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"Daddy look at all those chickens."
"Scotty, those are ducks sweetheart, chickens don't swim."
"Bu' daddy, the chickens gotta swim or they die."

Rather than continuing to argue with the little, Mitch dropped the conversation and let the blonde run around after the "chickens." He just laid back on the blanket they brought and relaxed while his little boy got to run around and expend some of his seemingly never ending energy. Soon enough however, Mitch heard the boy scream. He couldn't help but laugh at the sight of his 6'2" little running toward his daddy with a paddle of ducks chasing him.

It became increasingly less funny however, when Mitch realized that Scott was crying and bleeding. Those stupid "chickens" were going to get it for making his baby cry. He'd have every one of them served on a platter.

Soon Scott plopped down in Mitch's lap, sniffling and burying his head in the brunettes neck as the man shooed the animals away. He took out a baby wipe from the diaper bag and wiped up the blood from the boys scraped knee before placing a bandage on it and kissing the boo boo better. However, it did little to quieten the boy's wails.

"Shush baby boy. Daddy's here. Daddy's not going to let the mean duckies get you."
"Dada," the boy peaked from under his eyelashes to look at Mitch.
"Yes, dada. I'm right here."
"No more mean chickens?"
"No more mean chickens baby."
"Good dada. Can I has nuggets now?"

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