Chapter 14

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(Day 5-Night 6, Madeline)
I held back the scream in fear of Parker knowing where I was. He should burn in there, he can't get out. I took a deep breath and began to carefully walk away, checking my wound to make sure it wouldn't reopen. After reassuring myself I continued through the woods.
Thorn bushes cut my ankles no matter how careful I tried to be. My mind traveled away from my current situation, imagining everything was alright and that this was just an ordinary hike through the woods. It seemed as though I had walked for miles before my legs began to wear out and I needed to rest. I rested my back against a tree and laid my head on my knees, getting as comfortable as possible.
My eyelids were heavy and they fell closed. I awoke to a cold, sharp breeze that blew leaves into my face. I stood, watching the soft, white flakes lightly land on the ground. It's snowing! I'm going to freeze, I need to get to town very soon. Or find some other way to stay warm.
My legs moved faster as the sun began to sink below the horizon, signaling night was rushing to beat me. Suddenly the trees ended and before me was a field and beyond that, Everport. I'm almost there! I made it! I pushed forward, fighting the pain building in my legs.
Large grass tickled my ankles, yet they also grabbed at them, trying to pull me down. Stop me from reaching home. My left foot collided with my right and I fell, hitting the ground hard. The blades of grass cut my face like paper, blood gushing from my face.
A voice called to me, screaming my name, yelling for me to come home. Mom? I questioned in my head, remembering the last time I heard her voice. I had been tricked before, but not now. Not when I can make it! My arms stood at the ready next to my head, extending when I felt strong enough to do so.
Crawling to my feet I stared at the woman standing on the edge of the sidewalk. She yelled my name until we locked eyes, and as we did she started beckoning me over to her. I limped, rushed to her. She seemed so familiar, like she was an older version of me.
As my feet met the ground in front of the sidewalk she reached out her hand, pulling me onto the sidewalk, but as I looked up at her face, it was a completely different woman. She was so injured, so hurt like me. I wanted to pull away on instinct, to push her away, but she held tightly.
"I'll help you, just trust me."
"Let go of me!" I screamed in horror.
"Please just trust me, I know who you are Madeline."
"How do you know me?!"
I asked terrified, but stopped panicking. She moved her mouth to talk again, but no words reached my ears. The sound of a siren filled my ears and I turned just in time to watch as a police car sped towards us. The blue and red lights combined with the headlights of the car blinded me more as they came closer. I felt the impact and everything went dark.
(Day 5-Night 6, Diane)
My jaw hung open at her words. Somewhere deep down I felt like I had known, but I never wanted to believe or I never really though about it. My mind felt crowded by all the new information. Parker, Madeline. Somehow they felt connected. I couldn't put my finger on it, but some force inside me made me believe they were connected.
"I didn't want to believe it was you, I spent years trying to find you again, but I never could."
"Natalie are you okay?" Amber asked.
"Yes, I'm fine, it's just been so long."
"Wait, so I am Madeline's sister and you're my mom?"
"Yeah, we had to put you up for adoption because we couldn't afford you, we were young and dumb and I didn't want to give you away. Neither of us did, but we had to."
"What happened that night?"
"What night?"
"The night of the fire."
"Oh. I woke up to the fire alarm going off and your father, he was going insane, freaking out and everything and he rushed to go save Madeline. I was frozen in fear, couldn't think or move until I heard the cracking whip that was the popping of the fire. The heat was intense, but I continued to stand there like an idiot."
"Do you know what started the fire?"
"I don't, the firemen think it was just some accident, but your father thought it was some people who lived out in the woods, trying to get rid of him. He bought a gun that I was completely against, but he hid it in the walls somewhere."
"What do you believe?"
"What do you mean?"
"Do you think it was just some accident or the people in the woods?"
"I think it was an accident, but it was a bit suspicious. I don't know."
"Well, thank you that should help me understand."
"Thank you. For letting me see you again. It's been so long." She paused. "It's funny. I lose one daughter and the other shows up."
"I don't think it's a coincidence." Amber spoke up again.
"Family helps each other."
Natalie stood as I did and we embraced. I could feel the tears fall on my shoulder, but I needed to find a way to save Madeline. I need to go, I've got to find Madeline. Knowing now that she was my sister I felt more obligated to find her, and it seemed that the visions weren't the only thing connecting us now.
"I'll get Madeline back, I promise."
"Thank you."
She said as Amber held her. Nodding at me to leave, mouthing, "I'll stay here with her" to me. I returned the nod and left, smiling at the noon sun. Climbing into the truck I felt awkward. Everything seems to have just happened now. Madeline, Victoria, and I.
With a shake of my head I started the engine and put the truck in reverse. Parker! Where is he? I pulled out of Natalie's driveway and onto the road, giving the house one last look before driving away. I can't believe I've been living near my real mom.
I pulled up to Parker's house and slammed on the brakes as I noticed the broken window. What's going on? What happened? I carefully exited the truck and headed for the front door, opening the door with ease. My breath quickened and my heart beat at a million miles per hour. I had to force myself to calm down before continuing.
The sight of blood instilled fear. Where's Janet and Victoria? Are they okay? Moving more into the room I found a large puddle of blood. Who's blood is it? On the kitchen counter was a file, containing a few papers.
Swinging around the corner a blood puddle sent me falling, my head hitting the floor hard. The world was spinning around me and I couldn't make a fist, my muscles too tired and weak. Don't pass out!
My eyes struggled to stay open, my muscles struggled to move as I attempted to stand, using the counter to help me. As I got to my feet I looked down at my bloody attire. Not good. Shuffling carefully, I approached the file. As I moved my bloody hand to turn the page I noticed writing in the corner. A name! Parker? What does he have in here? When was he here?
I called in fear, wonder, and confusion, hoping for a response that never came. Inside the file was a few papers and pictures. One paper stood out from the rest, a letter. I held it up and read over it, my eyes following ever word, my mouth repeating them out loud.
"Madeline, come meet me at the corner of Rose street and Tulip. Behind the large bushes along the sidewalk. I have a surprise I can't wait to give you, I hope you like it."
The birthday note was signed by someone named Asher. I replaced the note inside and noticed another paper. It seemed like just some old legal paper, but scribbled on the side was, "Madeline and Asher a couple?" I couldn't understand why Parker was investigating so intently. Suddenly I felt that familiar pain.
I sat down, back against the refrigerator. My vision was hers and I watched as she peered from behind a wall at a man in the doorway, but her movements were too fast to get a good look at the person. My vision was fading quickly and suddenly it was only black as I heard one word.
My eyes shot open and I stood, returning to the file. No! Parker can't be the one trying to murder Madeline! He has been so nice to me, why? I looked quickly back through the papers, all of which had something to do with this "Asher" and my mind started to doubt everything I knew about Parker. Suddenly I remembered the woman, Vivian. How she kept telling me to ask him who he is.
Then I thought about the vision and how he was absent for everything and had the time to go after Madeline. My rage built within me, but only showed up as tears, but I kept dwelling on it, how much it made sense except for motive. Rereading the note I thought again of how he had a bunch of items relating to Asher. Is he trying to frame Asher for the murder of Madeline?
The tears fell onto the paper and I backed away, balling my fists as I thought it over again and again in my head. He is trying to murder my sister! As I backed into the refrigerator behind me my eyes noticed the picture of Parker and Vivian together. Maybe Madeline was responsible for the death of Vivian and that's why.
A new energy filled me as I realized I needed to find Madeline even faster now. I charged towards the letter and read it again, noting the meeting spot and headed to the front door in anger. Rose and Tulip, behind the bushes. I climbed into his truck, starting it and backing out of the driveway furiously.
I began my drive to the spot, each second spent thinking on the subject furthering my hatred towards Parker. Even if she did cause Vivian's death, you move on. You don't go kill my sister! With that thought I pushed the pedal down harder. The lights and buildings were a blur as the road disappeared underneath the truck's hood.
My hatred and anger brought tears to my eyes as my protective feelings kicked in and I slammed the pedal against the floorboard. The tears clouded my vision and the semi truck barreling down the road on my right was completely obscured from my vision. The impact of the other vehicle hitting me was enough for me to blackout.
Madeline woke up to the falling snowflakes. She suddenly was running and came across a clearing. Everport stood proudly over the field and the woman, who resembled Natalie, and then me. The grass grabbed and cut Madeline, injuring her further, but she still made it to the woman who pulled her out of the grass.
She held Madeline tightly and when she looked up at the woman's face I realized that it was Victoria. I was confused, but knew that Madeline was safe until the bright lights and police sirens filled my senses. I wanted Madeline to move, I tried with everything I had in me to try to persuade her to move, but as usual everything was in vain. Victoria held tightly as Madeline struggled to get away, the lights became brighter and brighter until I could physically feel the police car hitting her.
My mind couldn't decide whether or not it was real, I couldn't comprehend and I didn't want to believe. Had Parker gotten to her and consequently Victoria? Suddenly my mind felt like it was being pulled into a void. One of complete darkness and numbness.

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