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I quickly assess the situation.

(Two opponents. One straight ahead about 5 meters away. One on my 5 o'clock, rushing toward me fast)

I shift my balance on my left leg and send my right leg flying into a kick backwards, successfully hitting the runner in the stomach.

(I am not thinking straight...)

I brace myself for the last opponent charging at me and dodge his incoming punch, successfully grabbing and twisting his arm in the process. I raise my knee to hit his nose and trip him down.

(I am not thinking straight!?)

I let out a loud groan of frustration as my fist fails to connect with anything, even though I am clearly hitting my target.

(How am I the one not thinking straight??)

'Are you trying to subdue or kill your target here? Kind of feels like the latter.'

I resist the urge to swing a punch in the direction of the voice that just interrupted my session. I get up, raise the simulation visor off my eyes and exhale in frustration.

'Not now Eight'

I slowly start taking the kinetic gloves off my hands and see him move closer to me from the corner of my eyes.

'If you are feeling tense, I am sure I know a lot of better ways to remedy to that'

I don't look at him, but I can picture his sneer clearly in my mind. I let out a sound of disgust at the thought of what he might be implying.

'Oof, that hurts dear Seven.'

I finally look at him and see his fake pained expression. While I really wish to be alone at the moment, his presence may be a blessing in disguise.

'Wanna partner up with me then? I could really use a target to practice some good ol' punching?' 

Although I intended this as a joke, I guess my tone of voice sounded serious as I see Eight lose his usual smirk and look at me quizzically.

'That bad, huh?' he starts. 'Look I didn't mean that you know, I remember you have boundaries you like be respected' he finishes with a solemn expression, looking almost like a scared puppy.

(Well that's new.. is he scared I might actually punch him?)

I let out a sigh and finish putting the simulation equipment back in its place. I close my eyes and slowly rub the bridge of my nose between them.

'I've had a long day, sorry. It's not your fault, just don't make it worse, please'

I don't wait for him to react and I start making my way to a nearby couch. I slump onto it as soon as I get there and let my head hang low. I feel Eight coming closer but I don't move. Suddenly, I feel his hands on my shoulders. While I am tempted to grab his wrist and fling him over the couch, I decide to let it be. He slowly starts massaging my shoulders.

'I did say that I knew better ways. Just so happens I am very good at this.' He says softly, without his usual sly tone of voice.

For a few minutes, I simply focus on his hand movements, working through the knots in my shoulders and upper back. I let myself relax and slowly start enjoying the feeling of relief my body feels.

'Told you so' he says after a while, his voice sounding content with himself.

'I concede, you do have talent' I say with a smile.

'I have a lot more than one' he slowly whispers in my ear, before letting out a chuckle. 'Sorry, it's a habit I need to try and keep in check with you'

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