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"Papyrus! Wake up you slob!" I yelled getting ready for the day, papyrus always sleeps for 12 hours everyday and its so annoying, dealing with him, i didn't hear him wake up, well i didn't really need him awake right now but, who knows a human might come today, not like they never come anyways. *sigh* i walked back upstairs with a cup of water, i poured it into my brothers open mouth making him gag, he coughed and sat up, he was wide awake now, "hurry up and get ready!" I screamed in his face, so i walked back down the steps and grabbed a piece of toast, when he came down i stuffed it in his mouth, and walked out the door, Papyrus followed me to his post, "don't fall asleep or you'll get no lunch or dinner!" I yelled as he nodded, i growled as i walked down the snowy path for my Royal Guard duty.
Papyrus can be such a annoying bastard sometimes, but luckily he doesn't slack off just as much, i kinda wish i didn't have to deal with him all the time, i want to know why he was so lazy or if its just his nature, but it gets so frustrating when dealing with him, i just want to have a whole day, or week without him.
As I was walking down the path i wasn't thinking, thats how i found my self on the ground with a pain in my head, in front of a figure, holding a axe. Oh shit. The figure raised the weapon high, I tried using my magic but they didn't work, then i felt the pain in my head worsen. Darkness covered my eyes.

I was just sitting around in the forest by myself, i wanted to be after what happened, NCG just raped me, and it wasn't good, nor pleasant, it hurt like hell, and i didn't even want it to happen, it made me throw up before just thinking about it, i didn't want to, but it was the worst time in my life. Yeah i might live in Underlust, but that doesn't mean everything and everyone has to have lust in them. Like me. I felt sick thinking about what would happen if someone saw me and did the same thing like NCG oh god. I lurched forwards, throwing up everything i ate for breakfast and lunch, along with spit and mucus. I took a fluffy jacket from papy's room, it was to cover me up, i didn't really like to show much bones off, i just did it to fit in.
I stood up from my spot when i heard a crack i turned around to see who it was, there was no one there, until i heard a laugh, i didn't want to find out who's it was so i just ran inot the deepest part of the woods, i looked back to see no one following me, so i turned around to stop only to trip on a root and land on my ribs hearing a crack, i groaned and looked forwards there was a pair of golden boots, and the bottom of a cape, i tried to stand up, the mysterious person or monster held me down with something, i felt the world spinning around me, i felt relaxed and wat hed the world turn dark as i closed my sockets. (Screw logic again)

Another radical day for me, yay. I rolled my eyes, and stood up from bed, it was about 12 o'clock at night, but it didn't show here. I groaned as i looked up at the blank world around me, i sighed and put on my signature smile, and glasses, i opened a portal, and hoped through, it was quiet here, no one was awake yet, good, i jumped up on a wall and sat down, i let my smile turn to a frown as i watched the stars around me, outertale, the most calmest AU there is, it helped me clear my thoughts of any bad ones, but when i see outer sans with his broseph, i feel alone, i lost my world, my brother, my life, and now i'm stuck in a white void of nothingness, all the other sans' are afraid of me, except error, he just thinks i'm a glitch, well i am mostly. Whenever i go around him, i feel a vibe like, i'm safe, though he always try's to kill me, i don't want to feel afraid anymore, i don't want others to feel afraid of me, but thats not gonna happen. I closed my eyes when i felt a calming aura around me, i felt free, i felt relaxed i felt... like i can't be hurt anymore. It was nice. Calming. Friendly. I sunk deeper into the feeling not wanting it to go away. I fell asleep with the soothing feeling.

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