Wedding planning (Tyler's pov)

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As Troye and I started to plan the wedding we were looking for scrap books of us, me, and Troye's mom was sending his. As I was looking through the closet I saw 2 unlabeled shoeboxes, I grabbed them then sat on the bed to look in them, they were letters me and Troye had written to each other, I called Troye over and found the letter I had written him after he came out and had told me about his depression. Dear Troye, I am so proud of you! It's hard to come out and trust me, things will never change. Stay strong and don't cut, you are a amazing person and have no reason to think otherwise. Any boy will be lucky to have you and if anyone breaks your heart just call me and I'll be on the next flight out to kick the little pricks ass, no one hurts my Troye boy! As we get to know more about each other the more I want to meet you! Hopefully it's soon! Write you soon Love, Tyler. As we shuffled through some more letters we found Troye's response. Dear Tyler, thanks! It took 5 takes for that video and finally got it right and uploaded it. It's encouraging to have you on my side , as I get more out there I don't feel sexy, I'm too skinny and people think I'm anorexic or bulimic, as we both know that's not true. It's hard to stay positive when everyone's against you, especially now that I'm 'openly gay' that will change a lot. The reason it took so many takes was because I was crying thinking of what people would think. So far I'm getting a positive response which is good. Well got to go, hope you write back quick! Love, Troye. Then there was my response, it was that last letter before we tweeted at each other and stuff. Dear Troye, Don't you ever talk like that! I never want to hear you talk like that again, you're as cute as a button, haters are always going to have something to say but don't listen to them, you are amazing and you deserve the best, love you Troye boy. Love, Tyler. I cried when I read that letter, to know he felt that way was awful. I sat there speechless for a second, I forgot of how self conscious Troye was since it never showed, I turned to him and said "Troye, you are amazing and have a amazing body, don't ever let anything hold you back because you can do amazing things, come to think of it you already have but you're so young" Troye started to tear up too "thanks Tily, you have no idea how much that means because I don't hear that often" after he said that I got up, grabbed his hand and pulled him up to make his lips crash into mine, I bit his bottom lip gently and we kissed for a few minutes. When our bodies were inches apart and out lips were together moving together in harmony the world melted away as if the got sun was boiling the Earth away and we were the only people alive. The next day we went to a cake place to find a cake, we still didn't know when or where we were getting married but were looking for cake ideas then the location. After we found a cake we went to a travel agency, we got a few dirty looks but it was fine, we decided to get married in Italy and have our honeymoon in Italy and we would get married June 20th, 2014 so we have 5 months to plan the wedding. We got home and made the guest list that way we knew how much food and cake we needed, we picked the design of the cake but didn't know how many people so we were going to call the lady and tell her how much we needed. We went through and had 500 people, on our list we had a whole bunch of youtubers, friends, and family, even the two girls and the boy we met at La Caille, they were so nice so we though they should be there for this. We've tweeted at each other a few times and have even helped Troye by tweeting at him a few times and it made him laugh and smile since they were really nice things. I DM'd them that night saying we would pay for their plane ticket and hotel and they are were so happy and said they'd come out for it. We got a lot done that day and it was amazing, we got so much done for the big day yet there was so much yet to be done, it was a start though and it kept us busy all day, we met with Joey and Shane for dinner at Olive Garden. It was nice quiet place and we had a great time eating and laughing , it was nice to look over and see Troye laughing and actually eating instead of just playing with his food like he did when he was depressed, when he was depressed he would either play with his food then eat or eat half his food and play with it then ask me to take it, I hope Troye stays like this for awhile because I liked him like this and I knew he did too. I wish I could could take this away but 'tis a consumation devoutly to be wished, a line from Hamlet I know thanks to be Troye who actually gave me a couple of lesions in acting and we would have the best time, whenever Troye would play a girl part I would laugh so much because it was so high pitched, he did a great girls impression but he would do the high pitched one to make me laugh. We were laying in bed talking about our theme, we decided to to do a drama theme and have it classy for the ceremony and something fun for the reception like people making short films. That night I dreamed about our special day where we would say I do in front of 500 people. I woke up from my amazing dream and looked thorugh Twitter and a girl by the user name @BMsHooligan tweeted me @BMsHooligan: Hi Tyler just wanted to say congrats on the wedding :) I tweeted her back @tyleroakley: thanks :)I'm so happy with Troye, would you like to come to the wedding? @BMsHooligan: omg yassssss I'd LOVE to :D @tyleroakley: awesome :). It was awesome to get our fans involved in everything, we were going to film the ceremony and vlog parts of the reception so we can get viewers as involved as possible, we were going to invite one more lucky fan to by contest that way one more lucky fan can be with us on our big day too. I loved doing things like this because it made my fans happy and the one thing I want is for my people to be happy and keep in touch with me as I get more subscribers, I know when a lot of youtubers get bigger they lose touch with their viewrs and I don't want that to happen with me, I want to get as close to my people as I can. A/N: hey guys so I'm only a day late haha CX sorry I had like no idea where to go with this for the last part then thought of it. Thanks for Gloria (a.k.a @BMsHooligan on twitter and Lori_V on here and she is actually writing her own fanfic :) so go check it out! xoxoxo ~ Nikole

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2014 ⏰

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