Halloween (Tyler's pov)

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Fast forward a few weeks and it's a few days until Halloween "so babe what do you want to be for Halloween?" I asked "ummm I don't know, i'd love to do a couples costume" Troye yelled from the kitchen "of course babe" I said smiling. The next day we went to the costume shop and we were looking around "what about you be Jafar and I'll be Aladdin?" Troye had said "sure, that would be cute babe" I said then wrapped my arms around him and kissed his cheek. I was so in love with him I couldn't stand it, it was like we were the same soul, whenever we were apart it was painful and lonely, we hadn't really left each others side which is how I like it. That night I started to think about things like how dumb I was for making out with Korey, that night I decided to not drink more that 1 or 2 shots when we are out, usually i'd do four or five but when I made that mistake and hurt Troye so much, I knew I needed to change who I was when I was out at a club, it would be nice to not drink at all at a club but I needed alcohol to dance so no shots wasn't a option for me. I got shit for sleep that night, I just kept kept the incident in my mind so I got two hours of sleep that night, as usual Troye was laying on my chest "Tily, you look awful, what's up?" I looked into his eyes "Troye I hate the way I treated you when I was drunk, I promise to never get that drunk in public again" tears were forming in the corners of my eyes "i never want to hour you again, I love you too much." Troye sat there for a second then said "Tily, when I wanted to be with you that meant even if you or I fuck up we'll forgive each other" "but Troye I" he cut me off with a kiss, we kissed for a bit then I said "want a piggy back ride to the kitchen and I'll make omelets?" Troye smiled and said "giddy up little Tily" we both sat up and I picked him up and piggy backed him into the kitchen. I made the omelets and we ate on the couch, I snuggled up next to Troye, I know why he likes my chest so much, you can feel the breaths as the chest inflates and deflates and you can hear the heartbeat, slow and steady in a rhythmic motion and it was just amazing, he started playing with my hair and putting it in little curls and stroking my hair, I loved it, he knew how to make my heart skip a beat and make my breath uneasy "Troye I love you so much" I said "love you too Tyler" he said and kissed my head then pulling my face making my lips crash into his and then kissed me, a lot of people have a place they want to go or be forever, my place was here with Troye and he was literally the best person i've ever met. I always felt like I was on ecstasy when I was with him, dazed, high, and he could always make me happy. So Halloween night was here and we were going to a party hosted by holy trinity which meant booze up the ass, I was determined to only do a couple of shots and I was really good at sticking, Troye however was drunk as fuck but we got through the night with no making out with anyone, I couldn't say the same for Zoe though, she was locking lips with Louis "I can explain, don't tell Alfie because I want to tell him" we stood there for a second then both nodded and walked off to find Alfie "wow" I said "I know right" he said "by the way Tyler I'm proud of you for not getting as drunk as I am" he said speech slurred really bad "thanks Aladin" I said "Tily I want to go home" he said "I think that's a good idea" I said, the beard was starting to get itchy so it was prefect timing, I called a Uber to take us home, I was drunk but Troye was even more drunk, I took him to the bedroom and stripped his clothing to get him into pajamas, I knew he would be okay with me seeing him naked, I've done it before. I got him situated and I slept on the couch so Troye would have the bed to himself, I woke up and adjusted to the light then got 2 Gatorade's and 4 painkillers and went into the room "Troye" I said quietly "ugh" I heard as he buried his head into the pillow "I have painkillers and Gatorade" I said that and he shot up, immediately regretting it as he held his head "here" I said as I sat next to him "so do you remember anything from last night?" I asked "yeah, bits and pieces, like Zoe making out with Louis" he said taking a sip of Gatorade downing the painkillers, my phone started to ring "it's Zoe" I said as I answered "hello?" I said "I-I-I told him, just now" she said crying "Zoe what happened?" I said concerned "h-h--h-he got really angry and stormed out to god knows where" she said now crying so much she couldn't speak "Zoe stay where you are, me and Troye are coming over" "thank you" she said then I hung up "get ready, we're going over to Zoes" I said "everything okay?" Troye asked "yeah, Zoe is a wreck and Alfie ran out" I said throwing a shirt, pants, and sock at him "oh wow" he said "yeah, we'll go over there and stay with Zoe for a bit then go search for Alfie, he should be easy to find" "yeah, come on Zoe is a total wreck, let's get there" Troye said ans we were off to the car and drove to the hotel they were staying at, we knocked "c-c-c-come in" Zoe said "hey" I said and went over to hug her "t-t-t-this is s-s-so awful" she said mascara and tears running down her face, I looked at Toye for approval about what I was about to say, he nodded "look Zoe, we all fuck up, I did the same thing to Troye with Korey, it was the night before you came" "r-r-r-really?" She said surprised "yup, I drank too much and ended up making out with Korey in the corner of the club," she calmed down a bit after "we should go find Alfie" she said. She cleaned up and we piled in the car, I called him "hello" I heard him say "hey, where are you?" "Is Zoe with you?" He asked with a tone of anger "no" I said "okay, i'm at the Ihop, i'm close to the front" he said "alright, be there is a sec, bye" I said hanging up and turning around to go back to the Ihop. After a few minutes we got there and all got out, we found Alfie "you lying bitch" he said to me, he lunged for me but Troye held him back "look" I said "we all fuck up, when Troye came out to L.A we went to go hang out with Korey, we were all drunk and I made out with Korey, I felt as bad as Zoe feels right now" I said, his anger lightened up and Troye let go of him and he walked towards me "wow, when did you?" "I did it the night before you surprised us" I said and started to tear up "how did he forgive you?" He asked now giving a sincere look to Zoe "well if you love someone a lot one slip up dosen't affect the potential to spend the rest of your life with them, I know you love Zoe a lot, Troye forgave me because we didn't want to lose what we have" when I said that Alfie stood up from the floor we were siting on and went over to Zoe "Zoe he's right, I love you so much, I need you in my life" he said "oh Alfie, you know I can't live without you in my life" she said, they kissed and everyone clapped including me and Troye, I was glad thing things worked out "food is on me" I said then we settled in a booth and ate, I'm guessing no one ate cause we all went through our plates quickly, I paid and we left, we dropped them off and went back home "i'm glad they worked things out" I said "yeah, we deserve each other and the same for them, they need each other" Troye said "yeah, how did you forgive me?" I asked "well it's simple Tily, like you said if you love someone a lot you won't let one drunk fuck up determine everything" he said "well said TimTam" I said then giving him a kiss "I love you forever and always" I whispered in his ear "forever and always" he said. Later that night Troye said "Tily put on some nice clothes I have a surprise" "okay" I said then got up and started to get ready "ready" I said then we got in the car and were off. It was a fifteen minute drive and we made it to a beautiful park with a table that had two plates with chicken parmesan, wine, and candles with lights strung overhead "Troye, you're so amazing to do things like this to surprise me" I said with a smile on my face "Tyler I love you so much, this is why I do things like this because I want you to be happy" then gave me a kiss "Troye you are the most amazing person ever, I love you so much" I kissed him then sat down to eat a amazingly romantic dinner. I really didn't deserve him "Troye I really don't deserve you" I said "I think the same thing about you" he said smiling and blushing "you're blushing you little twink" I said giggling "yeah I guess I am, i've never been so in love with anyone else than I am with you" he said extending his arms out and grabbing my hands "same here TimTam, I have never been happier with anyone else than I am with you" I said looking in those beautiful, soft blue eyes that were filled with so much love. Later that night we laid there in bed watching a movie, this time I laid on Troye's chest , it was calming to hear him breathing and the heartbeat and knowing it will be mine for awhile, perhaps the rest of our lives. I fell asleep about part way through the movie and woke up to Troye being awake "how long have you been awake?" I asked "about an hour, you were too cute for me to wake you" I sat up and kissed him "honey you're so amazing, I love you so much" "you know Tily even if you have said I love you so many times I never get tired of hearing it, I love you too" "come on, you've been surprising me me a lot so it's my turn to surprise you!" I said "alright I'll start getting ready" he said "Troye you're going to need to pack, we're going to travel" I said "okay" he said , the place where we're going wasn't the prettiest but there was a restaurant that was really good. I had already packed so I was waiting on Troye "ready" he called out "you have a nice outfit, right?" I asked "yeah" he said smiling "good, let's get going" I said "okay" and we were off "where are we going Tily?" He asked when we were driving to the airport "Utah, it's not that pretty but they have a great French restaurant" I said "great! I don't care if it's not that pretty, as long as I am with you" I smiled when he said that because it was the same with him, I didn't care where we were as long as I was with him. We made it to Utah, the first night we were there we just hung out since it was a late flight, we were so tired when we got there we didn't even unpack, it was around 2 A.M when we got to our hotel. The next night we got ready to go "what's the name of the restaurant?" Troye asked from the bathroom "la caille" I said "oh sounds fancy" he said "yeah and after we eat we can take pictures, it has really nice grounds" I said "sounds good, I'm glad you're taking me here." Once we were ready we headed off to the restaurant, once we were there Troye said "wow Tily you weren't kidding, this place is really beautiful" he said eyes sparkling at the view "I know right, I saw the pictures and knew I had to take you here" I said smiling "Tily you are too amazing, I love you" he said eyes sparking "love you too" I said kissing him, we went in and it was the most adorable restaurant , we sat down and two fans, a girl and a boy walked up "hey, I'm sorry to bother you but I'm a huge fan" the girl said "me too, we both love you both" the boy said "aww thanks" we both said "can we get a picture with you?" She asked "sure, what's you name?" Troye asked "i'm Nikole and he's Seth" she said "well nice to meet you" we both said, we took a few pictures then ate dinner, we held hands and the waiter was giving us a dirty look "babe don't let it get to you, not a lot of people and Utah support us" I said "if only the day will come where haters will fuck off and gays will be accepted" he said, sad look in his eyes "honey it will be okay, at least we have each other" "yeah, and in L.A people are more accepting" he said "yeah" I said. We got up and walked around the grounds of the restaurant, it was so beautiful, there was a bridge and we had someone take a picture of us, we did one where we kissed, to my surprise the person just smiled and said "you two are cute together" she said "thanks" I said smiling and taking the camera "it's nice to meet someone who isn't homophobic in this state" I said "yeah it's hard" she said "what's you name?" I asked "my name is Tia, I'm a huge fan of both of you," I smiled "thanks, we met a couple of fans in the restaurant, you may know them, Nikole and Seth" I siad, she smiled "yeah me and Nikole are great friends, Seth and I just met though, if you don't mind can I get a picture?" Tia asked smiling "of course, let's fine someone who will take one" I said, we someone and she got a couple of pictured, we loved when someone noticed us, it was amazing. We got back to the hotel and plopped down on the bed "ready for Moab tomorrow?" I asked "ugh Tily I don't even feel like moving" he said "same, it was worth it for that restaurant though" I said "yeah it was really good, I even ate snail" he said laughing "yeah I ate one too, we have eaten worse" I said "yeah, we have eaten some nasty ass shit" he said laughing. We fell asleep really late and regretted it the next morning, we got up at 10 A.M "ugh shut up" I said to the alarm, Troye wasn't up, guess he didn't hear the alarm "wake up" I said throwing a pillow at him "ugh what time is it?" He asked "10, we have to hurry get ready, pack, and get on the road to Moab so were're there before night I said "alright, we're stopping at Starbucks so I can get some caffeine though" he said "fine, just get up" I said laughing. We got ready and were out the door at 11:30 "it's too early" Troye said "Troye it's 11:30" I said laughing "it's still early" he said yawning "well Starbucks will help you" I said "well hurry and get there before I fall asleep" he said laughing. We got to Moab at 4:30 and checked into out hotel and we wondered around, we were going to the arches tomorrow with a tourist group so we were wondering around this hot city "Tly there isn't shit to look at" he said "I know, let's just get some food then head back to the hotel" I said. We found a place to eat then got a few things and headed back to our hotel "god how can people stand living here? I mean there isn't shit to see, it's dry, and there's Mormons everywhere you go" I said "I know right" he said "it isn't the greatest but at least we went to that restaurant" he said "yeah, and like you said we have each other" I said turning so I was facing Troye and kissing him, every time I kissed him I get lost in those beautiful blue eyes of his "love you" I said "love you too Tily" he said. We fell asleep and when I woke up Troye was on the foot of the bed looking at the T.V that wasn't on, in the reflection of the T.V I could see he had a blank expression on his face "Troye?" I said, he didn't answer "TROYE" I yelled "oh, hi Tily" he said "are you okay?" I asked "yeah" he said, I knew he was lying because I've seen that look before, his depression was getting to him, I went over to hug him then he started crying "shhh Troye, it's okay baby" I said "Tily, why do I fell this way?" He said "I have the most amazing person to call mine, you took me on this amazing vacation" he said "baby it dosen't matter, with your depression it can hit at any time, the good thing is that you have me to get you through it" I said kissing him and wiping the tears from his cheeks and eyes "Tily I love you so much, you love me even though I have all these problems" he said "Troye, when I wanted to be with you I wanted the good and the bad" I said "you are what keeps me here Tily, I've been in dark placed in my mind, days where I would spend weeks in my room and not coming out to even eat, I've though about leaving, then I met you, I lost my meds, I was happy, and I didn't have to go to therapy" he said "I guess it go bad again" "Troye let's skip the arches and go home, we'll make you a appointment to see a psychiatrist to get you help" I said "alright, let's pack and get the hell out of here" he said "alright" I said. We packed and we were on the next plane to L.A, we got home and Troye went right to the couch and laid down, I sat next to him where I could squeeze in "tired boo?" I asked, he nodded "come on, let's get you into bed so you can take a nap" I said "okay" he said , we lied down and watched a movie and we ended up both sleeping and it was 7 P.M when we got up "want some dinner babe?" I asked, he nodded "okay let's go" I said "i'll give you a piggy back ride" I said "you know how to to get me up" he said laughing "there's that laugh I love" I said "you always bring it out of me" he said then got up and jumped on my back. I made mac and cheese, easy and one of Troyes favorites "you know me so well" he said "I know I do" I said laughing. We sat there watching T.V until 2 A.M then decided to go to bed, Troye lied on my chest and fell asleep to me stroking his hair and kissing his head occasionally. The next day we made a appointment with a psychiatrist, we made it for a few hours later "babe do you want me to go in there with you?" I asked as he was getting ready "if you want to babe, I could use a hand to hold" he said "alright i'll go in with you" I said "good" he said smiling "I could never tell you how much I love you" he said kissing me "neither can I" I said smiling. We got there and there was the psychiatrist, she was like the ones in the movies, glasses, pant suit, tights, and high heels "hi Troye" I she said "hi doctor, this is my boyfriend Tyler, I told him it was okay if he stayed here" he said kind of nervous "that's fine, as long as you're comfortable with him in here" she said good she isn't a homophobic bitch I though. After a few hours we cam out, she had prescribed her some anti depressants "so this is what it it's come to, taking pills to make me happy" he said "it happens" I said "well right when I get away from this shit i'm back to it" he said in a frustrated tone "Troye, don't let the pills define you" I said. We got home and Troye said "you know Tily you're right, I won't let these pills effect who I am" "there's the TimTam I love so much" I said "love you too boo" he said. Later that night we got take out and were watching T.V, he was writing in a journal "what are you writing babe?" I asked "not much, just a silly song sing since I signed that recording contract on my birthday" he said "let me see?" I asked, he handed it to me and it had a title and everything Happy little pill: in the crowd alone and everything second passing reminds me i'm not home, bight lights and city sounds are ringing like a drone unknown, unknown. Oh glazed eyes empty hearts buying happy from shopping carts nothing but time to kill sipping life from bottles tight skin body guards Gucci down the boulevard cocaine, dollars bills and... My happy little pill take me away dry my eyes bring colour to my skies my sweet little pill take my hunger lie within numb my skin. Like a rock afloat sweat and conversations seep into my bones, four wall are not enough i'll take a dip into the unknown, unknown. Oh grey skies empty hearts buying from shopping carts nothing but time to kill sipping life from bottles tight skin body guards Gucci down the boulevard cocaine dollar bills...... And my happy little pill take me away dry my eyes bring colour to my skies my sweet little pill take my hunger lie within numb my skin. "Troye this is amazing, you are a amazing song writer" I said "thanks, I actually just got done writing it" he said "no way, you couldn't have just got done writing this" I said "true shit, it's kind of how I feel about L.A" he said "yeah it's basically like that" I said. The night was the same, cuddling watching a movie, that song was he wrote was so amazing, it was the best thing i've ever read "babe" I said "how do you write so good" I asked "well, I guess it's a talent that comes naturally or can be learned" he said "well you're a amazing songwriter" I said kissing him "Tily you have no idea how much that means coming from you" he said and kissed me, evertime we kissed I fell in love with him again. The next morning I was up and Troye was out like a light, so like I've done everytime I'm up and he's asleep I made him breakfast, french toast, with coffee, and a little vase with a rose in it and brought it in "Troye" I said sweetly, his eyes flutterd open "Tyler you're just so sweet" he said in a sleepy voice, I slid the tray to him and he happily ate it "delicious as usual" he said and sipping on his coffee "always the best for my babe" I said kissing his head. We had a laz day filled with soical networking, movies, food, pajamas, and a fun time.

authors note: hey guys so this is a way long chapter but there's a lot of deatils in this chapter :) i'd like to thank Seth (a.k.a Dragon727) on here and i'm a character in his story :) also Tia my awesome friend on Twiiter go follow her @tiaharesh and also follow me @nikoletitra and also follow us both on Instagram @ntitara and @tia_oakley xoxo Nikole

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