Chapter 14

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Yami and Crystal were walking around the city after dinner, the silence between them didn't push them apart, it actually pulled them closer to each other.

"So tell me..."

"Yes?" Crystal looked up at Yami who was innocently looking at the ground, and she couldn't help but giggle.

"Am I half of the Pharaoh I was back then?"

"No." Crystal sighed, "You're nothing like him, and I doubt you ever will be." This line almost hurt Yami's feelings, he wanted to be who he was before, all the time he wanted to know more and here she was, telling him he won't ever be him, "And no, I don't mean that in a bad way..."


"The Pharaoh didn't have good friends like You do. He had servants and he had a few acquaintances, but he never felt friendship."


"Yeah... he also didn't have a panda as a spirit buddy." Crystal giggled, the joke making Yami laugh, what she said make sense to him, he learned a lot from Yugi and he doubted there was a Yugi back then too.

"Thank you." Yami smiled, "I guess I needed that."

"Anytime." Crystal gazed up at the moon, and it became clear to Yami why she was so attracted to the moon's glow, her light blue eyes blended perfectly with the moon.

"Let's head home." Yami spoke softly, trying not to scare her if she was lost in thought.

"Nah. I think I have one more activity for us to do before the night is over. But that does require us to go home and grab our duel disks."

"You want to duel?" Yami stared blankly at the girl in front of him.

"I want a rematch. This time with nothing at stake." Crystal smiled brightly at him, "Just a friendly duel."

"Alright." Yami chuckled as they walked back to the game shop and grabbed their duel disks.

"Just saying you're gonna hate my deck."

"Pft, I'll beat you in seconds!"

"Try me." Crystal and Yami ran out to the parking lot, activated their duel disks.

"Alright, Ladies first."

"Oh? Then go ahead." Crystal giggled before shrugging, "That's fine by me."

"Duel!" They both shouted and drawn their cards. Crystal smirked and placed a Monster card.

"I place Mystery Shell Dragon in Attack Mode! Then I put 3 cards face down!"

"Back to your usual deck?"


"Then I draw!" Yami pulled Curse of Dragon,  "I now place Curse of Dragon in Attack mode and I attack your Mystery Shell Dragon!" Yami's monster materialized and went to attack her monster when she giggled.

"You activated Blazing Mirror Force!" This destroyed the dragon, taking 1000 LP from both of them, "Nice try, but I  saw your plan a mile away."

"Smart." Yami smirked, "I place one card face down and end my turn."

"I draw." Crystal looked at the card and started to laugh, "I pulled the one card I wanted. The heart of the cards is a beautiful thing. I place Defender, the Magical Knight in Defense mode and end my turn."

"I summon Gaia the Fierce Knight onto the field, then I activate Monster Reborn to bring back my Curse of Dragon! Then I will activate Polymerization! Fusing together to making Gaia the Dragon Champion!" Yami grinned, "I attack your Mystery Shell Dragon!"

"Not so fast, Yami! You keep forgetting my Strategy! I activate United we Stand! It gives my Mystery Shell dragon an extra 1600 ATK points!"

She's really good Yugi spoke to Yami, who smiled in response.

Tell me about it.

"Now your monster is destroyed, and you lose 1000 LP! Making you go down to just a mere 2000. While mine remains untouched."

"Crystal, you are quite the duelist." 

"Thanks." Crystal smiled, "I'm sorry, but would it be okay if I beat you?"

"Well, it's a fair duel, isn't it?"

"Yeah..." Crystal smiled, "Sorry Yami, but I summon Spirit of the Harp, then I sacrifice all three to summon Beast King Barbaros! Then I equip him with United we stand!"

"Giving him a grand total of 3800." Yami smiled, finishing her sentence, and she nodded, her confidence shining as bright as the moon to him.

She's actually kind of adorable like this Pharaoh.

What do you mean by that?

Well, she's not as stressed as she usually is. She's calm and happy, that's showing up so much.

I see what you mean.

"I attack your life points directly!" Beast King Barbaros attacked him directly and his life points reached 0, making the hologram disappear.

"You win." He grinned at her.

"I did! I won!" Crystal jumped up in excitement, and smiled brightly up at Yami, "That was fun."

"Yes, it was. You dueled very well, and I applaud you for that. But I think we should head home so we can sleep."

"Yes." Crystal started to walk towards the building, as Yami smiled at the spot they just dueled.

She's getting really good at this. I can't wait to release her from that wretched card, she deserves to be free.

Yes, she does. But what are you going to do about it Pharaoh?

I'm not sure yet.

"Yami! Come on!" Crystal shouted from the front of the building, and Yami smiled before walking over to the house. They both went in and said their goodnights, Yami let Yugi take over so he could get some sleep.

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