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My eyes flew open. Sitting straight up with a small gasp. Eyes fixed on the ajar door across from the bed which led to the joint kitchen and living room.
A foot at a time I slid out of bed, pulling down Alex's shirt over my thighs and slowly closing in on the door. Praying every horror movie, where the girl gets viciously murdered for being scared and curious, was wrong.
Maybe it's Alex.
My head spins round. Seeing him laying, asleep, with his bare, tattooed back and dark hair to me. His back slowly moving up and down. His arm outstretched on my side of the bed. He'd been holding me. For a second I smile, then it dies as I hear another: creak.

I flinch. Holding my fists to my chest for a second. Then covering my mouth to hide my heavy breathing. I reach out slowly. Pulling the door with a finger. Opening it and moving my head to peer through. Well. This is dumb.
"Shut up, brain." I whisper. Trying to see if there was anything out there. So far there was only silence. Except for the soft humming of the refrigerator. Nothing had been moved, or so I could tell. The room was dark and empty. No tall psycho in a ski mask, no Halloween theme playing as Michael Myers stormed into the room to stab me to death. It was peaceful. Even though, my body was covered in goosebumps. Something wasn't right.

Stepping into the room, I held my breath. Ignoring the protests of the butterflies in my stomach that were beginning to make me feel a little queasy.
Slowly, I made my way through the room. Picking up Alex's bat, which he kept behind the arm chair in the corner by the big window, for emergencies. Holding it in both hands I flex my fingers over it a little as I grip it. Holding it over my shoulder. Ready to bat away at anyone who came at me.
I squeal. Jumping, spinning and aiming the bat at trespasser.
"What're you doing, Angel?" Alex was stood in the doorway of the bedroom. Rubbing his eyes as he yawned through his sentence. Lowering my weapon I rushed over. Wrapping my arms around his waist and holding him close. Sniffling into his chest.
"I-I thought I heard someone inside."
"Oh?" Peering up at him I see him frown. His eyes darting about the room. Assessing. "Stay here." He moves me gently to one side as he explores his apartment. One room at a time, disappearing out of sight into the bathroom. Crossing my arms around myself I wait anxiously. Stepping from foot to foot in the doorway. Hoping it was all in my head.
"Daddy?" I call. Taking a step into the room. The wood beneath my feet once again chilling me to the bone. I walk in the direction of the bathroom. Hearing something, but not quite sure what. As I got closer I hear grunts and shuffling. Maybe a struggle?

Running, I throw open the door to see Alex holding a man, in black, under water in the toilet. The stranger thrashed and kicked out but Alex was too strong for him. Gripping the man by the hair he yanks him back. Making him slam back against the wall as Alex crouched. Slapping him across the face as the man tried to catch his breath. "What you doing here Sammy?"
Sammy looked awful. Blood ran down from a slash on his eyebrow, he was soaked to the bone in toilet water and probably have bruising tomorrow. I couldn't see most of his face with his head tilted away but he was shivering. And rightly so! He scared me to death!

Gripping his collar, Alex thrust him up against the wall with both hands. "Fuck you want, Sammy!" He growled. Losing his patience. His body was tense. The muscles throbbing beneath his flesh from the scuffle. Sammy wiped his face. His slick blonde hair stuck to his head in a mess of pile. His pony tail laid stuck to his back.
"He knows, Al. He fucking knows!" The quiver and break in his voice spoke volumes. He didn't say a name but by Alex's face, which suddenly became pale, he didn't have to.

"Who knows?" I asked. Moving closer. Both men paused and turned their heads to stare at me like a sexist old movie when the woman say's something they found stupid.
"Who the hell's this?" Sammy nodded his head back at me. With a sigh, Alex hit him hard in the face. Knocking him unconscious. The speed of the movement made me jump and squeal as I slap my hand to my mouth. Then, getting to his feet, he took me by he hand and led me to the kitchen. Thrusting me up onto a stool and putting on the kettle. "His name is Sammy. He's an old friend." He says simply. Grabbing a mug from the cupboard and beginning to make a hot chocolate. "When I was training, we were paired together most of the time." He mutters as he worked. His back to me.
"What's he doing here?" I squeak. Crossing my arms to try to help my body get over the shock as it trembles.
"He broke in."
"I know that, Daddy." I snap. Taking a breath, I try to relax. "What does he want?"
"By sound of it my old boss has found out something." He stirs the hot chocolate and, finally, turns to place it in front of me. "Drink up, Angel. It'll help."
I pick up the mug and take a small sip. Yummy!
"What's he found out, Daddy?"
"Nothing for you to worry about, baby." He gives me a small smile. His eyes lighting up. Watching me enjoy his master cocoa skills. "Tasty?"
I nod, giggling. "Very. Thank you, Daddy."
He walks around the table to plant a kiss on my forehead. "How you feeling?"
"Little better." I squeak shyly.
"Good girl." He brushes his lips gently over the front of my red hair. Sending little tingles into my scalp. I blush. Placing my mug down. "Daddy?"
"What about the boy in the bathroom?"
"Oh, he's going. I don't want him anywhere near my Princess."
I blush harder. Watching as he turns, storms back to the bathroom and pulls Sammy through the living room by his hair and out the front door. Half impressed and half terrified I watch. Moving closer to get a better view as Alex tossed him outside the complex in the dead of night. If anyone looked out their window we would be in a heap of trouble. But Alex casually strolled back, hands in his pockets as he met me at the door. A sly smile lifting his perfect lips. "There. Now." He paused. Lifting me into his arms and holding me close as I cling to him. Giggling as he kicks the door closed, bolts it and wanders back to the bedroom. Sliding me down his body to my feet and slowly tangling his hands in my fiery hair. His eyes roaming my face for a moment before he softly takes my lips with his.

Sinking into the kiss I moan. His lips dancing over mine in a teasing rhythm that set my body aflame. My skin heated up and tingled, my cheeks reddening to the colour of a beetroot. When he finally pulled away to give me a big grin of satisfaction at the state he'd put me in, I bit my lip. My hands shaking against his chest. Wanting more.
"What do you want, Angel?"
"Me?" He raised his brows. Grinning down at me. Teasing me. The backs of his knuckles sliding lightly over my blushing cheek. "I knew what you were the moment I saw you."
"You did?"
He nods. Running his other hand down my back to pin me against him. Making me lean my head back a little more to look up at him. Dipping his head down he plants soft kisses over my shoulder, then very slowly over the skin of my neck. "You screamed at me."
"I don't think I did, Daddy."
He chuckles deeply, against my throat. Sending little shivers down my back. "Metaphorically, silly."
"Oh." I smile, shyly. Closing my eyes as his lips finished their journey at my jaw.
"I was going to keep my distance. But, then you sought me out. You came to find me. Why?"
My mouth fell open in a little moan as his teeth gently nipped my chin.
"I wanted to see your fight."
"You knew it was dangerous."
"I didn't care."
He looked at me. Fingering my healing black eye as I stood like a mannequin. Enjoying every touch, every sensation. Even his voice was frustratingly soothing. I hadn't cared about my safety. I'd been honest. If Alex asked it of me I'd travel the world with him. Where ever he went I would too. That scared me. But thrilled me too.
"I do." He runs his thumb over my bottom lip. "Seeing you in that ring scared the shit out of me. All I could think about was getting to you and killing the fucker who hurt you."
"Did you?" My blue eyes met his.
"Let's just say, Angel, he's in a better place...the hospital."
For some reason I smiled. Then the talking was over. His lips were far too busy devouring mine.

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