Legendary Reactions Season 1

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Prompt: Legends reactions/attitudes/ relationships to/with Peggy Hunter, my oc. (Only season 1 characters).

- Stressed patience to annoyance at her sass and jokes
- Admiration & pride at her skills and knowledge
- Needs her though he'll never admit, & she knows it.
- Having each other's backs, more Peggy having Rip's even though he's older
- "Peggy, where is my pistol?" "What pistol?" "MY pistol" "You mean THIS pistol?" "Give it back" "Only if you can catch me!" "MARGRET HUNTER!"

Jefferson "Jax" Jackson/Firestorm:
- Immediately likes her
- Connect b/c they're the youngest
- Pop culture references/slang like no ones business.
- Confusing the others with said pop culture references, Rip and Sara are so annoyed with them
- Throwing fake/teasing shade and being sassy with each other constantly

Leonard Snart/Captain Cold:
- She reminds him of Lisa (his little sister)
- Protecting Peggy with life
- Nicknames: "Peg" & "Leo" "Sweetheart" & "Coldhearted"
- Stopping his stealing/swiping back the stuff he steals or...
- Helping steal better things

Mick Roy/Heatwave:
- Nicknames: "Thug" & "Punk"
"Pyro" & "Poppy"
- Swiping back the stuff he steals or helping steal better things
- Peggy stopping Mick's self harming habits
- Mick being mean to everyone but Peggy (& Snart)

Sara Lance/White Canary:
- Peggy reminds Sara of herself when Sara was younger
- Sara being that cool Aunt/big sister to Peggy
- Protecting Peggy from the darkness of the world
- Talking to each other in Mandarin and Arabic/ saying things about the other begins their backs.
- Sara's the only one who can control Peggy for Rip
- "Peg, did you take Rips pistol?" "No, this is MY pistol" "Really?" "Yes" "Give the pistol back." "No!" "Peggy..." "Fine"
"Thank you Peggy"

Professor Martin Stein/ Firestorm:
- Peggy is surrogate daughter, like Jax is son
- Upmost formality in addressing Peggy
- "Miss Hunter" "Don't call me that Marty. It's Peggy" "Excuse me, Miss Peggy" *sigh*
- Jax gets peeved about it
- "How come she gets to be 'Miss Peggy'? I'm just Jefferson" "Cause I'm a lady" "So?" "And Marty just likes me better"
- Regaling each other of stories of past and future (Peggy likes hearing first hand experiences of past & Stein is amazed by the advancements of the future)

Dr. Ray Palmer/The Atom:
- Peggy is lab assistant
- Peggy surprising Ray with technical knowledge
- "How did you...?" "A good magician never revels their secrets" "But seriously..." "I'm from the future remember? Where time travel is the norm" "Right, so do I end up getting a Noble Prize?" "Ray, I can't spill the beans on the future" "I know, but what big discoveries do I make? Do I find the key to immortality?" "Ray..." "Right, sorry, just want to hear of my legendary achievements"
- Getting Ray to be less of a 'Ray' of sunshine when it annoys the others.(Ha, see what I did there 'Ray'...anywho, sorry, not sorry)

Kendra Saunders/Hawkgirl:
- Girl stuff & girl talk
- *Shrieks of  female laughter* "what is going on in here?" "Nothing..." "That's not what the cawing of thousand birds implies." "Hey!" "It's none of your business" "I was just checking on you all" "We're fine" "Okay..." *More laughter*
- Besties/BFFS
- Helping Peggy w/girl problems
- Peggy:"GET OUT!"
Jax, Snart & Mick: *walking out of Peggy's room*
Ray w/Stein & Kendra:"Whoa! What's up with Peggy?"
Mick:"dont know" *shrugs & takes sip of beer & walks away*
Snart: "She just screamed at us to leave"
Jax : "She was curled up on her bed, something is definitely wrong"
Stein:*knocking on door* "Miss. Peggy what's wrong?"
Peggy: *shouting through door* "I'm dying from the inside out!"
The guys: "what?" *confused*
Kendra: *exasperated & all business* "outta the way boys" *pushes guys away from door & raps on it* "Peggy? It's that time of the month isn't it?"
Peggy: *through the door* "yes"
* Comprehension dawns on Stein, Snart & Ray* Jax is confused*
Ray: "Oh, um, get feeling better Peggy!" *awkwardly* "I'm going to go now..." *walks a way*
Stein: What can we do to help?"
Snart: *shruggs*
Jax: *looks between them so confused & clueless*
Kendra: *rolls eyes at boys ignorance* to Peggy* "Do you want me to get you Advil, a heating pad, and chocolate ice cream?"
Peggy: *groaning* "yes, please"
Kendra: "Coming right up"
Peggy: "Thank you"
Kendra: "Sure thing girlie" *turns away from door to face stunned dudes* "what?"
Jax: "Whats going on? 'That time of the month'?"
Kendra: "If you don't know I'm not telling you." *walks away to get relief for Peggy*
Jax: *to Stein & Snart* "do you guys know what's going on?"
*Stein & Snart exchange looks*
Snart: "Its all you Professor"
Stein: *looks slightly embarrassed, is hesitant & unsure* "well... you see Jefferson, it's, its...never mind, you'll know when you're older" 

Cater Hall/Hawkman:
- Sparing & fighting together
- Mutual respect of each other
(I don't like Hawkman so Idk what to do for this so yeah... this is what u get.)

- Super protective of Peggy
- Rip, Peggy & Gideon are the 3 Musketeers (b4 legends become a thing)
- Messing with Rip/pulling pranks
- Gideon in Peggy's mother figure
- "Peggy, it's time to get up darling", "Please Gideon, just 5 more minutes", "No, you stayed up late last night watching Star Wars when I told you to go to sleep, now your going to suffer the consequences", "But I'm so tired", "And who's fault is that?" "Auntie G...."
- " Gideon I'm hungry", "I fabricated your favorite snack and had Rip move it to the fridge for you Peggy darling", "Thanks Auntie G" "
- Gideon grounding Peggy
- "You can't ground me", "Oh really?Because I'm pretty sure that I control what food you get to eat, weather you can leave your room and all your entertainment", "You wouldn't" "Try me" , "Gideon! let me out!", "No, your grounded", "I hate you!" "That's no way to talk to your Auntie G"

BTW: I will take suggestions/requests for this kind of stuff. The more ideas I get/have the more I'll post/write.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2019 ⏰

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