Chapter Five

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"Shayla!" Someone is shaking my shoulder and yelling in my ear.I open my eyes but everything is blurry.I rub my eyes and pull my hair out of my face.I sit up and collide heads with someone.It's Cheyenne.

"Let's go!" She shouts.

"Huh?" I'm confused.It's a saturday morning.

"Get up!"She shouts louder.

"Okay,okay,okay!"I shuffle the blankets off of my waist and stand to my feet.I'm wearing a black t-shirt and white underwear but I don't really care about Cheyenne seeing me in only that.She's my best friend and this is what I always sleep in.I walk to my closet and I pull out a pair of black skinny jeans with tearing hole on the right knee.I slip them on and look over to Cheyenne standing by the door with her head tilted to the side in a moody way.

"Where are we going?" I say as I grab my phone and slip on my black and white checkered converse.Cheyenne starts to walk into the hallway towards the staircase and I follow.She looks back at me and sighs.

"Okay.Here's the plan..."She starts and I nod.

"You are gonna tell your parents that we are going to the mall and a are spending the night at my house.....okay?"

I nod kinda confused but at the same time I have alittle bit of exciting suspense.Where are we going?Why do I have to lie?I continue to think to myself and by the time I reach the last step I snap out of it.My mom is in the kitchen sipping coffee while she leans on the counter and my dad is sitting at the island reading a newspaper.They both look up but my dad continues flipping through the pages and my mom's eyes are pinned on me.I clear my throat and tell the rehearsed lie.In the end my mom and dad lecture me about being home in the morning and I was kept in shock of them actually agreeing.After all the talking I feel drained and Cheyenne gives me a piggy back ride to her car and I giggle the whole way.I love Cheyenne so much.She's like my other half.Without her I would be just that lame bookworm.

"Alright,get off."She says and I climb off of her.I walk over to the car door and climb in.Cheyenne gets in on the drivers seat and I can't help but.

"Okay now that you had me lie to parents and you dragged me out of bed.Where are we going?"I testify.

"A beach party!"She shouts and steps on the gas hard.We drive for almost an hour before pulling up to a sandy trail.After that we got out and walked down the sandy hill.When we stopped,I finally saw the ocean and splashes of waves crashing on the shore.There was probably like twenty people on the beach.A bunch of guys playing football and girls laying in the sun.When we started approaching a group of people,I automatically caught my attention to a familiar face.Ohmygoodness. It's him.I look away but I catch myself falling backwards alittle when he is pulling me away from the crowd.He was dragging me towards a tent.I look back and see Cheyenne winking at me and Ronnie standing next to her.Finally he pulls me into the tent and we exchange smiles.

"Hey." He breaths heavy.

"Hi."I smile at him.

"I'm glad she brought you.....I was excited when she told me that you were coming."

"I didn't know I was coming here,she just dragged me out of bed."

"Oh wow,you must be so fucking tired."

I giggle and nod and he does the same. I jump when I feel an arm pulling me close.He pulls me to his body and lays down. I inch back to my original space and lay.He moves closer and smirks at me.He then grabs my waist and I put my head on his chest and I feel his heartbeat.It starts to beat really fast and loud and I smile to myself.

"I like you Shayla."He speaks slowly.

"I like you too."I reply.

He sits up and I feel my head lay on the bottom of the tent.I look up at him and he's

right above me.If he sat down,he would sit right on my legs.He grabs both of my hands in his and that's when I feel my heart pound.Before I can think once again,he collides his lips with mine and kisses me very passionately.I begin to play with his hair and he moans in my mouth.After seconds of this going on,he finally pushes off and I accidentally let out a whimper which makes him smirk.

"You wanna ditch?"He asks while he runs his hand down my cheek.

"Yes."I quickly answer and he pulls me onto his lap and hugs me.

We sneak out of the tent and run fast up the hill.I text Cheyenne that I will be back later and she says to have fun with a winky face.Ha.She's crazy.As soon as we get up the hill,he picks me up in a baby cradle and carries me to a white lexus.Wow.His cars really nice.He gently puts me down and I have weak knees immediately when he kisses my cheek.I open the passenger door and sit down slowly.As soon as he's in,he pulls off and I feel excited to be with him.But,I wonder where we are going now?I wonder if he thinks I will have sex with him?I wonder if he knows I'm a nerd?I wonder how old he is?Does he know how old I am?Suspense carries away.

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