we're a couple! (troye's pov)

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authors note: hey guys just wanted to thank you for liking the first part :D the third is in the works, I am hand writing this then posting so give me time to write the next chapter :) enjoy this one in the meantime :) xoxo nikole :)

Tyler and I decided to come out to our audience and people freaked out. We've been dating for about a month now but didn't want to come out since if we did we though we would be announcing our breakup as fast as our relationship. Tyler finally had to go back to L.A, to be honest I was scared, I have never been so in love with someone as much as I was in love with Tyler, how was the long distance going to work? As we said our tearful goodbyes Tyler gave me a necklace that matched his "so a piece of me will always be with you" "Tily I love you so much, know I always will" as I said this he started to tear up again "I love you too TimTam, forever and always" we shared one more passionate kiss then he got on his plane.That night I felt so alone that I didn't know what to do, I hardly got any slept that night , all I could do is think of that magical month i'd spent with Tyler, i'd told him things that not even my close friends knew. I might've got an hour of sleep that night, when I went downstairs the next morning my dad noticed I didn't get a lot of sleep "Troye are you okay?" He asked "no" I said, he gave and I just cried my eyes out "shhh it's okay" he said to me, once I finally calmed down and my redness went away I Skyped Tyler "hi TimTam" he said "what's wrong? You look shitty" he said with a concerned look "i'm okay, don't worry I just didn't get a lot of sleep last night" I said "to be honest neither did I" he said "really?" I said kind of surprised "yeah, it's only been twenty four hours and I miss you" he said "yeah, same, I know this sounds crazy but why don't I move to L.A?" "You would really do that?" He said "yeah, I really love you and I can't live a day without you" "if you are really sure then I'd love for you to live with me!" He said jumping up and down "alright I'll be in L.A in a week! I'll send some stuff out there" "alright I'll keep an eye out for them and start making room" he said with that adorable Tyler grin "alright, talk to you later, love you baby" "love you too" he said then signed off. Fast forward a week, a lot of my stuff is at Tyler's house except some clothes, we're at the airport and i'm saying goodbye to my family and I shoot Tyler a text Troye: only 15 more hours baby :* have to turn off my phone, love you sweetheart. I must've fallen asleep because the next thing I know i'm waking up to the plane landing. I grab my carry on and go to baggage claim and someone grabs me and says "I missed you so much baby" and gave me a kiss on the cheek, I look and of course it's Tyler, I give him a kiss and wait for my luggage that finally shows. We make it to our place blasting 1D all the way and laughing, we held hands a couple of times and when we weren't I was holding onto his leg. Once we got in we sat on the couch and kissed for awhile "want to make us dinner?" I asked "no, I want to make something that your mom told me you loved so I learned how to make it!" "Awwwww Tily, this is why I love you" and gave him a kiss before he went into the kitchen. When I walked in it was done, I saw spaghetti with homemade noodles, sauce, and garlic bread light with candles and glasses of wine "oh Tyler it's amazing! I can believe you did this for me" "oh it was no big deal since it's for someone I love" he said smiling and kissing me before we sat down to eat "Tyler you are quite the chef" I said "thanks babe" he said looking proud and proud he should be, everything was amazing. Later that night we we went to bed, I used Tyler's chest as a pillow as he lied there stroking my hair as I fell asleep on the most amazing person in the world, I feel so lucky to have him, if you think having Tyler Oakley as a friend is cool try being his boyfriend, it's amazing being able to call Tyler mine, I've been with a few other guys but non compare to Tyler. The next morning I woke up to that beautiful, soothign vioce "morning babe" he said softly then kissed my head "morning my love" I said and kissed his lips "let me make us breakfast since you made that amazing dinner last night" "give me a piggy back ride?" He said "sure Tily" I said then we both got up and he hopped on my back and we were of to the kitchen. I made eggs and waffles and we sat down to eat "so what do you want to do?" Tyler asked me "I don't know, maybe see what Shane or Joey are doing and hang out with them?" "Have you ever seen San Francisco Troye?" "No, maybe we could go there plus Korey is there" "yeah, I'll text him and see what's up" "awesome" then Tyler whipped put his phone and texted Korey and we had decided to go to a club they liked. After breakfast we got ready and headed off to San Francisco, once we got there Tyler worked his magic to get me into the club and we got a bit tipsy and danced the night away, it was fun and awesome then something happened, Tyler and Korey went to go get drinks for us and it took them awhile so I went to go find them, little did I know what I would find, I found them making out until Tyler saw me and I ran into the bathroom, found a stall, locked it, then cried until I heard a knock "Troye?" I heard, it was Korey "go away" I yelled "look, we're all drunk and when we get drunk we make stupid decisions, Tyler is crying because of how bad he feels" "look Korey i'm taking a Uber home so you guys find you own way home" he left and called for a Uber and rode home crying all the way, I knew it was too good to be true, I stumbled into the house and to my surprise Tyler was already home "Troye i'm glad you're home, can we talk?" He was crying and was a mess "tomorrow so we're sober" I said "okay, deal" he said, he passed out on the couch and I found my way to the bed and cried until I fell asleep. The next morning I look over and see a Gatorade, 2 painkillers, and a note "this will make you feel better, please come and talk" -T I took the painkillers and drank some Gatorade then let them kick in and went to talk to Tyler. He looked like shit, he'd been crying, his eyes were red and puffy "hey" he said "hey Tily" "see you're still calling me Tily, that's a good sign" he said forcing out a chuckle "no matter how mad I am, you will always be my Tily" I said and he smiled "look last night was hazy until it cam back to me like a tornado, I feel awful, I hope you will forgive me" he said, tears now forming in the corners of his eyes, I sat next to him, he looked at me and held my hands, I accepted and held it back "look Troye I know what I did last night was fucked up and I may have just lost the true love of my life, the past month we've been together has been the best month of my life, all the love you've given me is amazing. I was really drunk and I hate the way I acted, just know I love you" at this point I was crying too, it was one slip up and I couldn't let him go "alright I forgive you, you're making breakfast though" I said "fair enough" he said and laughed, he made frittata and we ate on the couch "trying to get on my good side, ay?" I said, he never let anyone eat on the couch "maybe" he said and laughed, it was working. In the back of my mind I just kept thinking what he did when I wasn't around, I had a bit of concern and I guessed it showed "you okay?" I heard Tyler ask "yeah i'm fine" I said, this is one of the times my acting skills came in handy, it's not that I didn't trust him, he was drunk but that excuse didn't put my mind at ease, did Tyler make any drunk decisions while I was gone? I put that though out of my mind and went on my day, after breakfast Tyler was in the kitchen cleaning up and I was finding something to watch, i settled on orange is the new black. Tyler came back and a bit later I hard a knock "I'll get it" i said I said walking towards the door "HEY" Zoe and Alfie screamed "no way!" I said hugging them, Tyler came to hug them and Zoe asked "so Troyler, how things working out?" I didn't want to tell her so I said "good, I'm having a great time in L.A" "good" Zoe said , I guess Tyler and Alifie had started a conversation, they were laughing having a good time, me and Zoe were talking about how crazy it was that I moved out to L.A for Tyler, to be honest I haven't regretted it at all, I finally found my love. That night we went out to a nice dinner and had a great time, it was a lot of fun, we got home and said goodbye to Zoe and Alfie, me and Tyler laid on the couch and kissed a bit then watched keeping up with the Kardashians'. Around midnight we went to bed and we curled up together "Tily" I said "yeah?" He said now facing me "about last night, I feel bad for asking because I trust you but you never did anything like that when I wasn't here, right?" "TimTam I never did, I know you're asking out of good reason so don't feel bad for asking, last night was a mistake that I regret deeply, I promise it will never happen again" and gave me a kiss on the cheek, he nuzzled his head on my chest and I stroked his head and said "good, I love you so much Tily" "love you too TimTam" and I kissed his forehead. The next morning I woke up and Tyler was still asleep on my chest, he woke up a few minutes later, he looked up and smiled "you are the most comfortable pillow" he said in that sexy morning voice. We just layed there for a bit then Tylers phone went off, it was Zoe, Zoe: hey :) wanted to know if you wanted to go on another double date ;) "want to go out with Zoe and Alife?" he asked "sure" I said then he texted her back Tyler: sure :) come by in about an hour Zoe: it's a date! :) we both got up and started getting ready. We just got done getting ready when we heard a a honk which meant Zoe was here "ready?" Tyler asked "ready Tily" as I gave him a kiss and we were out the door holding hands, when we got into Zoes car she exclaimed "you two are so cute together!" Tyler and I just smiled, we really did make a great couple and to be honest it was like a fairytale or dream, at first I though having Tyler as a friend was like that but now having him as a boyfriend was ten times better. We got to the restaurant, it was a fancy yet casual and it was a great time with great food, Zoe picked up her wine glass and said "to zalfie and troyler" we all repeated and toasted to two ships coming true with great results. We said our goodbyes and once again me and Tyler suggled up on me to sleep.

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