{9} Lost things

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Its was currently Saturday, I paced in my room. Going back and fourth to the drawer and then the desk. My first few weeks have been very eventful at my new school. My mind kept on creeping back to Gerard, wether I was thinking about when my next assignment was due or the committee. Oh yeah, because im just like everyone else now and I dont have a disability, my teachers started giving me homework just like everyone else, and I was dropped from the after school program. Its the most frustrating shit ever. Maybe Gerard can help me? If he actually did his homework.. I doubt it.

Yet again. We are back on the topic of Gerard.

I didn't know why I kept on thinking about him. I dont know if I should consider him my best friend or not, I mean, I have Ray and Gerard only has me. I felt bad but I'm trying to keep a positive attitude about it.

I start pacing again, notcing how bored I really was, then looking around to see the very boring environment also known as my room. When I couldn't see, nothing was ever moved so I got use to it. But now, I can rearranged everything. I can clean my own room for the first time!
As I slide my brown nightstand by my window, I loose my balance and slip. As my knee hit the wooden floorboard, it snapped it half. I got up carefully and I looked in shock at the now broken floor, holding the plank in my hands then observing the floor. I was so screwed...

And thats when I noticed it.

There was nothing under the wood. It was hollow and pitch black, but you could obviously tell that there was enough space to fit a shoe box in. I went down stairs and grabbed a flashlight, (because that's were we kept them apparently) rushing back upstairs and switching it on a looking in. There was nothing but spiderwebs and dust. Then something caught my eye.

I shined the light at that spot again. It reflected a bit. It looked very shiny. It might be something of value?
My curiosity got the best of me. I began to tear up the floor a bit more, just enough to get my hand in and reach for the object. Me being me, I started overthinking all the negative posibilites of what the shiny object might be. A trap of some sort? Maybe as soon as I touch it it will pry off my fingers with one clean cut. Or maybe its a thing. What if it takes my whole arm and eats it? I dont know what would be more embarrassing, my mom finding me dead with my arm inside the floor, or......well.....actually thats quiet horrible. I was finally able to reach it. I closed my eyes and caressed my thumb and index finger over the smooth, thin surface. It felt cylinder shaped, rusty, and increabliy light. What could it be?

I finally pulled it up to meet the natural light the sun rays lit through my bedroom. It was a key.

A very old-school kind of key. It had a circle at the top, wide enough to fit a thin string to make a necklace so it could be hung around the neck.
I quickly got to my feet, putting the floor board back in place in attempt to make it look like nothing had happened.

"And you said you found it in your floor?" Gerard observed the key, twirling it around his fingers.

"Under the floor board, yeah,"

Frank looked around to make sure nobody else was listening. They were currently at lunch and Frank was quite paranoid about this key.
But to his lose, everyone was starring at the rumored to be vampire boy and the faker.

Yup, Frank was socially outcasted now, he thought he was before but sitting at lunch with Gerard Way just brought him down to the very bottom, but he didn't care. The only thing he cared about was what Gerard thinks, because his opinions mattered most. Ray starred from across the cafeteria. He didn't disown Frank like everyone else, if anything he didn't want Gerard to influence him as much as he already did. If anything, what he wanted most was Frank, his friend, back. Who would of thought things would turn out to be this way?

"Frank? Are you listening to me?" Gerard tapped on Frank's shoulder, he was daydreaming in Ray's direction, and Gerard caught on, but didn't say anything.
"Oh sorry, go on,"

"So anyways, I was saying that by the shape of this key, it would of had to be made around the early 1900s, and by what you said, I dont think it would unlock any doors in your house since it was made in the late 1960s. Do you happen to have an attic?"

"Oh uh, yeah. The door was sealed shut a long time ago before we bought the house, so we probably cant get in."

"I guess im making a trip to your house then huh?" Gerard smirked as he slid the key into his coat pocket.

"Gerard, my mom dosent exaclty..." Frank trailed off.

"Like me? Yeah I know. She's at work right now right?"

"Yeah, why-"

Before Frank knew it, Gerard had his hand on his shoulder, and a sudden gust of wind whirled around and made him incredibly dizzy and nauseous. When his vision cleared, he was sitting on his living room couch.

"What the.."

He got up quickly to the sound of footsteps behind him. Of course It was Gerard. "Teleportation," He said family room, then a framed photo on the wall. It was Frank and his mom, before he was cured by him.

"Yeah no shit," Frank chuckled. "So, show me this attic door you speak of,"

Frank led Gerard up the staircase, and right in front of Frank's room was a small door on the ceiling, the wallpaper outlined door, he wasn't kidding when he said it was sealed shut.

"I sense it," Gerard whispered, looking up at the ceiling as if he knew exaclty what he was looking for. His eyes got big, and his chest rose up and down as his breathing increased.
"Frank, do you know who lived here before you?"

The boy shook his head. "Gerard are you okay?"

"Its so familiar, I-I dont understand." He quickly grabbex the key from his pocket, sliding it along the seal, tearing it open.


"Be quiet!" He slide his fingers into the cracks, trying to pry it open. As soon as it did, dust came flying out. "I think I might have an idea of what that key of yours opens Frankie,"

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