All of us are uncertain at the age of sixteen. The world larger then had imaged with a feeling of more freedom. Getting a car, curfew longer, boys, and to fit into the latest fashion. All thing that we think about as a girl.
But for Grace an arrang...
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I had never slept so good before to the point I didn't want to wake up. Warmth surrounding my small frame against the man that made my night the best ever. Slowly peeling my eyes open to see his handsome face before mine on the pillow. A dusting of dark hair on his jaw starting to show stubble that made him look adorable. Those lips I had molded mine to perfectly, parted in deep relax sleep. Dark chocolate lashes fanned out over his high cheekbones.
Unbelieving that this man before me had made me for the first time feel loved. In his embraced protected and warm. His body a masterpiece of muscle but, his skin was surprisingly soft under my finger tips. A powerful jaw that meet a slightly pointed chin. But most of all I seemed to enjoy those dark red lips. So good against mine that I could kiss forever. Wanting nothing more then to turn back time and have it happen all over again.
One of my hands traveling up along his features gently to thick hair of chocolate and gold strands ruffled on the pillow. Taking in every small detail to memory. Thick eyebrows the same color in the rising sun's light. Casting shadows along his impressive arms that held me to his strong chest. Hard muscles pressing against my soft flesh as I tried to wiggle carefully from his grasp. Untangling my legs from his and out from under the white covers. Finally succeeding in sliding from under him and the bed, leaving me with one sad option.
I had to sneak out.
Even though I wanted nothing more then to stay right here in this room that was to grace my mind everyday. This was what it was. What I had came out last night to do.
Lose my virginity.
Meeting a guy that was unexpectedly wonderful was not part of the plan. To feel what true love really could be, an extra in the experience. And it seemed I had picked the right guy to make it magical unintentionally. A memory I could always reflect on in the future for my darkest days.
With a last look to his peaceful expression of bliss. I turned to gather my underwear and slide on the sticky dress once again. Looking around the room to the hall, putting on those monster heels I was going to hate walking in again. Even more so that the inside of my legs and hips hurt. But it was a pain that was from pleasure. A delicious ache that I would savor for the rest of my days. But felt another ache forming as I walked away.
A smile lifting my lips with one last glance to the gorgeous man that I would remember for the rest of my life. Greedily taking his slim black tie that even held the smell of his colon on it still. Quietly exiting the luxury apartment that didn't go unnoticed. Walking down the hall to the elevator with my heart pumping loudly in my ears now.
Fear and nervousness taking over at what the day would hold. One that I had been sick over for weeks now in anxiety. Hopping onto the elevator to the main floor. Finding we were in a business building. Heading out the large doors to the city streets coming alive with the rising sun. Hailing a cab that would most likely take me on the last trip that I would ever feel myself again. Leaving the old me behind with the man that I didn't even know. Feeling I had left a big piece of myself he would forever hold that had always been the true me.