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I got inspired by another story here by @Freeze_you_out  and got her permission on doing a sequel so here is the first chapter. I also had been day dreaming of Mamma Mia since I love both movies and Cher and Andy so here we go. Let me know if you like it

I swear if we didn't have to part for breath our lips would still be emerge in that passionate and loving kiss we both desired for so long. Hoping to not be dreaming and also almost completely out of breath, we parted and just gazed at each other lovingly. Suddenly reality hit and I became aware of my surroundings. I turned away from Fernando so he wouldn't see my tear fall; here I was reuniting with my one true love and promising to myself that I would never be apart from him. Then again, I grew apart from my daughter and my granddaughter all their lives because of what I called work when the real reason stands in front of me right now fifty years later, now with our daughter gone. Fernando hugs me from behind to try and comfort me but it only makes the guilt grow, I think about Sophie, I said I was going to commit to being a "grandmother" so maybe this is my chance to redeem myself. Maybe now I have a second chance with Sophie and my great grandson. But, should I tell Sophie that Fernando is her grandfather? How?

Fernando turns me around so I could look at him much to my opposition and he frowns when he sees I had cried "What is the matter mi Amor?" he says wiping off my tears

I had always been a women of strong character, for over fifty years I had to be so I could get through my career and life but when I look into Fernando's eyes, I turn into a little girl afraid of everything "I have no idea what to do now" I admit "I have made so many mistakes in my life, first with Donna and then with Sophie. I'm scared to mess it up again" Fernando just looks at me and kisses my forehead.

"You won't" he says "This time we can make up for lost time... together" he holds me tight in his arms and I feel my knees trembling. Fernando always has that effect on me. That moment was interrupted by my cell phone vibrating in my back pocket. I look at it and almost choked, damn it! I forgot to tell my agent I was coming to Greece.

"I'm sorry, I have to take this" I said to Fernando leaving him dumbstruck and going to the other end of the room.

"Hello?" I answered "Yes, I know and I'm sorry to have left without telling you. I had a family emergency" immediately said but was argued by the awful reminder that I had never left my singing career to attend any family business "I know that thank you very much, don't need to rub it in" I said with a very harsh voice to which he responded on business issues "Yeah, I left the tour half way but I felt the need to be here... and I was right" I sweetened my voice half sentence looking at Fernando and he had this look on his face that I couldn't figure out. That expressionless face scared me so I finally said "I will call you to let you know what I'm going to do" with that I hung up the phone and looked down on the floor. I was too embarrassed to see Fernando's face after what he just witness.

Being the wonderful person that he is, Fernando came closer to me, took my hands and planted them in his chest then spoke which made me look at him sadly.

"Even after fifty years apart, I still know every gesture you make and know when something bothers you. Talk to me please, que pasa?" he said

I can only love him even more for worrying about what happens to me but I am afraid to tell him the ultimatum my agent put on me.

"That was my agent, I forgot to tell him I was coming and now he is angry at me" I felt desperate because I didn't know what to do "He told me to come back because I left without finishing a tour and said if I don't go the record company will sue me for my recklessness" I love my career; I have been a perfectionist, professional and famous singer for so long that it has become the only thing that mattered. It didn't come to mind how much it affected my life until it was too late. I also love my family; after Donna died I was devastated so when Sky called me I didn't think twice and came for hopes of a second chance. That let me of course to the surprise of reuniting with Fernando which makes the hopes so much higher but the decision so much harder.

"I can't let him do that, also can't leave Sophie when I told her that I was going to commit to being her grandmother which I failed to do" I instantly fell on the office chair and sighed. I seemed tough on the outside but on the inside my head is filled with nervousness and insecurities. That is the face nobody else but Fernando had seen in my life. He quickly kneeled on the chair beside me, took my hand and placed a gentle kiss on the back of it.

"Ruby, you know I will always be with you and know I will support you in whatever decision you make. Sophie is a strong young woman who has carried her mother's legacy since she parted; now that she is to be a mother as well she is going to be twice as strong." Fernando said sweetly

"Sophie has your character so she will get through this" he teased and I smiled

"Besides, she has Sky, Sam and everyone who loves her to help her. She also has his grandfather now to be closer to her. I had helped her since Donna died" He pulled a sad face and said "Even if I didn't get to know my daughter, even without knowing our connection I love Sophie as my granddaughter already." It hurt that Fernando didn't get to meet Donna, they were so much alike it would have been a great adventure for the three of us together but life is unfair and I was responsible for that which I regret deeply now. My consolation is hearing him say he loves Sophie as a granddaughter already even if he did not know then they was related.

Fernando pulled me closer to him then put his hands on my face "If I waited fifty years wishing to see you again, I can wait for you until you return and be a family" then kissed me softly

When we parted I had my eyes wide open, I was shocked in disbelieve of what I just heard. Fernando was telling me to leave and that he would wait for me to come back. But, I can't leave now without Sophie knowing who her grandfather is; I wanted us to tell her together.

"What about telling Sophie you're his grandfather? When we get out of here I won't be able to look at her in the eyes" I say "I have never been in her life, come in promising to be part of it and then leave again unsure if I will come back" every time I tried to get close to her or Donna I ended up backing up at last minute scared of messing everything up. I was on the verge of tears

"My darling calm down, don't let her see you like this" he says taking me in his arms once again "If you want, we don't tell her until you come back so we can do it together. I believe that you will come back to us... to me. I understand the sacrifices you have to make for both your career and your family" this man truly is the most amazing person I have ever met, apart for so many things, this is one of the reasons I love him.

"What about Sophie? She will think I'm leaving for good again" I couldn't help but feel guilty again

"I will find a way to talk to her" he said I sighed in defeat and he gestured me to the door so we could leave

Nothing was preparing me for what waited for me next but I made a promise to myself to make sure I came back for good this time. As we exited the office, I felt a lot of eyes on me and Fernando since we were holding hands. We were getting close to the first step when I heard a voice.

"Grandma" Sophie had called and I quickly panicked. How will I do this?

I said the first thing that came to mind "Soph, I know that I owe you an explanation but right now I have to go"

"Your leaving again, I can't believe this" she seemed upset, of course she will be "What about what you said of committing?"

She was right but I knew I was making the right decision somehow to leave now and come back then to stay and be put on trial. I couldn't say anything so I turned to Fernando and put my hands on his chest.

"I promise to come back as soon as I am done, it won't be long, take care of her until then" Knowing he will take care of our granddaughter he replied "I will, with my life" I pulled him for a last kiss and walked up the long stairs without saying a word. I know I still had to give some answers and an explanation but those would have to wait until I got back. I promised myself and to Fernando that I would come back because as much as I love my work, family come first. 

Here we go again for a second chance: A Mamma Mia story!Where stories live. Discover now