Chapter 44: Getting a Job

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Slight Lemon everyone. I suck at writing them, but so what! Sorry I have been absent so long, I got strep then my motherboard pooped the bed and typing on ym phone was awful and took so much longer then i wanted, but im up and running now and i should be finishing up the series soon! SO STAY TUNED

Zack POV

I woke up next morning sore as all hell looking over at (Sara). She must have been exhausted from last night. I could probably go back to sleep myself. I just looked at her; she confused me. Someone as sexy as her wanting someone like me. And I'm comfortable without my bandages around her. I mean my skin is pretty weird. My face looks like an avocado had sex with a much older more disgusting avocado.  She was pretty cool. Tolerable to be around and pretty bad ass. I don't think its love, but I like being around her and don't want to kill I guess it was a start.... 
There's no windows in our room but I look over and see the clock. I maybe shit at letters and words but numbers I was okay and reading time on a digital clock was easier then the other kind with the arms and the numbers that were really just that number but sometimes it was other numbers. It said it was 3 am. I looked at her as she stirred slightly noticing her still naked form and immediately grew hard again and since it was still late no one would be up still. I moved the hair out of her face. She stirred agaib and looked up at me half awake with a bit of a sour look on her face......... 

"Wanna fuck?"

Reader POV

Wow. Romantic. Subtle. Both words I would never use to describe Zack. Here I was sleeping and the bastard wakes me up to......ahhhh fuck it. "Eh sure I got time to kill now that I'm awake." And with that Zack pushed his lips onto mine. He threw the blankets off me and his hands began to explore every inch of me once again. His hands rubbing on my inner thigh and lightly scrapping his nails along my skin. It sent shivers up my spine, like feeling electricity through my body. He broke the kiss to reach down and separate my legs with his arms then hoisting me up and putting my legs over his shoulders. His face right near my core which was already dripping from the anticipation of him. He bit my thigh causing me to almost let out a squeak. With one of his free hands he snaked his way under me to my core and inserted two fingers. He so far was always hitting the mark inside me and even curled his fingers slightly to deepen my coming climax. He was magical that's for sure. His fingers kept pumping. Harder. Faster. Until I was meaning his name having a hard time controlling myself. If he stopped this time. I would most certainly murder him. With. Rusty spoon or a toothpick, I would find what I needed to end him if he stopped my pleasure.
I was getting close when he started to slow down. Boy was about to be dead.
That is until he shoved his face between my legs and licking my slit. Oh my god I was in heaven. He attacked me relentlessly and I felt like I was about to pass out when I finally went over my edge. "Zack!!!" I moaned his name loudly and he then came up to me looking at me with almost a satisfied smile. Okay my turn. He crawled to get on top of me but I grabbed him and flipped us both over so he was below me. He smiled at me, knowing full well what I was going to do. I slowly lowered myself onto him and he groaned in annoyance at my pace. I started bouncing eliciting moans from him. He felt amazing. I kept bouncing until he started bucking his hips in response to travel even deeper into me. I moaned as he sat up and put his arms around me and started bucking and moving his hips. I was on my peak and ready to burst. "Zack right there. Yes yes yes!" I was there again and went over my edge into pure blissful pleasure and he soon followed. He collapsed quickly bringing me down with him and we fell asleep quickly for a couple more hours.
When I woke up I took a quick shower before putting on my clothes and heading out to the bar where Kyle was there waiting with a huge smile on his face, while Zack was still asleep.
"Well somebody finally got laid." I looked at him as I grabbed the pot of tea and poured myself some.
"Fuck off unlike you I can't just do a flavor of the week." He looked at me sarcastically looking offended.
"My dear I am offended.......sometimes they don't even last the week!" We sat there giggling for a moment. "Well my dear you know that the policy is work to live here so he needs a job while you both recover, build your new stuff and find out where the government is going to place that poor crazy girl.......I'm thinking stocks?" At that very moment Zack came out into the bar while Kyle and I were chatting and I was cleaning the bar. 

"Who's doing what now?" It was amazing how quickly he could wrap himself up and still look dead to the world.

"Well my dear," Kyle said looking him up and down, Zack was in his pants and had no shirt on......cocky weirdo..... "Here we work to get our food and housing and i can't just give it to you free so you have to take a job, lucky for you my stock boy just got ran over by the mafia the other day for not paying back to them on his loan......." 

"Fine...... what do I gotta do? It doesn't involve reading does it."

"No, lucky for you poor Gerald, bless his soul, was almost completely illiterate. So he made a system that made it easier for him to work." Zack put his feet on the counter to which i immediately snapped a  towel at his leg.

"Feet off my bar Foster." I glared

"Oh Yes (Sara) is very possessive over the bar, so respect the bar."

"Or no Booty!" Zack just looked away and scoffed. Asshole. "Okay ass wipe lets go down to the cellar so I can teach you your job. Zack jumped off the counter and i opened the basement door that was next to the bar and we went downstairs. 

Once we got down to the cellar I showed Zack around and told him about his stocking job. "Okay so essentially your going to be doing stock and keeping this area tidy, Gerald left a picture list of things he always did every night, your also responsible for helping me and the kitchen keep up our inventory which is where this nifty invention comes into play that I made for Gerald." Zack was quiet, actually listening very intently as he looked at my work. "It's basically just a laundry shoot with a cushioned bottom, the one for the kitchen is over on the other side of the cellar, but basically if I need a bottle and instead of me shouting down what I need the empty bottle will come down to you and you just have to match the bottles and bring it up or the food item and bring it up to the kitchen. Sometimes the companies will change the bottles but if they do i can help you find the bottle and you. food companies don't change their labels as often and if they do we will keep an example down here. Zack listened carefully as he followed me around and i explained all his duties. By the end i turned around to look at him. "Anything you want to ask?"


"Were you even listening?" He crossed his arms and looked away.

"Duh of course I was. I have to do stocks, keep the stock room clean help you and the kitchen with inventory, help you at the bar if it gets to busy or if need be help kick someones ass out of here." What the fuck? he actually was listening and I wasn't just imagining it......

" do you think your impulses will do with a full bar?"

"Are you asking if I'm gonna kill anyone?"

"Yes, bad for business if you kill customers who haven't tried to kill anyone or assault the staff."

"Well I think being down here will keep me from strangling idiots, all honesty I was thinking about this this morning.......I haven't really wanted to kill anyone here.....I don't know why and its kind of freaking me out.......its all I know and I can't bring myself to have any murderous impulses....." Wow, so Zack hasn't had any impulses....he has been calmer......I wonder what it could be, i could only speculate.....

"Maybe it's because your surrounded by killer, mercenaries and general criminals? Ya know people who aren't afraid of you?" I was just guessing but Zack still looked unsure.

"I don't know but it feels unnatural....." Yeah I guess it would for him, killing is the only that has ever felt normal to him. His instincts were one of a perfect predator. Mine started out as survival then turned to my own sense of justice, giving me more control. 

"Don't worry about it too much. You'll be back at it again once we are able to find Ray......"

Whenever that would be........

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