Chapter 1: Subject 121 and 122

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Like in the description this is my first fanfiction, please feel free to tell me how you like it and if I can improve on anything!

Love You! (Yes you!)

Rachel POV

I feel a banging in my head as I open my eyes. Not a banging like I was hit,but more like a throbbing like dehydration or tension. As I my eyes gain focus I look around in an unfamiliar room. I don't remember this room. I should be in the hospital... where am I?I look around the room and all I see is a white walls. Very clean. Very Boring. It looks like the hospital but not the one I was at before I fell asleep. Behind the chair I woke up in is a window. I look out the window to see the moon. It's large, beautiful and also intimidating.

"It looks fake.." I say looking out the window. I don't feel like I am close to the outside. I feel like if I broke that window I couldn't go outside.......

I look beside me and in the dark corner of the room is a woman knocked out as I was, but instead of being in a chair she is up against the wall. I wonder why she didn't get a chair? I go up to her and look in her face. I feel as though I recognize her but I couldn't say where from. She is probably mid twenties wearing a simple white tank top and an orange Jumpsuit. Although she is only wearing the lower part of the jumpsuit, the arms are tied neatly around her waist. I nudge her to try and wake her up. She stirs and her eyes flutter open.

Reader POV

I feel my consciousness crawl towards me as I feel someone nudging me awake. My eyes flutter open and DAMN do i feel like I have the hangover from hell. When my eyes adjust I open them to see a little girl no older then 12 or 13 looking at me. I look at her in a panic as my eyes finally shoot open.

"What the hell am I doing here? Who are you? What the fuck is going on?"

"My name is Rachel, Rachel Gardner. I don't know why we are here I just woke up myself."

We look at each other for a moment in silence as i try and gather my thoughts a little more appropriately.

" Look kid I don't want to freak you out or anything but I was in a Prison cell before I woke up here. I was awaiting my sentencing. When I went back to my cell after my first hearing I fell asleep and woke up here. Why are we in a hospital?"

Rachel looked at me with little shock, "I was in the hospital before i awoke here, but I have no idea why you are here let alone in the same room as me on the floor."

"What were you in the hospital for?" I asked the little blonde girl.

"I saw people die and I went in for counseling."

"Wow.....that's some tough shit for someone so young." Poor kid.

"What were you in Prison for?" she asked.

"That's on a need to know basis girly. I am no threat to you I can assure you that." Their was a silence among us for a moment as I looked around the room, when she spoke up.

"What is you name?"


"Your name?" She asked again.

"My name is (Sara)."

She seemed content with my answer not asking my anything further but like she was looking for something in her head to connect my name and face; and I hope to god she doesn't. I don't need her freaking out.

After looking around the boring room and looking out the obviously fake window I go over to try the door expecting it to be locked. I am surprised when it opens right up. Someone is losing their job for letting the convict out.

"Well Rachel let's head out and find out where the hell we are. Whatdya say?"

"Sounds like a plan." She says with a smile on her face. Such a cute kid. Kinda strange how she is so calm though.

We walk together down the hallway to an area that gated off. Their is a computer in the room with a machine that is holding a card out of it, like a credit card. I try it but it won't budge. I look at the rest of the table and on the table is a gun and a pair of boots. I immediately recognize my boots and gun. SWEET BABY JESUS I HAVE MY SHIT BACK! I pick up the gun and holster that's on the desk. I look in the chamber, One bullet.....greeeeaaaattt. I am very happy to have my boots though. They almost look like boots a knight would wear. They are all metal very heavy with intricate designs on them. I made them myself. Rachel looks at the boots almost with more confusion then the gun at them but ultimately heeds me no mind when holster the gun and put the boots on. She looks at the computer. The computer turns on, on its own and after a long screen of binary prompts starts asking questions:

Entry no.1

Subjects 121 and 122

------What is your name?------

Before I can answer Rachel speaks up.

"Rachel Gardner"

-----How old are you?-------


------What are you doing here?-----

"I was in the hospital now, I don't know why-"




"I saw someone die."

----What will you do now?----

"We want to leave. We want to go home."

Entry Complete.. Dispensing Playcard....

----Proceed through the gate----

I take the card out of the machine. Playcard? Is this some kind of game? I place it into the slot by the gate and it opens. We see the elevator at the end of the hallway and walk over to it. Rachel presses a button on it and it opens up as well. I look over to Rachel before heading into the elevator. This place is super fucking sketchy.

"Listen kid we don't know what is through that elevator, but I have a feeling its not good. I need you to stay close to me. I don't mean to sound cruel, but if their is bad shit going on right now and you don't stay close I will leave you behind. You do what I say when I say it with no questions got it?" I said staring down at her. I don't want to be the death of a child, but I won't let her be dead weight.

"Yes." She says looking at me with that smile again. She is way too calm in this situation. I would be freaking out at her age.

"Good, then let's get going."

We enter the elevator and start to Ascend when we hear over a P.A. system:

"The two women at the bottom floor have accepted their fate. They are hereby sacrifices! All floors may start their preparations. beyond here lies the play area."

I look at Rachel, fear starting to take her over now replacing that smile that was previously plastered on her face.

"I hate being fucking right all the time....."

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