Chapter 14 ▸ In Flames

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I slowly walked over to Andrew's room, so I could head off to bed. Andrew has just left for Shane's, because they have to do some editing on a new series for Shane's YouTube channel, but they said they can't talk about what it's going to be about for now.

My tired eyes scanned the lonely room as I made my way over to his comfy bed. I slowly pulled the covers back and noticed Andrew's laptop in the middle of the bed, "Oh no, Andrew forgot it." I whispered to myself as I slowly picked up his light laptop.

I still didn't have a phone to call Andrew or anyone else, but I knew you could message people through laptops, so that's what I decided to do. I knew Andrew would be upset if he had made it over to Shane's and had to come all the way back for his laptop. So, hopefully I can catch him before he gets there.

I gently sat down on his bed and opened his laptop. A picture of me was his screensaver which made my heart melt. A giant smile was on my face as I skimmed the bottom of the screen hoping to find the iMessage icon, but instead my eyes were fixated at something else.

"Finding L.A." I whispered to myself, before clicking that folder.

Dozens of edited and unedited videos appeared on screen, causing my heart to drop. I moved the mouse curser over to one of the earliest video and clicked on it.

"What the fuck?" I hissed when I noticed this clip took place in the grocery store we went to while we were on our way to the Queen Mary.

I slowly clicked the play button and watched as my nightmare became reality, "Andrew, cut the camera." Shane said, but in the video you can see that Andrew faked it. He had recorded that whole conversation we had about the finding of the street tapes.

My gray eyes became watery as anger boiled inside of me. I told them from the very beginning that I didn't want any of this to be film, but this whole time they have been secretly filming ever thing.

"L.A.?" That familiar husky voice called for me, but I didn't dare move from my spot. I honestly just couldn't because I was in a state of disbelief over what I had just stumble upon.

"L.A.... Oh thank god you found it." A sigh of relief left his lips, causing my watery eyes to meet his.

"You lied to me." I hissed at him, causing guilt to wash all over his pale face.

He quickly came to my side, "Look, let me explain." He begged, but I pushed him away.

I quickly got off his bed and stared up at him, "Was I just some kind of money marker for you guys, huh? I told you guys from the start that I didn't want my story to be film and you guys went behind my back and did this to me." I voiced my anger as he silently stood there and let me vent.

His glossy eyes meet mine, "You weren't some money marker for us. We did this for you. We were never gonna put it on the internet. It was gonna be a gift for you at the end, because we knew about your life growing up and how shitty it was and we just wanted you to give something that you could look back on and see how far you have come in life." He explained.

My eyes fluttered, "What?" My voice cracked, causing a sigh to leave his lips.

"This was only for you to see at the end. No one else. I can't believe you would actually think we would do something like this to you. After all we have been through." He raised his voice a little, causing me to take a step back.

My emotions collided with one of another as I didn't know what to think or how to feel, "I-I-I'm sorry.. I-l" I could barely get any words out, causing Andrew to pull me into a tight hug.

Finding L.A. ▸ Andrew SiwickiWhere stories live. Discover now