Christmas Eve (Tyler's pov)

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It was a few days until Christmas Eve and I had something huge planned for that day. I've been planning this for a month and all the arrangements were made, everything was planed to a T, my mom had helped a bit and I got some youtubers involved too then a lot of other people. I made the last few arrangements and everything was in place, I was excited because it is the biggest thing i've done, it was worth the time, effort, and money that's going into it, I hope all goes as planned. Tonight was the night, Christmas Eve and the night was perfect, snow falling, cold enough to cuddle up, and Troye and I looked amazing in our tuxedos. We went outside and our horse carriage was here, when Troye saw it his mouth dropped open and he said "Tily you're amazing" "I know, shall we?" I said then grabbed his hand and went into the carriage and rode into the moonlight. We got to our destination, a beautiful park with a gazebo with a person singing count on me, me and Troye walked into the gazebo and gazed into each others eyes for a moment then I said "Troye you're the love of my life, my soul mate, and everything I need" then got down on one knee "Troye will you marry me?" I asked pulling out a ring "yes, of course I will Tily!" He exclaimed with tears running down his face, I put the ring on his finger, got up then kissed him, he was mine forever, those beautiful blue eyes, his smile, and everything was now mine forever. After that we got back into the carriage and went to a really nice dinner that the nicest restaurant in town. Just like our first date I rented the place so it was private and we had a amazing time "to forever" I said "to forever" he repeated and we clinked our wine glasses, no I didn't stop there. After dinner we built a snow groom and conveniently I had some mistletoe, I took it out and put it over my head, Troye laughed and said "well how convenient for you to have mistletoe" "yeah and I'm waiting for my kiss" I said laughing and had a kiss under the mistletoe and we ended the night with hot cocoa and a Christmas movie. The next morning I heard Troye saying "wake up Tily It's our first Christmas together!," I loved when he was excited like that, it was adorable and made me happy, I opened my eyes "alright I'm up" I said laughing and getting out of bed. We went downstairs and had breakfast with my mom then opened presents, Troye went first and had gotten some clothes and stuff from my mom, and I had gotten him his favorite cologne, some shoes, and a movie he really liked. It was my turn and I got some clothes, some cologne, and a Beyonce album from my mom. I got to Troye's present and I couldn't believe it, it was a watch I've wanted for awhile "Troye you're so amazing, I've wanted it for months and can't believe you spent that much" I said "well it's the least I can do for my fiance" he said kissing my cheek, he also got me some of my favorite candies, he knows how to make mama happy. Later after we had dinner Troye had said "Tily get ready, I have a surprise" "Troye were're both full of surprises" I said laughing "well that's how we keep each other on my feet" he said giving me that adorable wink I loved so much. We left and we went to a movie theater, I was confused at first but we went in and there was a theater with no title, we went in and we were the only ones in there, we sat down and the lights dimmed and then something started playing, it was a slide show of our best moments, I started to tear up, those were some amazing moments, I had a photographer to capture when I proposed to him and those were the last pictures then it was a clip of Troye "Tily we have had some amazing moments together, you've been with me the whole time even through depression, that's when you're there for me most, most boys have left me because they cant deal with it, but you can and I love you so much for that" then the screen faded "Troye you're too amazing, I can't wait to spend my life with you, whatever hits us I know we can get through it, I will be by your side no matter what, when you're depressed is when you need someone the most" I said kissing him. We had another fun evening, any night with Troye is fun, even if we are just hanging out it was fun to snuggle up to him to fall asleep on my chest or for me to fall asleep on his chest. We have had a great time in Michigan but New Years was here and we were leaving in a couple of days, this has been a amazing Holiday season, I go home with a fiance and we will be spending the rest of my life with someone I love so much, I fell in love the same way you fall asleep, slowly then all at once (the Fault in Our Stars quote) but it applied because the first time i saw him I didn't have any feeling, then a crush, then fell in love, guess that's how love works. New Years came and went and so did the next couple of days, we were off to the airport, my mom drove us to the airport and we said our tearful goodbyes then went to our gate and waited for our plane, Troye was listening to music and I fell asleep, the next thing I know were're landing in L.A, we went to baggage claim then headed home. We immediately lied down on the couch and lied there for a bit, we found our way to bed around 2, we were rally tired so once we hit the bed we were out and didn't wake up til noon and that was because I got a call from Korey "Tyler come down to the hospital, Joey got in a car accident, someone hit the passenger side of his car, luckily he isn't too banged up but does have whiplash and a minor concussion" he said "alright see you when I get there" I said "alright see you when you get down here" he said then hung up "everything okay?" Troye asked "kinda, Joey got into a car accident, he isn't in too bad of condition, some cuts, bruises, whiplash, and a small concussion" I said "that dosen't sound too good" he said /;well it could be worse, start getting ready so we can see him" I said. We went down there ans Sawyer, Shane, and Korey were down there, we went into Joey's room "hey Troyler" he said "hey" we both said "what are you guys up to?" He asked "just got back from Michigan" I said, Troye held up his hand to show off the ring "oh my goodness gracianious!" He exclaimed, then I realized no one else know "well Joey were're going to let you rest, see you later" I said "bye guys" he said, we left and went out to the others "guys we have some news" I said, Troye held up his hand and everyone freaked, they were so happy for us "guys I hate to ruin the Troyler engagement but Shoey is real!" Shane said and we all freaked, one ship getting engaged and one ship getting together. Joey was released a week later and Troyler and Shoey went on a double date, Shane had told us they had been together for a month but wanted to wait like we did to make sure everything was was going to go okay with the relationship. That date was so much fun, we had dinner at our place and hung out and laughed, it was nice to go on a double date so it was less pressure and overall is more fun. We aid out goodbyes and we had the rest of the night to hang out, we decided to go for a nice walk, it was cold so we huddled together as we walked, we didn't get any dirty looks which was good, we can be ourselves and be together the way we want to. We got back and we did the usual, hot cocoa, watched a movie, and cuddled, it was was the best part of any night is we cuddled in bed to keep each other safe. I wish I could keep Troye more safe than I am, it's out of my ability though and all I can do is comfort him and tell him everything is going to be okay, you can't save yourself from you mind though. Luckily he hasn't had depression a lot lately and things have been going really good, he went to therapy and took his medicine and that helps a lot to have those because it helps so much and helps me to calm Troye down when he has a flare up. I can sit with him and let him cry until he's better then usually we will do something fun to help even more, I know it sounds like a lot fo effort and it is but it's all worth it with all that love we have and I get to call him mine and he always makes me happy. Authors note: hey guys hope you're liking this story, the feels in this chapter are even too much for me to handle lol, just in advance please don't hate me for the next chapter because it's going to be kind of dark so just be ready but bye for now :) xoxoxoxo ~ Nikole

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