lover boy

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she sat alone during lunch
the way her body curved in a hunch
with her head down low
not a single emotion on show
she picked at a sandwich absent mindedly
tearing it apart blindly
sighing she sets her head on the empty table
ignoring the whispers that stuck to her like a label

he stood in the shadows clutching a tray
his friends could be heard as they beckoned him their way
but after awhile the noises became a blur
as all he could focus on was her
swallowing a lump in his throat
feeling his phone buzz from his coat
ignoring the message
he gathered his little courage
and slowly made his way to where she sat
and straight off the bat
the entire room becomes silent
as the ghost girl is then compliant
she stares at the boy in disbelief
"Hey i brought you a sandwich, it's beef."

sitting down he cringes at his greeting
thinking she may not want him there he readied himself to leave his seating
but then she smiles and mumbles a timid hi
and he grins as he tucks into his cherry pie
they sit in comfortable silence until everyone else has finished
and then she begins to speak and all his thoughts are diminished
as he focuses soley on her tone
her soft caring voice chilling him to the bone
they discuss books and their favorite colours
and whether or not they have sisters or brothers
their idle chatter is ongoing
the ghost girls playful side is soon showing

but all good things must come to an end
and the time has come for the ghost girl to blend
so she bids the boy a soft farewell
as she walks away he realises the more they speak the harder in love he fell

he walks through the halls in a daze
even the yelling behind him doesnt faze
it was only when he was grabbed from behind and shoved into a wall
did he realise loving the ghost girl wasnt going to be easy at all

the sleazy boy was in his face
his blue eyes darting all over the place
snarling incoherent slurs
the boy couldnt hear his words
only after a punch to his face was he snatched of his joy

"Just stay away from her loverboy."

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