My treasures

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I know some of you might hate me for the delay but seriously had to get over my writers block for this one. We are coming on to the last chapter on the story after this one. I'm so sorry the sequel it's so short but the original one is so well written that it's hard to keep up. Really hope you have liked it and thank you for reading and for your comments. Let me know your thoughts on this!!! 

Donny's birthday was approaching and so was Amber's deadline. Everyone was busy with the last minute details for the party the next day. Harry and Bill, Sophie's other possible fathers, arrived in the morning and along with Sam and Sky they were in charge of getting the courtyard ready. Fernando, of course managed the hotel while Sophie, Amber and I watched over Donny and the dynamos helped with the food. Occasionally she would check on everything which was alright but I noticed she was acting a little strange.

"Sophie, come here for a second" I said to her sitting us down sitting Donny on my lap "You seem worried sweetheart, what's wrong?"

"I just want everything to be perfect so this little guy can have a good time" she said caressing him

"Everything is going to be alright. You have more than outdone yourself so your son can have a great birthday" I said "All of us are helping out so you have nothing to worry about"

"I know and thank you. I'm also worried that something might happen and everything goes tumbling down" immediately felt tense when remembering the mental battle I'm in with a decision has to be made.

"Again, you have organized everything to go the way you and Sky want it so I'm sure you're going to make sure it turns out right"

"She is her mother's daughter, that's for sure" Sam said coming to us along with Harry and Bill

"Look at all this; it's possible because you are a determined young woman who wants to make her son happy" Bill said grabbing Sophie's hand

"Donna did the same thing with your wedding, of course this time there will be less drama" Harry joked. I wasn't at the wedding so had little idea of what they were talking about since Sophie told me a bit of what happened thought it was not a big deal since she was chuckling.

"Definitely no drama I hope, God that day was stressful and mom ended up being the one getting married instead of me" She nudged and smiled sweetly at Sam. The three men walked away. Suddenly I felt worried myself because I don't want to cause anymore stress to her.

"I think I'm going to go find Amber and rehearse my song for Donny's party" I said "I can still watch Donny if you like"

"No grandma, don't worry, I can take him so he won't distract you" I stood up and handed her the child.

"Ok well see you later darling" I rushed as fast as possible unnotice and locked myself in Fernando's office since it was the first place I could on the way.

Crashing in a chair, I broke down in tears. It was at that moment I realized all that has been gained during this past year. Everything I love is here on the island and it would be selfish of me to give that up. Still crying I didn't hear the door being unlocked then someone coming in.

"Ruby?" Fernando whispered worried, closed the door and kneeled beside me and embraced me in his arms. "Why are you crying mi Amor?"

My struggle to talk was noticeable, that was how he knew it was bad "I can't... I'm a horrible grandmother just by having thoughts about it" I cried

"What do you mean?" my husband tried to comfort me even though it seemed almost impossible

"Even I can't believe what I was thinking" Fernando was confused but was starting to get an idea "I can't leave, I was going to leave but I can't" We looked at each other, tears in my eyes. My husband wiped them away from my face and kissed my forehead tenderly.

"Mi Ruby, you know we are all by your side no matter what and I love you con todo mi corazon" he said to me in the sweetest way ever

"I know, Sophie talked about the party earlier and then Sam, Bill and Harry passed by. They started talking about tomorrow and I want as much as her for everything to go perfect. I'm not going to be the reason for it to not be, it wouldn't be right. Plus, I realized that it would hurt as much as it did the time I left on the reopening of Hotel Bella Donna and it's selfish of me. Not to think of her and not to think about you. I don't want to leave my husband when we have been married only a year and my dream is to be married to you till death do us part" I hugged him tightly and then a knock was heard on the door

"Come in" said Fernando and Amber entered the room

"Ruby I was looking for you, are you alright? You have been crying" she knows me so well, she's my best friend

"I made my decision Amber; I'm staying here with my family. All my treasures are here on this island and it would be selfish of me to abandon them again" I stated

"I knew you would make the right decision my friend" she smiled and hugged me

"Thank you darling. Me too, I have everything here"

"Now calm down before Sophie sees you in this state and go rehearse for tomorrow" We stood up and got out of the office. Amber and I went to my room to prepare for tomorrow

Inside she helped me prepared everything, we took a break and started talking

"I'm so proud of you for deciding to stay, I mean apart from your granddaughter, you can't leave your man" she teased me making me laugh

"I love him so much, you have no idea how much he means to me. After all the years apart, we finally have the family I always dreamed at having with the love of my life... or at least almost" my face saddened remembering my daughter

"I can only imagine what you've been through dear" Amber said reaching for my hand

"Amber, I'm not only staying for Sophie and Fernando, I'm staying to be the mother figure for my granddaughter that I could not be for my Donna, to be both grandmother to great grandmother to Donny. This past year I have learned how important family is, more important than work and at the same time it's a fun this we can do together" I said

"What about performing, you were struggling to decide whether you'd come on tour or stay remember"

"I know, I love performing but I already do it here for the guest and it's not as glamorous as being on stage but it makes them happy and that makes me happy. It's sort of the same thing but with the good thing that I get to be with my family every day." I sighed

"Seeing that you have made your decision already I should call the company to tell them and be on my way soon" Amber said sadly

"You know you can stay another two or three days, I love having you here. Stay at least for the party. But yes, in fact, I'll help you deal with those people. Anything to end this once and for all"

"Then let's get ready for the ranting of the year because they'll not be happy with your decision"

"They're big boys, they have to deal with it" I said and Amber immediately grabbed the phone to call the company. After what seemed like forever, the producers agreed to send me the releasing contract through email tomorrow so Amber can bring it back. I was so happy; I was free and could lift that weight off my shoulders.

When the call ended, Amberasked "are you going to tell Sophie and Fernando about your decision"

 Sincetomorrow was Donny's birthday party, in all modesty, being the great artist thatI am said "I have an idea" This is going tobe spectacular.    

I realize it's kind of short but still hope it's good, please let me know if it's not so I can make an epic finally. Thank you <3 

Here we go again for a second chance: A Mamma Mia story!Where stories live. Discover now