Chapter 24

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Crystal awoke, Grandpa had gotten another bed to put in Yugi's room for her, and now that she was free, they all started treating her more like a person without the idea of her being actually a monster as a wall. She walked out and started cooking breakfast, she reminded herself to get to work on Yami's french toast. Soon enough Yugi and Grandpa woke up, luckily she was just about done with breakfast.

"Good morning, Crystal." Grandpa smiled gleefully.

"Good morning, guys." Crystal spoke happily, looking over her shoulder to suddenly see Yami looking right at her, she was scared at first but she realized he was see-through so she calmed her heart rate down.

"What's for breakfast?" Yugi asked curiously.

"Sausage and Gravy. Yami gets French toast with strawberry and banana, with powdered sugar on top this time."

"Mmm, that sounds good." Grandpa said with his mouth drooling.

"Well, it's done now." Crystal made their plates and placed them down in front of both of them, "Time to eat up."

"Thank you." Grandpa started to eat as did Yugi as Crystal continued with Yami's meal, and he appeared beside her, making her jump a little.

"Sorry." Yami said quietly, "I was just, wondering if I could watch you make my food."

"U-Uh..." Crystal coughed before nodding slightly, before returning back to chopping up the banana and strawberries. Yami watched closely when suddenly Crystal's hand slipped and she cut her finger with the tip of the knife, "Ow..." Crystal hissed as her finger begun to bleed.

"You okay?" Yugi asked curiously, but he saw Yami looking at her in concern, "Did you cut yourself?"

"I did but erghh I'll be okay" Crystal's words were slurred as she sucked on her bleeding finger, as Yami looked on, wishing to be of more use to her, "I'll be fine." She repeated.

"Alright. Tell me if you need me to take over." Crystal continued to cut up the strawberries despite her still bleeding finger, making sure no blood got on the flood as she then moved on to the powdered sugar, and she sprinkled it over the plate, covering everything.

"I'm done." Crystal went to grab the plate when Yugi grabbed it.

"I'll place it on the table for Yami, you go wash your hand and get a band-aid."

"Okay..." Crystal walked off to the kitchen as Yugi allowed Yami to take over to eat the food.

"I feel almost guilty."

"Why's that Pharaoh?" Grandpa asked curiously.

"She got hurt making this for me and she hasn't even eaten anything." Yami's stomach lost its appetite as he put down his fork.

"Yes but Crystal works very passionately and hard on your food, for you to eat it." Grandpa smiled, "Crystal cares about our food more than her own, she usually grabs a pop-tart to eat and she's usually good for the day. So I would recommend you start eating before she comes back in here." Yami smiled softly, and nodded. He started to eat, each bite he thought about what Grandpa said over and over until the plate was empty.

"Was it good?" Crystal asked as she walked into the kitchen.

"Delicious, thank you." Yami stood up and grabbed all three of the plates, "I'll wash them, your hand isn't in a good shape to be exposed to water."

"Thank you, Yami." Crystal smiled before heading to the living room and plopped down on the couch. She then proceeded to go through her deck, seriously thinking out strategies and spells to use.

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