Chapter 32

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Crystal was being worked on by Kaiba's best doctors, as Yugi decided to try to talk to him in private.



"Can I talk to you in private?"

"Listen Yugi. I need to be here for when she's done."

"No. It won't take long at all." Yugi pleaded.

"Fine." Kaiba followed Yugi to a secluded hallway, "What is it?"

"Do you have a crush on her?" Yugi didn't exactly mean to be so blunt, but it kind of slipped out like that.

"In a matter of fact yes I do. I'm attracted to her, and I got this plan to take her home to be the new addition to the Kaiba family."

"Kaiba, are you sure she feels the same for you?"

"How couldn't she?" Kaiba huffed in annoyance, that's when he heard one of his doctors say they were finished, "I have to go. I got a girl to make mine." Yugi glared at him as he walked past him.

"Is it bad that I really hope she rejects him?"

Not one bit.

"Crystal." Kaiba spoke as he walked into the room and she looked up at him with a soft smile.

"Yes Seto?"

"Can you come with me? I have a surprise for you."

"Huh? Doing something for me? What's the catch? What do I have to give you?"

"Nothing, come with me." Kaiba gently grabbed her hand and led her down the hall to a room, "Here." He opened the door, the room was decorated to be very romantic, he had Mokuba set a fresh batch of flowers on the table for her.

"Whoa..." Crystal's eyes sparkled at the sight, unknowing to the ghost like Pharaoh who was eavesdropping.

"Now..." Kaiba walked over and grabbed a small box, "Crystal I know I haven't known you for as long... but..." He walked over and opened the box, a ring with the most beautiful diamond ever was resting in it, "Will you join me in marriage?" Crystal then smiled sympathetically at him, almost as if her response broke her own heart as much as it would his.

"Sorry... Seto..." Her smile fell, "I'm unable to return your feelings." Kaiba gaped at her in surprise, "Seto, you taught me how to duel when I wasn't the brightest on it, you gave me the cards I have in my deck, but I cannot give my love back to you, because I don't see you like that."

"How do you see me...?"

"I see you as someone who's above me in all fields, someone I look up to, as inspiration for me to become a better duelist." Kaiba sighed, "Not only that but you claimed a spot in my heart." Kaiba looked at her in surprise again.

"What do you mean?"

"You're very precious to me, Seto... and I wish I could tell you why you feel the way you do towards me, but even if I did you wouldn't believe me. Plus my ring is destroyed... so I can't show you either." Kaiba could feel his heart melt as she held his face with one of her hands, and he nodded slightly, understanding.

"As long as you know I'm not gonna give up until you see me as more..."

"Seto..." Crystal's expression turned dark, "I don't have much longer here..."


"A spirit left the spirit realm, and because he was destroyed when my ring shattered, he can no longer return to the spirit realm, which means the spirit realm requires a soul to replace him."

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