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My lungs began to burn, my legs throbbing as I clumsily turned another corner and hid. My body flat against the wall as the footsteps behind me stopped feet away. My lungs stinging in protest as I pant. Trying to calm my breathing.

"We know you're here, you little bitch!" Spat one of them. I wasn't looking. My eyes fixed straight ahead. Knowing if I moved they would know for definite where I was. Trembling I tried to even out my breathing. Trying not to alert them with my heavy breathing. My face ached, my limbs were jelly and my head swam with the amount of fear and adrenaline that shot through me like a bolt of lightening. I needed to think. I needed a clear head. But all I could think about was Alex and the high probability that I was about to die.

"We can smell you, Cupcake." Sang the other. Their footsteps getting even closer with each heartbeat that pounded against my ribs like a drum. I had one choice. I didn't like it. It was stupid. Either way you looked at it, I was going to meet a very messy end.
Taking a deep breath, I look for a weapon. Anything that was sharp, hard or do some kind of damage. Spotting a piece of glass, I rip a piece of my shirt and pick it up. Wrapping one end in the shirt and checking the tip. Flinching a little as I swipe my thumb over it. Grinning at my new toy proudly. Okay, this way it.
If I'm going down, I'm going down swinging.

I stepped out of my hiding spot and grip the glass in my hand. Staring down two of the biggest thugs I've ever seen. Fuck. One was chubby, with dark hair and a chipped tooth. While the other was broad shouldered, tall and holding a gun in his hand.
There's no fucking way you can win this, girl.
"But, if I don't try..." I whisper to myself. Ignoring the searing pain in the side of my face and the tickle of the droplets of blood dripping down onto my white shirt. You're a goner anyway.
Daddy said he was on his way!
"He'll never make it in time..."
Two blocks from the Cafe...
I sigh in response. Alex couldn't help me now. But if I played my cards right, I could help myself.

Taking a step forward I spread my feet a little and tried to keep the rushing, blood curdling fear at bay before it made me vomit. My eyes flicking from one man to the other. Laughing the came closer. Obviously, unthreatened by my sudden confidence. Circling me like a two man pack of hyenas. Their laughter ringing in my ears and making my insides tighten in disgust. One pushed me a little and I stumbled into the other man. Taking my chances I raise the glass and thrust it down hard into his shoulder. Screaming he rushed back against the wall, trying desperately to remove the glass shard from his flesh. Thrusting the gun free from his hip I spin, aim the gun at his friend, that was rushing towards me with a fierce howl, I take a breath, hold it and squeeze the trigger. Hitting my target in the chest.

I was distracted, just for a moment as shock took over. My attention focused on the pathetic piece of shit now flopped on the floor like a newly slain pig. A growl then a massive, painful slicing sensation made me turn. The glass shard was buried into my leg and I scream. Collapsing to all fours and sliding myself across the grit and bumpy concrete away from the monster who lurked over me. Enjoying my cries of bitter agony as I tried desperately to get to safety. But I saw none and soon enough I forced myself onto my side. Clutching at my bleeding calf.
"Fuck!" My hands shake as I try to pry it out gently. Another stab of agony makes me hiss and I stop. Sliding away a little more to lean up and back against a large recycle bin. My legs stretched out in front of me. Tears sliding down my cheeks as I watch the man get closer. Cracking his knuckles then his neck, like he was some WWF wrestler live on air.
"Lets have some fun, eh?"
"F...Fuck you." I stutter through the sobs. Crouching to my level he pointed over his shoulder to his dead friend. "Nice shot."
"Thanks." His cold, unfeeling comment didn't shock me. Before all this it would've. Now, I was used to it. Slowly being de-sensitised to the horror that was currently my life.

Reaching out he grips my chin in his hand. Running his big, pointed nose over my pale, bloody cheek. Flinching, I cry out and push him away only for it to be received with laughter as he sits opposite me. His brown eyes staring out at me. Far too wide for him not to be considered insane. Narrowing my eyes at him I try again to gently ease out the glass shard. The pain making me pause and watch as blood spurts and drools down over my jeans onto the concrete. "Shit!"
"Need a hand?" He grins at me. A horrible, mocking, evil grin that turns my blood cold. Shaking my head I raise a hand to point at him. "Don't fucking touch me."
I scream when he rips the shard out. His face flushing with arousal and satisfaction as he watches my misery. Tossing the glass aside he sits cross legged and examines me intently. His eyes scanning me before he pulls a 'not bad' face and nods like he was satisfied with the stock. I cringed.
"Why don't you just kill me already!" I scream, lashing out with my good leg to kick him in the face. He goes down. Rolling on the ground nursing his throbbing face as I drag myself up onto my feet, using the bin for support, and begin to limp away.
The pain!
"Keep going!" I yell at myself between gritted teeth as I turn left at the end of the alleyway and march like a wounded soldier back down towards the cafe.
"You can do this!"
I try to pick up the pace. Forcing myself to not turn around til I was inside the damn cafe with the door locked and a phone in my hand. I could smell the coffee I was getting so close.
"Hey Cupcake!"
I spin around, only to be met with a fist to the face. Crying out I slam straight into the nearest car with the force. Miraculously I hold on. Denying him the satisfaction of being down on the ground.
I refuse! I refuse to let this happen to me, again!

With a roar, I never knew I had in me, I use all the energy I could muster to spin and haul my fist into his round face and slide over the bonnet of the car. Limping away as quickly as I could to reach the door handle of the cafe.
"I wouldn't do that, Strawberry."
My hand halts as Billys voice echos over the road to me. Facing him I see why he sounded so smug. Alex. With a gun to his head, on his knees. His handsome features twisted in sheer terror. Not for him. But for me. His wide eyes roaming my bloody and bruised body. His face paling to a degree I've never seen before. "Now, Strawberry. I'll make a deal with you." He pauses to wave the gun in the air like I hadn't already seen it. His sneer causing the hairs on my arms to stand up.

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