Romance Briefs: Ordinary Enchantment

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World Beat 80's Night

The dance floor was a sweaty sea of humanity, pounding 80's world beat, rediscovered by a new generation, claiming it as their least on Monday nights at Sensations. She had never danced this much, or hard. She had come with her girlfriend, never expecting the night would engulf her senses with such intensity.

Drink that would have normally intoxicated, had no more effect than water; a cooling refresh before returning to the frenetic grind taking place on the hard wood in front of the band. Dance partners came and went with the flow. There were a few that came more than once, but if asked to pick them out of a lineup, she would be at a loss...except one. Every time this man appeared opposite her on the floor, she smiled; he smiled and each time, the smiles were bigger and the dancing took on a meaning well beyond just dancing.

As the band finished their last set, she started to scan the room for him. She saw her friend at the bar, using a napkin to dab her face, but she didn't see him.

"I've never danced this much in my life" she said as she moved in next to her friend at the bar, grabbing a napkin (much too small for this purpose).

"Every Monday night," her girlfriend, Reese, panted "it's called 80's world beat night. I'll be back, how about you?"

She heard the question, but was still searching the room.

"You're looking for him, aren't you?"

"Uh huh," she said somewhat distracted, not ready to give up yet.

"I saw you with him out there; you two found another gear. It was like you were just dancing when it was some other guy, but when he was with you, you were...DANCING. Why didn't you at least get his name?"

It was getting pretty obvious he wasn't there, so she ordered a last-call drink and she and Reese watched the club clear out.

"Guess you'll have to come back next Monday" Reese said downing her drink like it was water.

"Doesn't that sound like something guys would do? You know, like Cinderella? " she downed her gin and tonic and looked at the bar for an un-used napkin.

"Regardless, I'd do it." Reese remarked, "He didn't leave one of his shoes, did he?"

They laughed and then headed to the exit.

The next Monday, the magic of the previous week was already in process, but she was too distracted to fully indulge. She spent the time on the dance floor, but each new dance partner that appeared before her, brought a new senses of disappointment.

At last call, the band packing up, she sat at the bar with Reese as they did the previous week.

"I'm building this guy up way too much in my mind. It's really thrown a blanket over tonight. I may just take that blanket and throw it in."

"You mean a towel...throw the towel in" Reese corrected her.

"Or throw IN the towel" she said "we must not end our sentences with prepositions" then she laughed, "Hand me one of those napkins."

"Here" Reese said giving her a handful, "I'm coming back next week and I'm going to bring a towel."

That next Saturday, she was debating with herself whether she was going to do the Monday night THING again...this time, without expecting him to appear. There were plenty of other guys that could fill the role, if she just allowed it to happen. So when she got the call from Reese that afternoon, she was already set for a return engagement.

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