・: IV :・

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You tensed as you saw your professor lick his lips. As you watched him you noticed two puncture wounds on his lips from what you assumed was a lip ring. Just who was this man and why was he a professor at your school?

The sounds of a phone ringing caused your professor to groan and pull it. A dark aura seemed to surround him as he glanced down at the caller id. "Princess, I'm sorry but you'll have to call a cab home. I have to get this, but I promise to service you at a later date free of charge!" He stated in a hurry as he pushed you out the door and shut it in your face.

You didn't think on it too much and bolted towards the exit. You were the type to save every penny so you were not just about to waste your money on a cab. Even though it was late at night, it wasn't too late for the buses to stop running. 

You let out a deep sigh as you glanced up at the moonlit sky above while you walked towards the nearest bus stand. You had to admit, it was a beautiful night. The gentle breeze calmed your stress induced aching body as you sat down on the bench wondering just what happened with your professor. 

Why did he choose that profession? Being a male prostitute isn't something he should be doing. He was smart, good-looking, and even had a well paying job. Maybe old habits don't die down?

You let out another deep sigh as you glanced towards the road. To your surprise the bus was already heading your way. You stood up and walked towards the edge of the road. Just then a familiar car zoomed past you. You squinted your eyes and gasped when you noticed the driver of the car oddly resembled your professor. 

"What are you doing here?" you heard another familiar voice ask prompting you turn towards a Mercedes Benz S650 Cabriolet that had parked next to the curve by your bus stop. "Why are you waiting for that thing with germs this late at night?" Jungkook continued as he watched you in confusion. 

"The bus? I have to get home somehow and this is the cheapest way" You stated in an uncaring tone as you remembered that he too was a male prostitute like your professor. You couldn't help but sigh again as you watched him, just why was he living this kind of life. Like your professor, he too was good looking and had the type of voice you knew would be good at singing.

"Hey! Are you listening to me?" Jungkook snapped as you jolted up and woke up from your daze. You hated that part of you, you hated the fact that you would easily get distracted by your own thoughts. That tunnel vision you had always got in the way of things. 

"Sorry, what were you saying?" You asked, hoping he wouldn't get annoyed or talk to you for so long because you didn't want to miss the bus. It was already by the stoplight and you really didn't want to wait for the next one.

"I asked you where you lived so I can give you a ride. Hyung told me to give you one because he saw you waiting here" Jungkook rolled his eyes as he got off and opened the passenger side door for you. "I hate listening to him, but he said he'd fail me again if I don't take you home safe and sound"

"It's okay, I can take the bus" you mumbled as you pulled out your bus pass. Before you could do anything, Jungkook grabbed you by the arm and pushed you inside his car. Once you were seated he leaned over and placed the seat belt on you before nervously glancing around and jumping in the driver's seat.

"I like driving fast so I hope you won't get car sick" he chimed before taking off. You would be lying if you said you weren't scared, Jungkook drove at the same speed as race cars ignoring the traffic signals. Glancing out the windows made your head spin as the buildings and landscape seemed to pass you by in light speed, if that was even possible.

Within a few minutes Jungkook slowly drove up to the front of your apartment complex. He seemed disgusted as he glanced around the place. "This is where you live?" he asked as he clicked his tongue in disgust.

"Yes... Unlike you, this is what I can afford on my salary" you mumbled before removing your seat belt and opening the door before stepping out. "Thank you for taking me home, I hope you have a safe trip back" you continued as you placed your hand on the door. 

To your surprise, Jungkook seemed shocked by what you had said. Did you say something wrong?

"What's wrong?" you asked, a bit confused at why the young man seemed to have frozen with his hands on the wheel. He turned to you, his eyes still wide as a the eyes of a deer caught in the headlights. 

"Why did you say that?" He asked, tilting his head. "Why did you say that you hope I have a safe trip back?"

It was your turn to be confused. Just what was so odd about asking that? Isn't that the common thing to say when someone leaves for the night?

"Because... Shouldn't I hope for that? Especially since you went to all that trouble to take me back to my apartment. I really am grateful that you had taken me" You stated once more as you bowed towards him in thanks. 

You waited for a response, but seeing none you said bye once more before shutting the door and walking towards your apartment. It was a long day today and you couldn't wait to take a bath. As you entered your apartment you glanced towards the bag on the table. It was a long and tiring day, you deserved it! 

You picked up the bath bomb from the bag and walked towards your bathroom tub. After the water was full enough you threw the bath bomb in and watched as the water in the tub began to change color. 

You took your clothes off and sighed in relief as you got into the tub. As soon as the water touched your sore body you felt instant relief. The water seemed like magic as you continued to stay in it, twirling your feet around like a child. 

You wondered why so many things had happened today. This was the first time you had met such interesting people. You had always been focused on your studies and trying to find clues on your parents' murder, that you never really had time to eat out at fancy restaurants or even catch a ride with a friend. 

Meeting Jungkook and your professor was a nice change of events, even though you personally didn't like the way they lived. They did show you the world you had missed out on. They showed you a world that you only read about and watched on TV. You never expected to ever visit a luxurious hotel before and thanks to your professor you got to do just that!

Even though the two were male prostitutes, they did show you something new. Something that actually made your heart beat.

"This feels nice" you mumbled aloud to yourself, unaware of the man who had used a copy of your spare key to sneak into your apartment without you knowing. A sinister smirk formed on his lips as he saw you smiling to yourself in the bath perfectly unaware of his presence.

He gently walked towards you as he whispered, 

"I'll show you something that'll feel even nicer ~"

"I'll show you something that'll feel even nicer ~"

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