Chapter 15 ▸ Stolen History

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I quietly rumished through the debris outside the burnt down bar hoping to find the safe that Tony kept everything in.

"Honey, what are you doing out here?" Cindy questioned me, but I ignored her and continued to look for the safe.

A sigh left her lips before she walked away and left me all alone again, "Fuck." I hissed as I kicked some of the debris in frustration.

"L.A." Tony called for me, causing my gray eyes to wander over to him.

Cindy was wheeling him over to me, "Yes?" I responded.

Tony gentle pushed himself up from the wheelchair and took a step towards me, "The doctor told you to rest." Cindy reminded him, but he just waved her off.

"Tony it's okay. I will look for it. You need to rest." I shooed him off, causing him to roll his eyes at me.

"I will rest when I'm died." He said as his eyes meet mine, "Now, kid. What the hell are you looking for?" He questioned me.

A sigh left my lips, "For the safe." I whispered.

"L.A., they took the safe." He said.

I gave him a look, "Who took it?" I asked.

A sigh left his lips, "You're grandfather, when they came here that day."

Anger boiled inside of my body, because he withheld this important information from me, "Why are you telling me this now?!" I hissed at him.

"Because, I didn't want you to react this way..."

"He has everything, Tony. All my family documents and all yours as well." I cried out.


I quickly shut him down, "We have to get it back, now." I said as I started to head to Garrett's car, but Tony quickly grabbed my arm and yanked me back.

A groaning sound left his mouth as he held his abdomen, "We will get it back, but you will not be involved with this, understood."

I yanked my arm out of his grip, "You can't keep telling me what I can and can't be involved in. This is my parents. My family. My life." I yelled at him with pure angry.

"L.A., stop!" Cindy hissed at me, causing me to roll my eyes at her.

"Just let the officers take care of this." Tony said, causing a fake laugh to leave my lips.

"They aren't doing anything about it. It's been four months now and they still are "investigating" the first incident that happened with me. Don't you get it. If we want something done, we have to do it ourselves." I explained to him, causing a sigh to leave his thin lips.

"I don't care what you think. But do you even think your parents will be okay with you getting yourself killed?" Tony questioned me.

"No they won't, but they won't be okay with me not doing the right thing either." I snapped back, before walking away.

Anger continued to boiled inside of me as I quietly sat in Garrett's car waiting for him to come so we could get the hell out of here.

Deep down I knew I had to get back that safe and put my grandfather away for a very long time. And if that meant I had to come up with a plan and execute it all by myself than so be it. Either way, something has to get done even if it means risking my life for it.


My gray eyes slowly flutter as they wander up to Andrew who was now fast asleep. I slowly unwrapped my body from his and quietly got off of his bed. The moonlight shinning through the small window helped be a light for me as I wander around the room looking for my shoes. I quickly slipped on my red converse and made my way over to one of the night stands.

After we had left the bar today, Garrett took me to the Apple store and Andrew ended up buying me a iPhone 8 incase they needed to contact me.

I gently picked up my brand new phone, before slowly tip-toeing out of the room and over to the living room.

A soft sigh left my lips as my tired eyes wander down the dim hallway, "I love you , Andrew." I whispered into the quiet air, before leaving his apartment.

The freezing night air sent chills down my spine as I continued to walk down the empty street. I quickly threw on my hoodie and pulled out my cell phone.

After receiving my new phone, I had done some research on my grandfather and found some dark facts about him. My grandfather is August Reid II. He came from a very elite bloodline like no other. Generation after generation only married wealthy people and only associated with the elites. If you didn't, they would disown you, but not one article or paper I read about them mention anything about them killing people. As I looked underneath the names of his children, my mother's name never popped up. And as I search for her it's almost like she never existed. She was rebellion in my grandfather's evil eyes and he did not like that. So, he got rid of her entire existence and I still can't wrap my head around that.

My tired eyes scrolled through my phone and found an address my grandfather is believe to be living in at the moment. I quickly typed the address into the map and saw that it was a good thirty minute walk from where I was standing.

"Here goes nothing." I whispered to myself, before heading north to my destination.

The whole time walking, I tried figuring out a plan. I could either somehow break into his mansion and steal back the safe and not get caught or I try to get caught and somehow get him to confess about murdering my parents. But I knew which ever way it ends up going, there's a fifty percent chance I might not make it out alive and I'm trying to come to terms with that.

"In 150 feet, your destination will be on your left." Siri spoke, causing my heart rate to pick up.

I slowly walked up the steep hill, before stopping in front of tall metal gates, "Arrived." Siri said again, before I quickly turned her off.

My gray eyes scanned the perfectly lit estate to see if anyone was outside. But to my luck I didn't see anyone. There were a few lights on inside of the old mansion, but the rest of it was dark and creepy.

All my feelings collide with one an another as I went the squads' group message. I knew that even though everyone was fast asleep, because it was one in the morning I still had to leave something behind if I don't make it out alive.

I took a quick photo of the entrance and sent it in the group message along with my current location, before leaving a simple yet meaningful message, "Thank you guys for being absolutely amazing to me through this whole thing and welcoming me with open arms. I love you all so much. P.S. if I don't make it out alive, Shane and Andrew, you have my permission to release the "Finding L.A." series." Tears streamed down my face as I pressed send.

My hands started to shake as my breathing became uneven, once I realized what the heck I was doing.

I quickly pressed the voice recording button, before shoving my phone in my bra, "Whoever finds this recording, my name is L.A. and I'm probably about to do the dummest thing right now, but it had to be done." I whispered into the recording.

I quietly stood outside the entrance as my watery eyes wander around trying to find a way that I could get in without making a scene. I started to walk along the left side of the property along the freakishly tall black gates.

The sound of the gate cricking caught my attention and I hid behind a bush as my eyes wander over to the side I was just standing at a couple seconds ago.

My eyes narrowed as I noticed no one came out, "False alarm." I sighed, before standing up and turning around.

A piercing scream left my lips when a creepy looking man was now standing in front of me, "You stupid bitch." He laughed, before knocking me upside the head with a heavy object.

I was slowly losing consciousness as I helplessly laid on the freezing asphalt, "Sir, I got her." Is all I heard before darkness took over.

******Authors Note******

Hey guys.

Sorry for the late post, but I hope you liked this chapter.

Thanks again for everything.

Love ya!

Finding L.A. ▸ Andrew SiwickiWhere stories live. Discover now