「 FIVE 」

508 79 42

dear renjun,

today i saw you with herin again, during lunch break, looking like the best couple on earth.

she was sitting with you on our table that we shared together, and that was hurt me the most. i would rather have you two sit at another table, than have me be a third wheeler, witnessing and hearing everything you guys did.

and of course i didn't do that.

i grabbed a table at the deserted and quiet part of the cafeteria, watching with jealousy and envy from afar about how close the two of you were.

on my way out of the cafeteria, i even heard you asking her out to have dinner tonight.

i locked gazes with you as you grinned at me, and i hid my disappointment and pain behind my forced smile.

after all, what right do i have to objecting you to having pretty, innocent, popular and cute seo herin as your girlfriend? nothing.

and you know what?

i bumped into chenle on my way out. you know, the computer nerd who everyone likes too. he asked me if i wanted to go catch a movie with him, but i rejected him.

you know why?

i was thinking about you the entire time.

if only you would like me back too.


— ♥ —

letters | h. renjun; wang yiren  ✓Where stories live. Discover now