ghost girl

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running from the room in a daze
stumbling through the hallways amazed
at how the once kind boy who held her close
could be the one to betray her the most
the tears leak without her consent
as she thought of the hours she had spent
weeping over a boy who cared for nothing
except his own damn self loving
her eyes grow weary from the waterfall pouring
but when she looks up a stranger is running towards her soaring
he notices her staring and begins to stumble
causing his book holding hands to fumble
all at once his sheets of papers fly against walls
as they slip and slide decorating the halls
his eyes were bewildered as he fell to the floor
banging his head against a bathroom door
cursing himself as he gives her a kind smile
the first smile she's seen in awhile
she picks up the fallen papers by her feet
analysing each and every sheet
the drawings of each captured beauty
she hands them to him shakily
and he smiles down at her weakly
a pure, genuine smile that causes her to blink
and for a moment she cannot think
he fumbles as he speaks
for the girl he had loved for many weeks
sat tear stained before him
her body shivering
her legs shaking
her hands twitching
her eyes unblinking
the girl he so badly longed to hold
was shining right before him like liquid gold
he offered his palm to help her stand
praying she didnt notice his sweaty hand
she took it with slight hesitation
feeling the slight condensation
her brows furrow as she stands with his aid
he gulps and begins to regret the decision he made
but then she smiles at his worries are at ease
she looks down as she pulls at her sleeves
the two stand in akward silence
and for a few minutes are at utter peace with no violence
but then the bell rings in all its glory
and all the students are released from each story
the ghost girls eyes widen in fear
proceeding to mutter something the boy couldnt hear
and without a goodbye she takes off quickly
knocking into people as she mumbles apologies
all the boy can do is stare
as he watches his love run away from him
admiring the slight red tint to her hair.

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