be this way." I started, looking out into the vast wilderness, "You were supposed to get out. Live. Live for Janet. Mary. Everyone who has sacrificed themselves to save you. Please tell me that it isn't over yet."
     Images flashed into my head. Water, I was underwater. I couldn't move. Bright white light. Dark crimson coated my eyes. A blurry face. Before I knew it I felt an arm around my back and under my legs. When the images stopped I looked up into the very dim sunlight to see Buck's face looking down at me.
"You okay Diane?"
     I looked around and realized he was holding me in his arms. The strong hold made me feel safe, but uncomfortable knowing I was this close to him. I moved and he set me down so I could stand.
"What happened?"
"Images of something appeared before my eyes."
"Did you see anything recognizable?"
"Was it a vision of Madeline?"
"I don't know."
     We both turned towards the woods in confusion before walking into them, moving branches out of our way and stomping on thorn bushes.
(Day 8, Victoria)
     I attempted to stay low to the snow covered ground as I crept towards where Asher had gone. The sound of a small waterfall soon approached my ears with a hushed roar of defiance. My hand holding the knife trembled as I slowed to a stop, staring down at a tiny stream as it cut through the woods.
     Looking closer I noticed footprints in the snow, just barely able to make out. Moving deeper into the woods, following the footprints I found Asher. He was walking towards me and for a moment I thought he saw me, then I peeked over the edge more and saw a broken Madeline.
     From the distance I couldn't tell if she was alive or dead, my eyes wanted to shut as Asher approached. He is capable of breaking her. I have to help! I screamed internally at myself. He stepped up to her and still I remained unmoving.
     His mouth opened and closed next to her ear, whispering words into her unmoving body. I knew if Madeline wasn't dead then she was close enough to it. I willed my body to act, to save her and he forcefully grabbed the front of her shirt, pulling her away from the hill, but my body didn't react.
(Day 8, Madeline)
     I floated in darkness, nothingness. I couldn't tell which way was what, then a door opened. A bright red light shining into the darkness. I turned the other way, a dim blue light emitted from that path. Where do I go? I tried to walk and I moved forward.
     Peering into the dim blue light I saw a little house. Mary and Janet were standing outside, waving as people passed by. I wanted to cry with joy at knowing that they were there, but my eyes couldn't produce tears.
     A tug from behind me, pulled me backwards, but my hands latched onto the sides of the door frame leading to the wonderful house in front of me. The tug became rougher, harder. My knuckles turned whiter than they were already from the strain, before they were suddenly torn from the blueish door frame.
     I was pulled deep into the void before being slung back towards the red door. As I flew towards it, words entered my head.
"I found you. And I'll make sure you die this time."
     I was suddenly thrown into Madeline's body, the sun blinded me as it peeked from behind clouds. Someone was dragging my roughly across the snow covered rocks and pebbles. Then just as I went to take my first breath I was submerged underwater.
     Sunlight rippled through the waters thrashing surface as I wiggled around. My hands reaching for the hands forcing my head underwater. I pounded against the arm pushing my head forcefully against the ground, drowning me.
     The pressure loosened slightly then my arm burned violently, red began to cover my vision as something dripped down my arm. The redness dyed the water and the sunlight creeping in.
     My mind wrestled violently, commanding my limbs to work, but it was in vain. I'll die. Again? My lungs couldn't stand it anymore, they felt like they would erupt in flame and burn me from the inside out.
     Vomit felt like it was rising in my throat from the lack of air. My eyes struggled to see through the blood filled water. I tried turning my head and caught a glimpse of someone I knew. I felt my mind retreat into somewhere else.
     I wasn't very old. Only a few years, and he stood beside me. I looked into his eyes as he stared back into mine. We smiled innocently as we then darted for the swing set, my mother calling after me, telling me to be careful.
     We sat next to each other swinging, our legs going back and forth, and then again and again. Until we both were high in the air looking down at our parents. The words being shouted weren't clear, but he stopped swinging abruptly. His dad rushed over and grabbed him, pulling him away from the playground.
     My mom came over and gently sat next to me, swinging the best she could. Saying words of reassurance as I stared off towards him. Then suddenly we were in school. A middle school and I was watching him walk towards me as tears filled my eyes.
     He kindly put a hand on my shoulder and pulled me aside, talking to me. Telling me I was okay, and that I needed to move on, how I was stronger. Looking up through teary eyes I noticed the purple spot under his eye.
     Then we were a bit older and I was talking to him out at the playground, but he wouldn't sit down on the swing. So I stood next to him as we leaned against a fence. We spoke quietly to each other.
     We spoke about our missing family. How my father had died when I was still a baby and how his mother had left him with his father. He spoke about his father in high respect and regard.
     I was never sure if it was fear or actual respect. But every day he would ignore the fact that he was always bruised. I figured it was his father, but never could bring myself to ask to be sure.
     Then I was standing next to Amber, entering class. We spoke about different plants, then Amber randomly switched subjects. Confusing me for a moment.
"I was supposed to give this to you."
"What is it?"
I had asked as I received the sealed note.
"It's a note."
"Yeah, but from who?"
"Open it later."
     I had waited until after school where I opened the letter, reading over it again and again. Then finally reading the name signed at the bottom. Asher. Then as I was brought back to reality I realized I had never known a Parker.
     I got confirmation before I go. I thought as my mouth went to open to let water come streaming in, effectively drowning me. My arms were pushing against the ground, but were useless as I knew my time was up.
     Then I was suddenly above the water, taking in lots of cold winter air. My throat stopped burning and I could hear and see after rubbing my eyes and backing out of the water. Looking across the stream I watched as Victoria wrestled with Asher.
     I shouted in pure joy and happiness and relief. My spirits rised as I knew I was saved. Then Asher rolled them over and he was atop her. His knife sunk into her abdomen and I gasped, my hand covering my mouth.
     He repeatedly forced the knife in and out of her abdomen, breaking her and turning her into a bloody mess. I couldn't speak, my words caught in my throat. I wanted to stab him and stab him, over and over again.
"How many times do I have to stab you before you die!"
     He shouted at her as she finally went limp beneath him. He then turned to face me and crossed the stream, bloody knife in hand, ready to carve into human flesh. End a life. The blood dripped into the stream, adding to the blood from my arm.
     I heard my mom call just as Asher reached me. He then turned towards the voice before leaning in close to me.
"I'll be right back."
     He then started to walk away. Once he disappeared from view I crawled over to Victoria, trying to stop the bleeding. I tore off my sweatshirt and put the main part over the massive wounds on her abdomen and tied it behind her as tight as possible. My strength diminishing quickly.

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