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Five Years Later

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Five Years Later

"Just because your my brothers boyfriend, does not mean you can sit on my lap whenever you feel like it." Pushing Ethan off my thighs and onto the floor before my desk. Having been looking over graphs when he had barged into my office. Complaining about something my brother most likely didn't do again. 

You can guess who is the more feminine in this relationship.

"But he forgot about my nana's birthday, again. I want him to come up with me! But he refuses." He said dramatically with a dark tone to the end. Rolling my eyes in understanding as Ethan's family was all about who he was. First time meeting his family both my cheeks where squeezed several times threw the night. I don't know why, but the older generation of his family seems to like doing it. Specially when he has a huge family like ours.

"My brother is twenty-six! Two years older then me and you think I can tell him what to do!" Watching him stand up as he dusted imaginary lint off his body.

"Well he is your right hand man isn't he! So you can demand him to go with me to New Jersey! And its only for the weekend." Spreading his hands out wide as the door behind him banged open with an enraged brother. Yes I myself was afraid of my older brother. But you can't blame me when he gets this look in his eyes that says "know matter what happens shit is about to go down".

"No! I refuses to be your nana's pooky pie for a weekend. It still gives me nightmares." My brother Dillion grumbled coming into the office with his traditional dark attire and just as dark mood as always. The black straight hair making his grey eyes stand out further. Standing three inches taller then I. Built like a muscle builder, didn't help his already scary appearance. Usually with a straight face, in the off chance he wasn't. Him being the serious brother. Where I was the laid back one.

My father had hoped he would have taken over the family business eventually. But then things changed when my old boss, now King of the mafia decided I was to be the Prince of North America. Taking his position as head of the mob here. Basically dropping the job last minute into my lap.

Thanks best friend!

I totally want a position where everyone hates me and always am a target to be killed. Yet at the same time everyone wants to be me. Well the ones that only see me as a businessman. Not the ex spy for the U.S. figures. Having originally worked for many different military groups as a teen because of my father. Himself having worked in secret areas of the U.S. agencies had me do the same. My brother having gone first threw it finding he didn't have a care for it as much as I did being more interested in high school. 

Me though. 

I loved the thrill of being in tight situations. Learning everything I could to be a great flexible guard and field agent when needed.

Then I meet Lawrence when he had came to my father to hire private security but, one in his age so we could go to school together. A good way to have protection close and go unnoticed. I being the best choice and had just finished training. My father even excited to find who my new client was of a multi-million dollar shipping company. 

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