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Everything hurt. I think I managed to move a fingertip then stopped as I whimpered in pain. The light was so bright it fried my retinas from the other side of my eyelids. Trying to blink I moan. Gradually gathering enough strength to shimmy off the bed and to my feet. Limping my way, very slowly, to the mirror that sat lazily on top of a set of oak drawers.

Gripping the edge of the oak I flick my eyes to my reflection. Fuck. A black eye, cut lip and a bruised jaw stared back at me. My long red hair all over the place from the night of restless sleep. I remembered tossing and turning. Desperately trying to find a position that didn't hurt. A sudden sharp stab in my stomach made me whine. Lifting the hem of the vest over my hips to just under my heavy breasts. I gasp at the large, black and purple bruising where the bastard from the fight had kneed me in the stomach. I drop the vest. Trying to hide the evidence of a night I so wanted to forget. But, how could I?

Look at you!

Scolding myself I turn, seeing an empty bed and then I remembered something else from last night. Something that suddenly had me blushing. Alex. He'd stayed with me. Holding me until he fell asleep. Softly snoring and even talking a little in his sleep which had me reaching out to soothe him. I'd stroked his thick, dark hair. Gently running my fingers through it til he had settled then continued the struggle of finding a pain free sleeping position.

I forced myself into my skirt from last night and underwear. Throwing my bra away in frustration as pain shot down my left arm.
Fine. Guess we're going bra-less.
Tucking in the vest into the waist band of the skirt, I quickly put my hair up into a messy bun and made my way to the bathroom. Slowly and limping like an old woman. This is starting to piss me off!
I scrubbed my teeth the best I could with my finger and some toothpaste and washed my face. Careful not to do anymore damage to my already messed up face.
I could hear the boys talking and, surprisingly, even laughing as I stood on the top of the stairs. Staring at the stairs like a unwanted game of monopoly. Each step was going to hurt. "Come on, Vi. You can do this. Slow and steady." I told myself. A little mantra I repeated as I took each step at a time. Breathing through the pain til I finally reached the bottom. My bare feet slapping against the floor as I followed the voices to the kitchen at the back of the bar.

Eddie and Alex sat side by side on stools at a round table. Both focused on a football game on a TV hung on the wall opposite them. The kitchen itself was small but bright. The white walls giving it a cosy but luxurious feel. Pausing, I stand behind them. Wondering how long it would take for them to realise I was there. Five minutes? Ten? It was a while. So, I cleared my throat and they both shot round to face me. Their faces both surprised and horrified.
"Fucking hell." Eddie frowned, getting to his feet and  taking me gently by the arm. Leading me to a chair at a small table in the corner by the window. Grabbing me a coffee then placing it in front of me as he takes a seat opposite. Alex pulled up a chair beside me. His face a little pale as he took his time evaluating my condition with his hazel eyes. His body tense as he leaned a little closer protectively.
"Morning." I try to smile then stop as a pain in my jaw made me flinch. "It hurts like a bitch."

"Not surprised! By what Alex tells me you took one hell of a beating!" Eddie nods towards the coffee. Encouraging me to drink. I pick the mug up with both hands the best I can. Blowing it a little before taking a sip. The smooth, bitter taste sliding down my throat. Refreshing and soothing all at once. "Thank you." I mutter.
"Don't thank me, Doll." Eddie shakes his head. "I should've paid the man months ago."
"Then why didn't you?" Alex snapped. Gritting his teeth.
"I have my reasons, boy."
"Fuck you." He gets to his feet. "Violet has earned the right to know.." Eddie leans back in his chair. Almost smug, until Alex speaks again. "Fucking coward." Then he was up, gripping Alex's shirt at the neck with a fierce growl. Before I could speak, Alex had his arm forced behind his back and his face held down against the table. Eddie's eyes implored me to say something. But I couldn't. Alex was right. On the one hand I should've just gone home, but on the other what happened to me shouldn't of done. I was attacked because Eddie owed Billy money. It was his fault. However, I couldn't let the man go through what I had. Eddie didn't have the money. I knew it and as I stared into his defeated eyes, I knew he knew it too.

"How much do you owe?" I whisper. I'd never once looked at my friend in shame before. But I was now. I'd always known he was a gambler, but, I never knew how much of one until now. He'd not just gambled his money. He'd gambled with my life.
"Three grand."
So, Billy was right. Three grand. I had that and more saved up in a savings account. I was saving for a decent car. Luckily, for Eddie, friends mean more to me.
"Alright." I stand and Alex releases Eddie. Both staring at me puzzled as I grab my keys from the counter. "Give me an hour..." then I thought about the pain and the fact I could barely move. "Or two."
"What?" They said in unison. Both gathering their things as I began for the door.
"Where're you going?" Alex called as he followed close behind, leaving Eddie to lock up.
"To my car. My phone and stuff is there and I need to go to the bank." I begin to pant as pain burned through me like the fires of hell. Crossing the street I see my green beetle. Still sat there, waiting patiently. Butter wouldn't fucking melt. We've been through so much Doris! Why did you not help me!

Unlocking the door was a task in itself as Alex waffled on at me. "You should be in bed, or even better a hospital!"
"I don't need a hospital." I mutter. Biting my lip as I struggle to get the fucking key in the lock. My hand shaking like a scared pup.
"What do you need, Violet?" He demanded. Leaning his hand on the car door so I have to look at him. Bloody men!
I huff. Raising the key in my hand. "This belongs in here." I point the tip of the key at the lock. "Would you be so kind?"
He raises his brow at me and I blush. Or I would blush if my cheeks weren't purple already. He licks his lips and steps closer to me. "You sassing me, girl?"
"I..um.." I falter. My sudden courage dissolving into clumsy, bumbling gibberish. "N..no." His lips brush mine ever so lightly and he smiles. A cheeky, smug smile that had my insides twisting.
"Good girl. Now." He takes the keys gently from my hand and unlocks the door. "Tell me. What does baby girl need?"
You. Obviously.
"I..I'm going to the bank." My eyes widen as I point with my thumb over my shoulder. It wasn't far. Maybe three streets. Easily walkable but in my condition there was no way I'd make it.
"For?" He brushes his knuckles lightly over my bruised cheek and my mouth falls open. I wanted so badly to hold it and kiss his hand but I knew if I moved he would too. Or worse. I would move and cry out in pain and embarrass myself.
"Three grand."
His eyes narrow and he shakes his head. "No. You don't have, or need, to do that."
"I know that. But.." I meet his gaze. "He's my friend."
His eyes twinkle at me as his face tries to keep serious. Was he laughing at me? Why?

Instead of arguing Alex decided he was going to drive and I was to navigate.

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