depression (Troye's pov)

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Why was this happening? It's not like I had all this shit going on, my life is going great, I've been in my room all week, Tyler has helped so much by bringing me food and stuff, I can eat but I just can't get myself out of bed. Tyler had been actually staying in the room with me, it makes me feel better. I've tried getting out of bed but I'm just too mentally exhausted to get the energy to even go to the bathroom, let alone going out and doing stuff. A few youtubers have come by and have actually spent the night to help out Tyler and help me cheer up, its worked and I have actually gotten out of bed a few times, once they leave it's back to bed with my pillow covered in tears, Tyler's shirt also gets soaked because he lets me cry on his shoulder. One day we were in bed eating and I said "Tily, what do you think about having Shoey move in? Having youtubers around helps me plus they can help pay bills" "sure! I actually think that's a really good idea, it can help in more ways than one!" He said. We called Joey, Tyler called but I could still hear "hello" "hey Joey, I want to ask you something" "what is it?" "I was wondering if you and Shane would like to live with us" "sure! When can we move in?" "As soon as possible" "alright we will pack a few things and be over tonight" "alright see you then, bye" "bye" then Tyler hung up. Tyler laid there and stroked my hair and kissed my head, I was so luck to have him because of how caring he is. Later Shoey came and I actually had the energy to get out of bed "hey Troye, what are those scars on your arm?" Joey asked "shit" I said under my breath, I sighed "depression, I cut a few times, some are old and some are new" I said, Joey pulled me in for a hug and I couldn't help but cry "shhhh we're here for you? Joey said. After a few more minutes of crying into Joey's jumper I was okay then we had dinner and I was okay for the rest of the night  and could actually have fun, I haven't been able to have a lot of fun since we got back from Michigan, the dark thoughts went away "there's that beautiful smile, TimTam it's been a week since I've seen that smile" Tyler said kissing me, has it really been a week since I've smiled? I haven't even noticed it's been that long, I miss not feeling like shit when when I'm not sick, my body not feeling like lead, and having energy to do stuff. 

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