Chapter 19: This was only Temporary

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I just learned how to change the font style, woo me! lol it took way too long! 

I Decided I am going to just do double uploads every few days or whenever I am able to bust out a couple chapters!!!!


Zack POV

I am the first to wake up, feeling like i just took the nap of the fucking century. I finally open my eyes to see my head resting on (Sara's) with Rachel still sleeping on my lap. I look at (Sara) and smile. What the fuck has this woman done to me? She's stubborn and crazy and smart. She's pretty cool I guess hehe. I look at Ray and this little sociopath is growing on me too, makes it hard for me to want to......

.....No I made a promise......and I am no liar. I feel (Sara) start to stir and and wake up. She lifts head up before even opening her eyes.

Readers POV

God i got this kink in my neck from whatever i was laying on. I open my eyes to find we are still in that alcove in the corner. GOD DAMN THOSE LIGHTS ARE BRIGHT! When I finally adjust to the light I see Zack looking at me. Is he smiling? Like a genuine smile? Are we in Hell? Am I in Heaven? haha no... He is smiling at me....genuinely. "Nice bed head." He says to me pointing at my hair, which currently may or may not be in a mohawk-ish fashion from how I was sleeping. Great.......

"We can't all be as pretty as you in the morning Zack."

"That's for sure." He smiles at me again. Okay, what the FUCK is going on?

"Yeah, we should wake up Rachel and get going..." Don't get me wrong seeing Zack like this is refreshing and entertaining, but also kinda weird. I crawl over to Rachel and start nudging her awake.

"Come on kid it's time to wake up....wakey wakey eggs and bac-y!" Rachel stirs and sits up.

"Is their actually bac-y?" What in the actual fuck HAHAHAHA! She says barely coherent. Zack and I can't even contain ourselves. I am holding my gut on the floor and Zack is trying not to vomit he's laughing so hard. How can she still be cute and funny when she's like a zombie?

Rachel is finally coherent and can see that Zack is in a fantastic mood. "What's with the change Zack?" Rachel asks , still rubbing her eyes.

 Finally got that scythe sized stick out of your ass?" I teasingly smile at him.

"I had a good dream," and he looks at me, "and it's all your fault." I am taken aback by his open statement and my cheeks turn a slight shade of pink before coming back to my senses.

"Dreaming about groping me again are we?" I retort back.

"You wish." He smiles at me. "Let's get going slaves! We still got to get through Cathy's Crazy Shit Extravaganza." He picks up his scythe and starts to head out of the alcove we were hidden in. Rachel and I look at each other in concern at Zack's 180 degree personality shift. It's like he won the fucking lottery or something.

The next room we reach is split into three sections. Two of the them have desks and the third is strange. Its a log cabin and woods and a river on a table, like a model or toy. Zack walks into the area with the log cabin. I can feel something change in him. His brief instance of happiness is crushed and he changes. I can see the tenseness in his shoulders, the hitch in his breath seeing the display and his head starts to drop.

I guess this was only temporary.

Angels of Death : Maniac (Zack x Reader or OC)Where stories live. Discover now