All of us are uncertain at the age of sixteen. The world larger then had imaged with a feeling of more freedom. Getting a car, curfew longer, boys, and to fit into the latest fashion. All thing that we think about as a girl.
But for Grace an arrang...
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"I want you to leave my girlfriend alone." Vincent said bursting into my office. Having had such a blissful morning until right now.
Two weeks having gone by sense I took Persephone out. Everyday texting her that always brought a smile to my lips with her replies. Octavia even a few times taking her phone knowing by the way she talked was more bold and straight to the point. Liking her personality that complemented Persephone's showed they really were close friends.
"I think your girlfriend is entitled to make that decision herself." Leaning back in my chair. The few occasions that I have been here, having been out and about for days. Grinning by the fact he finally was able to get to me after several attempts my receptionist has left me messages from him. Ignoring every single one of them.
"No! I am making that decision for what's good for her and that is not you in her life." Coming to the front of my desk almost red in the face with his finger pointing at me as if I were a child. Arrogantly giving him a smirk as I stood. Fixing my suit jacket to come around the desk to lazily sit back on it, crossing my arms before him.
"Or its because I'm a threat to your relationship, isn't it." Titling my head a fraction, glancing over his appearance that looked as if he had worn this suit more then twice this week. The collar slightly wrinkled with his pants just the same. His brown hair wild as his brown eyes glared at me with irritation. An expression that wasn't new to me.
"You have overstepped your boundaries with her, Harper." Pointing his finger once again at me but this time into my chest, brushing it off as if it was nothing. Which it wasn't because right now I knew Persephone had no idea he was here. Knowing full well if she did would be furious with him or had talked him out of confronting me. Believing she was afraid of us meeting obviously by this display of hatred towards me as much as I had for him.
"And what boundaries do I have in regards to Miss Sulivan, hum. Because I quite remember when you didn't have boundaries with my sister." I countered that had his lips seal in an instant.
If only they would have stayed that way though. This conversation would have been over. Tightening my fist by the seconds that went by with him in my presences.
"Do not bring Rosaleen in this. We were both young. Only teenagers. Nothing was long term to me then like it is now with Persephone." He tried to defend as all that did was make me clench my jaw. Having broken my sisters heart when she found him with her best friend together in the barn on her birthday. It made the saying rolling in the hay a true statement that day.
"And yet your here." My eyes hardening on his that seemed to flash with a some kind of understanding.
"Are you punishing me for what happened to your sister? I apologized for what I did and we then went our separate ways." More like told her the greatest excuse in the world that it wasn't her but him. Even more that he didn't think that there relationship was to last sense he was going to be going to college here in New York while my sister stayed back at home in South Carolina.