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the blonde haired boy entered the white room, which smelled faintly of disinfectant and medicine. a tear rolled down his cheek, seeing a girl lying peacefully on the bed.

"renjun-ah! let's go play!" the girl's voice rang in his head, and a younger version of her popped up in his head. she grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze, urging him to stand up and play with her. he couldn't help but smile and follow her.

but now, there was no more her.

"thank you for everything," he said, forcing a weak, sad smile, to the girl lying down in front of him. her face was pale, her eyes were closed and her body was limp. he noticed a bunch of white letters and polaroid pictures scattered on the table, and he grabbed the picture on the top, the tears burning in his eyes.

it was a picture he had given to her of him during her sixteenth birthday as a mini birthday gift, so she could stare at home everyday.

then he snatched one of the white letters lying on the table, tears choking his throat.

it was dated just yesterday, and to him.

he read the letter slowly, from top to bottom, making sure not to leave one single word out, making sure to memorize her handwriting.

"i love you too, wang yiren, i just didn't realize it," he muttered to himself after reading the letter, carressing the strawberry blonde haired girl's soft cheek slowly, before squeezing her hand lightly, a usual habit for him.

then he bent down and kissed her gently on her lips which tasted like peppermint, but they were cold and hard. tears slid down his cheeks endlessly, grief eating away at his heart.

"i'm sorry i was too late, happy seventeenth birthday, wang yiren."

— ♥ —

dude this is so sad im about to cry, but the last letter will be published tomorrow : (

letters | h. renjun; wang yiren  ✓Where stories live. Discover now