my feelings (Tyler's pov)

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I woke up to a Skype call tone, I put on my glasses to see who it was "wake up sleepy Tily" I heard. It was no other person than Troye "hi TimTam" I said in a scratchy tired voice. Me and Troye were the best of friends, we would ever so often and would do it for hours at a time "Tyler when are you coming to see me?, I need you" I smiled and said "soon you needy bitch" in a jokingly manner, he laughd and had that adorable smile on his face. He got off after a bit more talking and I though i'd do my Friday video then get going with the rest of my day. I did some grocery shopping then just chilled, I left my phone at home then saw I had a text from Troye, Troye: seriously it's been FOREVER since i've seen you, you will love Australia Tyler: i'm sure I will once I get out there :) trust me it will be soon! Troye: it better be soon! The next day I was off to the airport on a plane to Australia, I didn't tell Troye, I had to surprise him. The next thing I know i'm landing and heading to Troye's house, I had his dad pick me up and he said that he told Troye that he was getting dinner, We picked up some food to bring then got to Troye's house, his dad went in and I went behind him so Troye wouldn't see me, once he did see me he souted at the top of his lungs "TYLER!" In his adorable accent and I said "TROYE!" At the top of my lungs and we hugged for awhile then we ate and hung out. We did a colab video and of course #troyler trended and we were just smiling at all of the tweets. Everyone knew I was gay since I started YouTube but Troye had been openly gay with his fans for a month. I remember the last time he was in L.A we did a few videos and #troyler always trended. To be honets he was prefect, i'd kept my feelings private because Troye is my best friend and I didn't want a breakup to ruin that. I lied on the couch that night thinking about what it would be like to be with Troye but who knows if he even has feeings like I do. I woke up and looked at the time, 1 P.M "morning sleepy" I heard Troye say, I smiled and said "morning" once again in my morning voice that wasn't my favorite. Other guys i've dated or had a one night with had said they'd loved seeing me with my hair messy and loved my scratchy voice "you're cute in the morning" he said smiling "I wouldn't call it 'cute'" I said rubbing my eyes and putting on my glasses. I ate, brushed my teeth, hair, got dressed and went downstairs "come on loser we're going grocery shopping" (mean girls inspired line) I just laughed and we got into Troye's car. On the way we blasted 1D and sang at the top of our lungs until we got to the store getting all of my favorite things and some things Troye thought i'd like. We finished up and headed back, car rides were always the best with Troye since we listened to 1D on full blast and talked about collabs, social media, and YouTube, we went on with the rest of our day and Troyler fans were going crazy since we were under the same roof, once again I was up thinking about being with Troye, I started to slap myself in my head every time I did, instead I though about new of new video ideas and going on Tumblr to keep me occupied. I finally feel asleep and I woke up around 10 A.M, Troye wasn't up yet so I went up to his room and started singing what makes you beautiful and after a few minutes he laughed and joined in. We ate and all that and we decided to have a chill day and make a couple more videos, one for his channel and one for mine, we edited and laughed at ourselves then uploaded and once again #troyler trended everywhere. Not much else to say about that day, we just looked at Tumblr showing each other posts and rebloging fan art and what not. That night I though about tweeting at Troye, I DM'd him Tyler: idk if I can hold it in any longer, I really like you, do you feel the same about me? Troye: yes :) i've liked you for awhile but didn't know how to tell you Tyler: I though it would run things if we ever broke up, that's why I never told you :( Troye: Tily I will NEVER stop being friends with you, let's say we go out tomorrow ;) Tyler: it's a date TimTam :) night bby Troye: night Tily. I smiled, i'm glad he felt that same way and I was excited to go on a date with him, I fell asleep with a huge smile on my face, I haven't been this happy in awhile. When I woke up Troye wasn't awake yet so I made him breakfast and bought it up "wake up TimTam" I said in a sweet voice and he woke up "Tily you're so sweet!" he said and ate it happily "thank Tily it was really good" he said with a smile on his face "it was my pleasure, are you ready for a fun night?!" "Of course Tily, I have a really special evening planned" "awesome, I cant wait" I said taking the dishes and leaving. The time had finally come and I was excited, I picked the prefect outfit and made sure my hair was perfect "Tily get your amazing ass down here!" I heard from downstaris "cooommiiinnng" I sang, I went down and Troye said "damn you look so amazing" I smiled and said "you don't look too bad youself." We went out but I still had no idea what he planned "so where are we going TimTam?" "It's a surprise, trust me it's amazing" "alright I trust you" I said. About a half hour later we got to a beautiful restaurant with a litte waterfall and flowers "TimTam it's amazing!" I said, we looked at eahother and our eyes locked for a moment and we smiled at eachother for a bit then Troye said "ready Tily? The best part is that I rented it so we could have it to ourselves" "Troye you're amazing!" I exclaimed. The night was perfect, we had a amazing dinner with some wine then when that was done we went for a walk then to a hotel (no we didn't do anything) Troye fell asleep on my chest which was the best feeling. I woke up before Troye but didn't wake him, it was too cute watching him sleep to wake him "Tyler" I heard him say "yeah babe?" "Do you know how amazing you are?" "How?" "As amazing as nutella" after I heard him say that I kissed him on the head and said "you're as amazing as Beyonce" "thanks babe" we cuddled more then got up and checked out. We went back to his place and did a video, we didn't announce out relationship because we wanted to wait so we could have some time together to see if it would work out. The rest of the day was the usual: Tumblr, editing, YouTube, and Twitter. Later I got a text from Korey, Korey: hey :) how's Australia?, Tyler: fun :) having a great time!! Korey: good :) glad you're having a great time! :) Tyler: yeah, what's up in San Francisco? Korey: the usual, crazy people and all that good stuff Tyler: there are no crazy poeple in L.A or San Francisco unless i'm there ;) Korey: lol true, gtg going to a party with holy trinity Tyler: sounds fun :) talk later :). That night I felt something, something weird, love I mean i've been in love before but not like this and I felt the best i've felt in awhile. I fell asleep and had a good dream (which of course included Troye), we were in France riding a boat down a canal, we were smiling at eachother and I heard Troye say "I love you, please never leave me" "I love you too Troye, trust me I will never leave you" and it ended with a kiss. The next morning I woke up to Troyes sweet voice saying "wake up sweetheart" I opened my eyes and put in my glasses and saw a omlet in the shape of a heart, orange juice, and a rose in a little vase "awwwww Troye this is why I love you" "love you too Tyler" and he gave me a kiss on the cheek and left me to eat and let me tell you the boy can cook which makes mama happy. Later me and Troye decided we wanted to do something fun so we went to where joey was staying, we wanted to do a collab with us so he came to Australia so we went over and did the video and hung out "so Troyler, how's the relationship?" He was one of the few people who knew about it "great!" We both said "we're going to announce it to our viewers tomorrow" Troye said "oh goodie goodie gumdrops!" He exclaimed and started to jump up and down in his chair with excitement.

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