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The outfit consisted of a cream, satin dress which covered not all that much. Falling just beneath my knees, the dress clung to everything, hiding nothing. All my sins on display for all to see.
The back hung low just below the dimples of my lower back, the straps holding up the flimsy flaps at the front that just about covered my breasts.
Whoever this girl was, she liked living dangerously.

There was no doubt in my mind why a dress like this had been ordered onto my body. My brain might be too pumped full of adrenaline to think clearly but I knew the obvious. Billy had more than once insinuated his interest in having me for himself. If he thought he was going to get away with laying a molecule on me he was dead wrong.

Sitting on the bed I pull back on my boots. Quickly tying them up as I hear the light thuds of footsteps coming closer. In one last act of complete defiance, I grab the sheet off the bed and wrap it around myself.
What are you doing?
"What?" I pout, trying to hide myself deep within the confines of the duvet as possible.
You're sitting on the bed right now.
You're easy prey. You're wearing a damn dress and sitting on a bed, tangled in the bed sheets.
Leaving the sheets slumped at the foot of the bed I get quickly across the room and lean back against the wall. All of a sudden I had a plan.
Which is?
Grabbing the tall bottle of perfume off the desk beside me I hold it ready. Inside my head I hear a deep sigh.
Bash the guy over the head and run for it?
"Well, I don't see you coming up with a better plan!" I snap, shaking my head in a failed attempt to shut my brain up.
Stay put and hope for the best. No broken bones with that plan, or worse, death.
They had a point. But I couldn't wait around for Billy to come in here and try to do god knows what.
"I'm not waiting around to be groped by that~"
Viper. I hear a dramatic hiss.

The footsteps were at the door now. Five minutes of fumbling and jingling of keys later the door opened and Shacks entered the room. Jumping as high as I could I bring down the glass bottle, with a scream, hard over his head. I didn't wait around to see if it had worked, picking up the hem of my dress, I ran for it. Belting down the hallway, bursting through the bar door and across the room towards the exit. I felt eyes glare and heard calls of my name and roars of "get her!" But I kept going, dodging arms and flailing hands that tried to snatch at me.
I turned to the left, dodging another man who tried to grab at my hair. I was so close to the door I could taste freedom. The mix if coffee, chocolate and Alex's lips encouraged me to move faster. My legs pumping like a grand stallion. Only to fall onto my stomach, hitting my head on the tiled floor, as someone stuck out their meaty leg to trip me.
"Got her!" Some southern accent shouted from above me, then hands hauled me to my feet and held me steady.
Billy slinked forward from the crowed of giants. Slithering over, crossing his arms and giving me a look of dramatic, emotional injury. "Now, is that nice?" He tuts, shaking his head. "I give you a pretty dress and you try to run out on me." Turning he looks to his followers. "Why does this keep happening to me, boys?" He outstretches his arms. "My women just don't seem to know how to respect a man."
"Maybe you should show her how, boss." One of the crowed, at the back, shouted in answer. "Show her what happens when little girls don't behave."
"You know what, Dutch." Billy points at the man and nods his head. "That's a mighty fine idea." He turns back to me and I spit at his feet.
Lady like.
"Don't touch me."
Billy takes a step forward and mockingly pokes my cheek with his sticky, skeletal finger. "Oops." He smirks. "I just did, and you know what, Strawberry." He slides his palm over the contours of my body. The dress sliding a little to reveal more of my hidden skin. "I'm going to do it again, and the best part is, you're going to enjoy it."
"I don't think so." Then I throw my head back and thrust it forward, bashing my skull into his. I hiss in agony as he stumbles back. Growling furiously as he rubs his throbbing forehead.
"Bitch!" Storming back to me he slaps me. Swishing my head to the side. My red hair whipping me.

No one had noticed the gun pointed at Billy till a familiar voice made us all turn to it at once. "One more move and you're a fucking dead man."
Alex, Eddie and a whole bunch of people I didn't recognise had just walked into the bar. A large sack sat across Eddie's shoulders while Alex held a revolver meters away from Billy's face. The others had spanned out and held their own guns at Billy's thugs. Immediately my whole body was screaming to get to them. Pulling and thrashing at the hands that held me.
"Let the girl go, Bill, or it's night night land for you my sick friend." Gritting his teeth, Alex pressed the gun into Billy's temple. Making him flinch and nod at the man who held me. I was free in an instant and by Alex's side before I could say 'thank you.'
"Eddie." Alex didn't take his eyes off Billy. I wouldn't either. He was a slippery son of a bitch. I had known him all of five minutes but I knew that much.

Eddie slammed the bag by Billy's feet, then took my hand and pulled me behind him. "It's all there, Bill."
Alex moved the tip of the gun to point Billy to the bag. "Check it if you want."
"I don't think there's any need for that." Billy watched as Alex stepped back. Eddie, me and the rest of our allies at his back.
"However." Billy grinned at me and I paled. More than usual. "Payment's changed."
"You finally started taking Paypal, Bill?" Alex spat, reaching his arm back to take my hand. Giving it a little squeeze. Then pushing me, against my stomach, lightly back towards Eddie. Who took my arm and lead me to the back of the group of strangers.
Oh, no. This is going to be bad.

Laughing, Billy shakes his head. "Nah, I can't be doing with all that crap." He stepped up to Alex til the tip of Alex's gun was aimed between his eyes. Touching his skin. "I want the girl."

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