Chapter 17 ▸ The Series

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I slowly dragged an orange extension cord along side the newly improved OutCast bar, before stopping at an outside plug, "It reaches!" I yelled up to Tony who was on the roof.

"Okay, go get everyone to come outside first before plugging it." He responded.

A warm smile was plastered on my face, "Okay, give me a second." I yelled back before quickly jogging inside the newly remodeled bar.

"Guys!" I yelled which caught everyone's attention right away, "It's ready." I beamed, causing a bunch of people to cheer each other before rushing out the doors.

"Oo, I can't wait to see this." Shane smiled as him and the rest of the squad followed everyone outside.

I quickly walked over to the plug and grabbed the extension, "Okay, on three." I said, causing everyone to nod their heads.

I slowly looked up to Tony who gave me the thumbs up, "One, Two, Three!" We all yelled and right on three, I plugged the cord into the outlet.

A bunch of gasps and cheers left everyone's lips as they jump for joy.

I quickly made my way to the front and stared in awe at the new "The OutCasts" sign. It was lit up in a bright white color with a hint of ruby outlining the skull that was placed in the between the two words.

"Oh my gosh honey, you did amazing." Cindy beamed as she pulled me into a tight hug.

"Stop, you're gonna make me cry." I said as I noticed tears were rolling down her face.

"Oh, sush." She laughed, before letting go of me.

My glossy eyes watched as Tony had made his way to the front and finally got to see the sign, "Your parents are looking down at you, kid. And they are so proud of you." He whispered to me, causing a single tear to roll down my cheek.

"Thank you." I whispered to him, causing him to pull me into a tight hug.

"No, thank you." He said as his watery eyes meet mine, "If it wasn't for you and your friends we would still be living in fear. You guys saved us and we can't thank you guys enough." He explained causing my watery eyes to wander over to my wonderful friends who were enjoying ever second of this moment.

"You saved us too." I whispered, causing a small laugh to leave his lips, before he kissed the top of my head.

"Okay!" Tony yelled as he let go of me, "Let's go enjoy ourselves!" He beamed, causing everyone to run inside, while I stayed back with my group.

"L.A., like I'm honestly so proud of you." Morgan beamed as she pulled me into a tight hug.

"Guys, stop. You guys helped too." I reminded them.

"I mean, you honestly did save a lot of people lives because of that night." Ryland said, causing a sigh to leave my lips.

After that night, it was a long and difficult next few months with August's trail. With the help of all the evidence we had collected over the past few months, we were able to put August away for life, but he did try his best to fight for his life but in the end he didn't win. Also, what had happened to my parents and including my myself and my friends, I was awarded 25 million dollars by the state. I used some of that money to help rebuild The OutCast bar and replace anything that was damage because of August and his people.

Finding L.A. ▸ Andrew SiwickiWhere stories live. Discover now