The killer clown

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There once was a killer clown

Who drove in a Ferrari

Whenever you saw him, he always wore a frown,

and also wore a saari.

Driving as fast as he could

to steal a kid or two

With a knife in his hand, with a chocolate bar to chew.

He stopped at a mansion and saw a girl playing fortnite,

smashed the window and let a laugh,

then saw the game and played for the night,

Mum came screaming to see what was going on,

saw the clown and knew she was gone.

"Get out! Get out! Get out!" she screamed.

But the clown just stood, stared, and beamed.

Then without a warning, Mum got out her phone

and started speaking in a serious tone.

Before the clown could run away,

before he knew it, the police were on their way.

"Whoop! Whop! Whoop!" went the sirens a moment later,

"Put your hands up!!" shouted a fat policeman.

That was the moment when the clown felt like a traitor.

His hands went up, ashamed with sorrow,

As he walked down to the car,

Thinking about tomorrow,

What would his mum think?

That was all the clowns thoughts.

She would hit him with a saucepan going clink,clink,clink

Oh, why did the killer clown have to get caught?


Hey guys, thanks for reading my poems!!

I really appreciate all the support you've given me throughout my first book!!

But, this is the end of the journey!!

I will be starting a new book, soon!!

So hope i get to write soon and hear from all of you again!!


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