She Came From Outer Space

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-Eli POV-

When we got back on the ship, I could hear a loud blaring siren. I looked at the screen near Hat Kid's vault, it read out the words 'Intruder Alert' in red flashing letters. When I looked down the ramp, I found that Mustache Girl was standing at the bottom.

"Are you ready to take down some Mafia?! Let's do it, I'm psyched!" She squealed.

We made our way to a pink room with red carpet. It had a closed up window, a huge blackboard, and the door had a window that the outside said 'Tutorial'. Hat Kid and I sat down at two gray desks, with notepads and some blueprints on each.

"Let's go over the plan! All assaults need a good plan, or it'll be a flop!" Mustache Girl explained.

I just now noticed that she had an accent, but I couldn't pinpoint where from though. English maybe? No, it's definitely an English accent.

My thoughts were snapped back to the blackboard where there was a disturbing drawing of her cutting one of the Mafia's head off.

"First, we strangle them! Choke 'em and watch 'em beg for mercy! That'll show them!" She thought for a moment "No, wait, strangling is too kind..."

She flipped the blackboard and showed another frightening image, one where she was kicking one of the Mafia in the head with an arrow pointing to a jar filled with, presumably, blood and guts.

"We smash them together into mush, and put their remains in a jar! Then, we sell the jar for pocket money! That'll be the ultimate salt in the wound!"

I could feel my face get pale as she spoke. The malice and hatred in her eyes was alarming. But the worst part was that she was smiling! I look over at Hat Kid, who was just as terrified as me. The poor kid must be petrified!

Mustache Girl looked at us and saw our terrified faces, clearing her throat and moving on "But first we have to make it through their Mafia HQ..."

"How do we-" I started to say, but she kept talking.

"Once we find and dethrone the Mafia Boss, the rest will follow! Then our mush and jar party will be no problem!"

Mustache Girl erased the jar of mush from the blackboard, drawing a hat on it.

"We've gotta get you gals geared up! Eli, you need a cool hat! Not a basic one! We don't do basic in this gang!"

"How do I-"

"Yarn can be found around Mafia Town and used to stitch new hats! If you're crafty of course. I've collected one for you! Catch!"

She tossed me a ball of red and white yarn. It looked as if it had wings. I immediately got to work with the other ball of yarn that Hat Kid gave me earlier. In no time, I had a Sprint Hat.

"Now you're a killing machine! Let's go get them!" Mustache Girl cheered.

We exited the tutorial room and made our way to the kitchen again. It looked like it was raining in Mafia Town from the telescope.

I looked at Hat Kid "Ready, Hat Kid?"

She nodded and giggled. She's such a cute kid! While I was looking at the telescope, she prepared the teleporter.


When we reached the town, we were placed by a boat docking station. I looked out at the ocean. I always love looking out at a wide open sea, imagining the wind blowing through my hair and the sun beaming on my skin on a boat. God, I wish I was out exploring the sea with my parents.

I snap out of my thoughts when I hear a loud 'Splat!'. Hat kid had jumped face first into a giant mud puddle. I would've scolded her, but I saw how the Mafia reacted to her being covered in mud. When the Mafia caught a glimpse of her, they cowered and ran away screaming.

"Kid. You're a genius" I said with pride, jumping down into the puddle myself and rolling around in it to make myself fully muddy.

She caught a glimpse of something shiny and pointed up at the object.

"Your time piece... It's on that tower. Let's go!"

Everywhere we went, the Mafia ran away. Hat Kid giggled and smiled as they ran, falling in extra puddles along the way so the mud didn't wash off in the rain. She approached the large tower and climbed up a ladder with me following closely.

"This is gonna be so fun!" I whispered to her.

We walked up to a weird-looking member of the Mafia. He wore the blue pinstriped suit, but underneath his jacket was a yellow and orange plaid shirt, along with a red and white striped bow tie. Part of his jacket was ripped. On his feet were yellow sneakers, and topping off his outfit was some green glasses. In his hand was what we were after, the time piece.

"What the... Huh?! It's... It's slimy space aliens!" He screamed "Mafia saw spaceship! Mafia being invaded by aliens! Ahhhh!"

He ran away screaming, jumping into another tower. He screamed louder when he realized that we were following him. We jumped on a sort of banner, catching up to him quickly. He bolted toward a balloon-suspended base, panting hard and begging for mercy when we approached.

"Leave Mafia alone, you monsters! Here, if Mafia give you this hourglass, will aliens go away?!"

Hat kid jumped grabbed the time piece, taking me back down to the ground and back to the ship with her.

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