Random Scenario: The Engagement Ring

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This is one of the five rings Sebastian had difficulty choosing from. To be honest, he admits to being stressed out more than ever when it came to choosing a ring. He thought about getting you one with a diamond on it, but then realizing that getting you a band ring would most likely being the better option. Finally, when the time came to choose you a ring before the KCPD dinner event, Sebastian picked this stunning, black ring with a row of white diamonds.

Joseph Joseph struggled when picking out an engagement ring that wasn't going to top the wedding ring, which he already picked out

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Joseph struggled when picking out an engagement ring that wasn't going to top the wedding ring, which he already picked out. He viewed over twenty rings, but thankfully he found the right one. He hesitated many times before purchasing it, and thought over many times about paying extra for customizing. Thankfully, the ring came in the day before finding out you had to work late.

RuvikThis ring belonged to his mother, although he had it redesigned into a new version

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This ring belonged to his mother, although he had it redesigned into a new version. After hours, even days, of finding a ring for you, he over stressed himself. When finding his mother's, which he kept on him, he decided to propose to you with it. It took the customization three days to be finished, and once it did he gave the professor time off so his idea could happen.

LeslieLeslie had no help when it came to picking out an engagement ring for you

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Leslie had no help when it came to picking out an engagement ring for you. This ring was ranged high in price, but he used the donation money citizens give him to purchase this ring. The search for finding this ring caused him to go to three different jewelry stores, in which Nurse Tatiana was happily to drive him to. Once he found one he liked, he had Tatiana hold it for him so the store doesn't turn around to sell it or for him to lose it.

StefanoBelieve it or not, Stefano hand crafted this ring

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Believe it or not, Stefano hand crafted this ring. It took him months to think of an idea of what ring he wanted to present to you. When it was finished, he was impressed by his results. All the diamonds were real and he sculptured the sizes himself too. As much as he would brag about his creation of the ring, he doesn't so others could admire him for his artwork and having you as his fiancé.

 As much as he would brag about his creation of the ring, he doesn't so others could admire him for his artwork and having you as his fiancé

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