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A/n: super short but kinda cute!

Mitch quietly opened the door to the large house, careful not to make any noise and disturb the quietness. The house was dark, no lights were on, only the subtle glow of the television that had been left playing but muted. He dropped his bags by the door before making his way up the stairs, carefully sidestepping the place he knew would squeak out loudly.

Finally he made it to to door at the end of the hallway, it was cracked open so he pushed and saw his husband starfishing in the middle of the bed. He could help the smile that came to his face.

He quickly stripped down to his boxers and made his way over to the bed, trying not to wake the sleeping blonde.

It didn't work, as soon as he felt the bed shift, Scott yawned and and scooted over to make room for Mitch.

"Welcome home honey, how was your trip?"
"It was good. I'm glad to be home though. Why are you in the middle of the bed?"
"Couldn't sleep on my side without you holding me."
"Baby boy..."
"It's okay you're home now."

Mitch began to spoon his lover but was shocked when the man turned over and laid his blonde head on his chest.

"Jus wan list'n to you breath Mittie. Missed it." Scott mumbles in his grogginess.

Mitch pulled the boy closer and kissed the top of his head.

"Goodnight baby, sweet dreams."

And soon both men were dozing in the tranquil night, only the sound of soft snores could be heard.

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