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season one, episode one


the instincts to both run away and run toward the giant fought each other in yugyeom's mind. for the time being, he was frozen, one hand gripping the side of his window sill and the other clutching his own knee, as if to stop himself from throwing himself off the window to chase the creature he had seen.

the picture of those large, glowing eyes were stuck in his head. he had learned about giants in school, but he had never expected to meet one. in the city he had been raised in, they were almost like an old legend, simply stories you were told as a young child about the giants who used to occupy the earth, but as humanity expanded, were forced into the most remote parts of the world, living their endless lives in the mountains and snowy tundras.

a silhouette with eyes as bright as lanterns, a hand placed on the mountainside as it peered out over the town, silently watching for a few seconds before disappearing back into the mountain range.

yugyeom finally managed to pry his fingers from the wooden frame of the window and climbed back into his room, shutting the window and staring out into his dark room. he gulped, then shook his head to try and clear it, then stared at the ground blankly. finally, he decided that it would be best to just go to sleep and he could ask his mom about it in the morning. plus, giants had never been a real danger to humans, other than when they accidentally stepped on them. he shivered as he settled under his blankets, deciding not to think about being crushed to death by a creature that was fifty times his height.

that night, he dreamed of those glowing eyes, staring at him from the mouth of a large cave.


"hey mom, have you ever seen a giant?"

yugyeom's mother gave him a questioning look over her shoulder. she stood at the stove, frying eggs on a pan, while yugyeom sat at the counter, sipping on a glass of orange juice. it was a sunday morning, and outside it was quiet and slow, a bit of rain drizzling from light, gray clouds.

"what do you mean?", she asked, sliding the eggs onto a plate and handing it to yugyeom. the boy shrugged a bit, starting to dig into his breakfast. "have you seen a giant?"

for some reason, yugyeom didn't want to tell his mom about what had happened the previous night. his moment with the giant had been a private thing, and he wanted to keep it for himself.

"i was just wondering", he mumbled. his mom gazed at him and then took a sip of her coffee. she liked it with a lot of milk and sugar.

"i haven't, actually", she replied. a smile crept on her lips. "you do know what they say about giant sightings though, right?"

yugyeom hadn't. he snapped his head up, suddenly very interested. "what?"

"they say that those who lay eyes on a giant have great luck coming their way."

well that was good. yugyeom needed a bit of luck. actually, he needed a lot of luck if he was ever going to make it here.

"what else do they say about giants?", he asked. his mom thought for a second.

"well, it depends on the giant. every giant is different, just like us, with special talents and an individual personality. they're a lot more like us than you'd think", she replied, setting her coffee down to prepare for a long story. yugyeom set his fork down to listen.

"there used to be a lot more giants than there are now", she said. "but once humans started populating the earth, they started to disappear. no one knows exactly where they went. some say they jumped as high as they could into space. some say they went into a hibernation and turned into the mountains we see today. whatever happened, there are only a small amount still around today. they live far away from humans, in the deep wilderness and icy tundras, mostly keeping to themselves. actually, there's a local legend that a giant lives in these very mountains. if one does, he doesn't come out very much, or we would have seen him."

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