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Do not bully, it leads you nowhere

But wherever you go, it happens here and there

Do not bully it leads to no good

I hope that it is understood

Verbal, physical, social bullying

If you don't know what they mean please get studying

Be smart and use your brain

Stop giving other people horrendous pain

It cruel and mean

You are only trying to create a scene

So you bully's out there

Stop bullying and make things fair

You just want attention

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention

You think you are better than everyone else

Pushing your way through 

But no, we will stand our ground

We will make a sound

You won't be able to stop us

because we are unstoppable

I just wanted to say, to everyone reading this that you have to stand up for yourself and not let others push you around all the time. I generally hate bullies, they are the last people that I want to be friends with. We as human beings need to learn not be afraid of bullies, they are just normal humans like ourselves. They want you to feel afraid because they might want to be like you and feel intimidated because of you. They hurt you because of who you are, and you can't let that happen. We need to speak up, for who we are and who we are as human beings. They can't be allowed to push you around, trust me I've experienced the pain of bullying and it is not alright. So fight back and show who you really are behind that scared mask.

 So fight back and show who you really are behind that scared mask

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