The unbelievable day!

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I was walking down the street,

listening to a catchy beat,

A lady then walked passed me pushing a wagon,

to my surprise inside was a dragon,

I stopped and stared and thought i was dreaming,

but there it was, the dragon was beaming,

Before i could ask or question the lady,

The dragon got up and attacked a baby,

Screams and shouts gushed out like a choir

while all i saw was heaps of fire,

'Think, think' was circling my head,

'Hurry up, or i'll be dead'

Then out of the smoke with a cunning plan,

Out he came, It was Batman

With a flying kick and double punch

The dragon went down with a loud 'crunch'

Batman then left with our dismay

And that was my unbelievable day!

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