Chapter 1 ▸ Arctic Headlights

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L.A.'s P.O.V:

My black worn-out converse came into contact with the dark asphalt as I leaped out of the city's buses. My eyes wander around the busy street, hoping something familiar would grab my attention.

"Can you move?!" A grumpy voice spat from behind, causing me to jump to my right side and apologize to the middle aged man. "Yeah, yeah." He mumbled, before hurling through the crowded sidewalk.

A sigh left my full lips as I watched unfamiliar faces pace around me with irritated expressions written on their plastic faces, letting me know that none of them will give me the time of day to answer a few questions of mine.

I slowly took a step forward onto the busy sidewalk and decide to just follow wherever my gut was telling me to go. And right now, it was telling me to head west.

I gripped the black straps on my pearl white jansport backpack, while I quickly walked past the unfriendly strangers. I avoided people's stares and whispers as I walked past them, trying my best not to let their comments or dirty looks get to me.

I was in the glamorous part of Hollywood and the way I dressed wasn't up to par with the people living here. I was wearing torn up black leggings with a raggedy grey t shirt that hasn't been wash in days, nor have I either. The first couple of days I couldn't even handle my own stench, but I have gotten so used to it now that I don't even know what I smell like anymore. But I'm guessing like complete garbage since everyone covers their noses when I walk by them.

A sigh left my lips again as I continued to walk down the street. I didn't know where I was going. I was just following my gut, hoping it would lead me somewhere. Somewhere I didn't think will still exist to this day.

"Damn, take a shower." A man gaged at me, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Go suck a dick." I hissed at the jerk, before turning a corner.

I slowly took off my black backpack and unzipped the small pouch, while I continued to walk down the street. I pulled an old, crumbled up newspaper from it, before zipping it back up and putting it on again.

I slowly unfolded the single paper and read the title again.


I slowly skimmed through the article that I have read numerous times in my life, trying to find one particular sentence.

"...the little girl was found in a dumpster, behind a the Circle K gas station off of...."

My head quickly shot up as my gray eyes wander around the street signs as I stood in the middle of the sidewalk.

"Ma'am are you okay?" A women approached me with a concern look on her face.

I ignored her question, "Can you tell me how far I am from Hollywood Blvd?" I asked, while I gripped the paper in my hands a little tighter trying to calm down my nerves.

She eyed me, before looking around the street, "About a five minute walk. It's that way." She pointed her index finger towards a street that was on my right side.

"Thank you." I mumbled before following the direction she gave me.

"But miss..." I ignored the kind women and quickly walked down the street.

My eyes wander around looking for a Circle K, hoping it's still here after all these years.

I stopped in my tracks when I noticed a flashing sign across the street. I quickly took off running towards it, not caring about looking at on coming traffic.

Finding L.A. ▸ Andrew SiwickiWhere stories live. Discover now