When You Annoy Him

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"Ah shit." You escaped Sebastian's grip soon after seeing the alarm clock struck nine. You had work at ten and it took you thirty minutes to arrive at work by cab. Sebastian was still in bed and sound asleep as you went straight to your closet. His eyes shorty opened after hearing your metal hangers sliding against the rack as you looked for your work shirt. "Shh." You gave an eye roll, continuing to make the sound before opening and closing drawers for a pair of jeans. As for Sebastian, who gave a blank expression, kept pillow held over his ears before tossing it at you. "You're so annoying in the morning." You smirked, throwing the pillow back at him when he sat up, making him lie back down with a groan. "Well, I'm sorry. I have to get to work. Shit, wrong shirt!" Sebastian gave a deep sigh and another groan as he massaged the temples of his head when hearing you repeatedly sliding the hangers side to side.
You blushed when Joseph kissed your cheek while sitting next to you on the couch of the apartment. The both of you were watching a movie together, until it was paused. "Excuse you?" "I'm going to go make a drink. Want one?" Joseph smiled. After giving a nod, Joseph stood up and went to get you a drink, while you waited you popped your knuckles. "Stop." "What?" You looked over to see Joseph staring at you with two cups of ice tea in his hands. "Every morning when you wake up, you tend to pop everything." You smirked when an eye roll and continued to pop your fingers, then your neck, then your toes. Joseph gave a light sigh, looking at you when he sat next to and waited to push play. "Done yet?" "Wait my back." You twisted and cracked your back, giving an 'ooh' sound as Joseph deeply groaned. "Of course."
"Love, stop tapping the fork." Your lips slightly parted into a small form when you glanced up at Ruvik. You then gave a small laugh and placed down the fork you were tapping again a glass plate in a rhythm. "Sorry, I have a song stuck in my head." Ruvik rubbed your back and kissed the side of your head when going into the kitchen, it was early and he had just woken up shortly after you did. "Which song is it this time?" "Metamorphosis." Ruvik gave a nod, but as he reached for the a glass on the shelf he stopped when hearing you tap the fork again and humming. "(Y/n)." You stopped, looking at Ruvik that walked past you once more. When he went into the room, which you guessed he was going to place on his cloak over his shirtless form, you tapped the fork and your foot with a hum. Ruvik gave a deep sigh when placing in his cloak with a head shake. "Just can't stop can she?"
"Goodnight Leslie." Leslie smiled, then kissed the side of your head when pulling you close in a spoon position. "Go-goodnight." You smiled when he held you tightly and kissed your shoulder twice before shutting his eyes and falling asleep. As for you, five minutes later you started to toss and turn due to not feeling comfortable. "There." After facing Leslie, who gave a light sigh and held you close once more, he ended up peeking open an eye shortly after feeling you turn on your side. "Comf-comfortable, yes?" You gave a small laugh, trying to get back into the spooning position but instead you ended up groaning and laying flat on your back. "I'm trying but I can't." After hearing Leslie sigh, you looked back at him only for him to get out of bed and lift you up bridal. Leslie then sat back in bed while holding you close to him. "N-no more moving." "Leslie. I am so sorry for annoying you," you said with a faint laugh.
"Would you still love me if I became a zombie?" Stefano glanced down at you then back up at the movie the two of you were watching in the bedroom of the apartment. "As long as not as you don't try to eat me, then I don't see why not Darling." You blushed, looking back at the movie while lying your head on his chest and with your arms wrapped around him. "What if I took bad photos of you and posted them?" "I have black mail Darling." Your lips parted as soon as you glanced up at him, but Stefano smirked and kissed the side of your head. "Relax Darling." You gave a small laugh, looking back at the television with a light sigh before glancing back down at the remote to skip commercials. "What if I wa-?" Stefano placed a hand over your mouth with a deep sigh through his nose and his eyes shut when you glanced back up at him. "No matter what I will always love you. Even if you continue to annoy me Darling." After a peck on your head, Stefano released you only for you to give an eye roll and a small laugh. "Are you sure? Really sure?" "Darling, don't make me punish you."

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