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Being unique means being the only one like you

Being unique means that no one is like you

It means that you are you and others can't be the same

Being unique is the best thing to happen

If we weren't all unique in our own ways......

Boring life

Boring world

Boring people

Boring work

Boring books

Boring family

Boring friends

Boring everything

We can't have that, can we??

For you to be unique is the most special thing to happen

It means that you are who you are 

It is good to be different

To have different hair, skin colour, hobbies, favourite things

It is all what makes us unique

Let them laugh about you being different

Let them...

because they are different too

So don't let people say, haha who are you??

Because who are they??

We should be proud for who we are

For how different we are

Because we aren't all the same

We are all different human beings

Different people to each other

and we should be proud of that

No matter what....

Be yourself, not other people

Don't think that you can be someone else

Because you can't...

Like I said before, you are you

Uniqueness is what makes you beautiful

Who wants to be normal, when we can all be unique?

Hey guys, thanks for reading this. It is actually really relatable for me because i wear the scarf and people sometimes judge me for that. I do get stares and once these two girls came up to me and asked why I wear the scarf. See, some people may not understand why you do things differently to other people. The answer to that is uniqueness, like I said above, it is really special to be different to other people. I'm glad that I wear it, and I don't care anymore if people stare or ask questions because that is who I am, and nobody can change me or what I wear. Remember to comment and vote. Thank you so much for you time.

 Thank you so much for you time

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