Romance Briefs: The Recipe for Delight

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I meant to do this in my green dress

"I'm going to marry Bob" she told her roommate as she rushed in the door and not closing it.

"Well, hello yourself," her roommate said as she following her into her bedroom in close pursuit, "does he know it yet?"

"He's clueless; can I borrow your red dress?" she said taking off her shoes

"It's at the cleaners; when did you decide?"

"About the dress...?" she said a bit puzzled.

"About Bob...when did you decide you're marrying him?"

"Just now; I'm all through with dating" she said as she surveyed her closet.

"So you're done with dating and marrying Bob is your way out...makes perfect sense to me."

"What's wrong with him? He's good looking, smart and he has a job" she said examining a white blouse and then returning it to the rack.

"No...he's perfect; can I be maid of honor?" her roommate laughed.

"I am being serious" she said turning away from her closet and facing her roommate.

"I know you are; question is; is Bob serious?" her roommate said joining her in front of the closet.

"Bob can be convinced; I guess I can wear my blue one, it shows me off in the right places" she said removing a blue dress from the rack.

"Are you seeing him tonight? Is that what you're getting ready for?"

"He's picking me up in 20 minutes."

"Are you going to propose tonight? Please let me come with you; I want to see this."

"I'd let you, but I don't think..." she started and then thought better of the blue dress and returned it to the rack.

"I can help; I'll hold him down for you..."

"As much as I'd like your help, I'm going to pass. Some things a girl has to do on her own" she said with dissatisfaction at what she saw in the closet.

"Wear the green accentuates your breasts."

"You really think so?"

"More than the blue one; you want to display your assets when you pop the question. It'll make him answer with his other head" the roommate laughed again.

"I want him to answer with both of them" she said searching for the green dress.

"You want him to want you for your mind, huh?" the roommate said semi-seriously.

"Yeah, that's it; help me find my green shoes" she said as she found the green dress and scanned her shoe rack.

"They're in my room; I'll get them" her roommate said going across the hall.

"While you're at it, get me a glass of wine."

"Red or white?" answered a male voice.

"Bob?" she stuttered, "when did you get here?"

"A few minutes ago; you left your door opened."

"What did you hear?" she asked a bit anxiously.

"Everything" he said unable to conceal his smile.

"Everything?" she shot him a skeptical glance, "oh..." she said noticing her roommate, Penny, lurking in the background.

"You still want those shoes?" Penny asked, peering around him.

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